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Release 5.0 (Expected March 2024)

These are DRAFT release notes. The notes will be updated until & when 5.0 is released

Release 5.0 is a major functional release focused on usability, both from the point of view of the first-time user of Egeria, and developers of the code. It has six themes:

  • Simplified up and running - improvements to the OMAG Server Platform and administration services to make it easier to set up and run, plus new sample server configurations, and a python client for basic administration calls.
  • Content pack of connector metadata - metadata to pre-configure the connectors supplied with Egeria, and provide valid value sets describing technology types and file types.
  • UI back-end consolidation - updates to the view server to allow both Egeria UIs to connect to it whether it is running in the OMAG Server Platform or OMAG Server Runtime. This eliminates the need to run the Egeria UI application.
  • Digital Product Support - new APIs for creating a digital product catalog.
  • Survey Support - new framework, services and report utility to support the surveying of digital resources to understand its contents before embarking on wholesale cataloguing and governance.
  • Reduction of technical debt - there has been internal code changes to remove deprecated code, remove the duplication of type information, and many bug fixes :).
Open Metadata Types
  • The Anchors classification is able to store the type of the anchor as well as its GUID.
  • A new classification called RootCollection can be added to a collection entity to indicate that it is the root of collection hierarchy.
  • The Collection entity has a new attribute called collectionType that can be used to identify the concept that the collection represents.
  • A new supertype called Action has been added to the ToDo and EngineAction.
  • The ActionSponsor relationship now links an Action to a Referenceable.
  • The ToDo entity has a new attribute called lastReviewTime.
  • The EngineAction entity has new attributes called requesterUserId and requestedStartDate.
  • A new classification called PersonalProject can be added to a project entity to indicate that it is an informal project that have been created by an individual to help them organize their work.
  • A new classification called StudyProject can be added to a project entity to indicate that it is a focused analysis of a topic, person, object or situation.
  • A new classification called DataScope can be added to a referenceable entity (typically a DataStore or DataSet) to define the scope of the associated data resource in space and time.
  • Although not yet implemented in the Engine Host, there are types for a new type of governance engine called the ContextEventEngine and its corresponding governance service called ContextEventService. This new engine is for managing context events, scheduling and associated actions.
  • A new entity called a ContextEvent plus associated elements has been added to provide a means to capture significant events that impact users, data, services, etcetera, to be recorded and used to explain why blips occurred in the past, or plan and take action to mitigate against blips in the future.
  • There is a new schema extraction relationship called DiscoveredLinkedDataField that can be used to describe associations between data fields. The DataField entity has new attributes to align it more closely with SchemaAttribute.
  • There are new lineage relationships called UltimateSource and UltimateDestination can be used to capture the size and edges of an element's lineage graph have been added.
  • The GroupedMedia relationship is deprecated in favour of DataContentForDataSet.
  • The DataFile type has a attribute called fileExtension. New types that inherit from DataFile have been defined for a wide range of file types: SpreadsheetFile, XMLFile, AudioFile, VideoFile, 3DImageFile, RasterFile, VectorFile, SourceCodeFile, ExecutableFile, ScriptFile, BuildInstructionFile, YAMLFile, PropertiesFile, and ArchiveFile. There is also a new relationship called ArchiveFileContents to identify the contents of an archive file.
  • There are new attributes called isCaseSensitive and category for ValidValueDefinition that provides additional information used to match valid values. In addition, there are two new types of valid value relationship: ValidValueAssociation and ConsistentValidValues.
  • The ConnectorType entity has a new attribute called deployedImplementationType to allow a connector writer to record the deployed implementation type that the connector works with.
  • The Template classification has a new property called versionIdentifier. This model also includes a new relationship called CatalogTemplate to identify a template for a particular type of technology.
  • The CatalogTarget relationship has two new properties: configurationProperties and metadataSourceQualifiedName.
  • The Topic entity how has a topicName attribute.
  • ConsistentValidValue is a new relationship that links valid values that represent different properties, and are typically seen together in the same data item.
  • SpecificationPropertyAssignment is a new relationship that links a valid value that represents a type of configurable property with the element that represents the associated implementation.
XTDB repository connector is now in egeria.git

The XTDB repository connector is now located in the core Egeria git repository which means it is always available in the containers and distributions. This change is in recognition that XTDB is our premier metadata repository. There are three new administration commands to simplify the configuration of an XTDB repository.

  • Configure XTDB with an in-memory repository
  • Configure XTDB with a local file-based key-value store
  • Configure XTDB with a connection, allowing more complex configurations to be set up

The java package name of the integrated version of the connector has changed from org.odpi.egeria.connectors.juxt.xtdb.repositoryconnector.XtdbOMRSRepositoryConnectorProvider to org.odpi.openmetadata.adapters.repositoryservices.xtdb.repositoryconnector.XTDBOMRSRepositoryConnectorProvider so it is possible to continue to run the original version of the XTDB connector in V5.0.

XTDB hang, or platform exit due to mismatch crypto library

On the latest level of the MacOs operating system we have experienced hangs during server startup, or the OMAG Server Platform exiting with a message complaining about the unsafe load of a cryptographic library. A question has been raised with the XTDB community to find out more about this library. In the meantime, there is a workaround if you see this issue: set the following environment variables before starting your OMAG Server Platform. This switches XTDB to using its own cryptography libraries.

Improved/changed terminology

The following concepts have been renamed to improve the clarity of their function, particularly in the documentation.

Open Lineage Services and Open Lineage Server renamed to Lineage Warehouse Services and Lineage Warehouse respectively

Our use of the term "open lineage" for our lineage governance server has been causing confusion with the newer Open Lineage standard and project. As a result, the Egeria Open Lineage Services are now called the Lineage Warehouse Services and the OMAG Server they run is called the Lineage Warehouse. The new name is more descriptive and avoiding clashing names is desirable. The change has been made cleanly both to the code and the document site (ie no backward compatible deprecated methods) to ensure the name clashing is completely removed. Every should work as before, except that when migrating an open lineage server to version 5.0, it is necessary to reconfigure what was the open lineage services section to the new lineage warehouse services section. The structure is the same, but the class name has changed from OpenLineageConfig to LineageWarehouseConfig, and the connectorProviderClassName of the JanusGraph connector has changed from org.odpi.openmetadata.openconnectors.governancedaemonconnectors.openlineageconnectors.janusconnector.graph.LineageGraphConnectorProvider to org.odpi.openmetadata.openconnectors.governancedaemonconnectors.lineagewarenouseconnectors.janusconnector.graph.LineageGraphConnectorProvider. Full details of this change are describes in the Administration Guide.

Governance Action is renamed to Engine Action

If you have been using Egeria for a while, you may be familiar with the term Governance Action as the mechanism used to control the execution of automated actions in the Engine Hosts. In release 5.0, Governance Action is renamed to Engine Action to create a greater name differentiation between the concepts that are used to define the governance behaviour and those used to control the execution of this behaviour. The term Governance Action is now used as a general term for a Governance Action Process or a Governance Action Type. There is also a differentiation between a Governance Action Type that is used to initiate a standalone Engine Action and a specialized Governance Action Type called a Governance Action Process Step that describes a single step in a Governance Action Process.

New Python client called pyegeria

A new python client called pyegeria for Egeria's administrative, platform and server operational services is available on pypi. Future plans include coverage of all view services and the metadata highway and governance server operational services.

Improved administration
New administration commands for basic server properties

The administration services support new commands to set up, retrieve and clear the basic server properties in a server's configuration document in one operation. These properties are serverDescription, organizationName, localServerUserId, localServerPassword and maxPageSize. The new calls are described in the Administration Guide.

New administration command to retrieve the metadata collection name

The administration services support a new command to retrieve the metadata collection name set up for a repository in a cohort member server. This complements the calls to set up the metadata collection name and metadata collection id, and retrieve the metadata collection id.

New administration commands for the Engine Host

The administration services support new commands to simplify the configuration of an engine host. It is no longer necessary to match the type of the engines you are configuring with the associated engine service. You can now specify a single list of governance engine that you want to run in the engine host and Egeria will work out which engine service to manage each of them. See the Administration Guide for more information.

New administration commands for the Integration Daemon

The administration services support new commands to simplify the configuration of an integration daemon. It is now possible to configure all the integration services in a single call. There are also new methods to work with all the configuration in the integration daemon services as a single request. See the Administration Guide for more information.

New administration commands for the View Server

The administration services support new commands to simplify the configuration of an view server. It is now possible to configure all the view services in a single call. See the Administration Guide for more information.

Placeholder variables supported in the configuration document

It is possible to add placeholders in string properties of an OMAG Server's configuration document. The replacement values are configured either by a REST API call (OMAG Server Platform only), or, more typically in the for either the OMAG Server Platform or OMAG Server Runtime. The placeholders are replaced by these values each time the server starts. This means that the server can be run in different environments without reconfiguring the server. Full details can be found in the Configuration Document documentation.

Support for default configuration documents

There is a new property supported by the OMAG Server Platform that allows a default configuration document to be set up for the configuration document store. This provides the initial content for each new server configuration created on the platform. The new property is called platform.default.config.document and is described in the Administration Guide.

Placeholder properties supported in metadata templates

It is possible to add placeholders to properties in metadata elements that are used as templates when creating new metadata elements. The replacement values are supplied on the request to create the new element from the template.

Improved framework services

The framework services provide common services to the Open Metadata Access Services (OMASs). The Governance Action Framework Service includes a new set of services called the Open Governance Service that provides services to define governance actions such as governance action processes and governance action types, and the initiation of engine actions either directly or via a governance action process or governance action type.

All OMASs now have clients for the Connected Asset Service, Open Metadata Store, Open Governance Service and the Open Integration Service.

New Survey Action Framework (SAF)

The Survey Action Framework (SAF) supports a new type of connector called a survey action service that implements a survey of the contents of a particular digital resource such as a directory (folder) on the filesystem, a database or a file. The results of its analysis are stored in open metadata as a survey report linked off of the asset that describes the surveyed resource. The purpose of the survey report is to help in the initial understanding of a deployed IT landscape to help decide where to focus future effort in cataloguing and governing key resources. They can also be scheduled to run at regular intervals, creating a history of how the digital resource is changing over time.

There are implementations of three survey action services: one for a directory (folder, once for a file and another, more specialised service, for CSV files. There is also a SurveyReport utility to print the resulting report.

The survey action services run in the Engine Host. There is a new Open Metadata Engine Service (OMES) to support survey action services. It is called the Survey Action OMES.

Open Discovery Framework (ODF) is now deprecated

The function of the Survey Action Framework (SAF) is based on the Open Discovery Framework (ODF), which has now been deprecated. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly the use of the term "discovery" in the framework's name is unfortunate since it is not the only mechanism that Egeria has for discovering metadata. This makes the descriptions about metadata discovery confusing. Secondly, the Open Discovery Framework has some usability issues relating to the discovery of schemas that have now been fixed in the Survey Action Framework. The Open Discovery Framework will remain in the codebase for at least 6 months to allow time for the existing open discovery services to move to the Survey Action Framework. It is recommended that all new implementations use the Survey Action Framework.

New Apache Atlas Survey Action Service

There is a new survey action service that provides a report on the content of an Apache Atlas server. It is called the Apache Atlas Survey Service. This survey action services complements the Apache Atlas Integration Connector that exchanges metadata between the open metadata ecosystem and an Apache Atlas server.

Extended support for file system monitoring

The context for all the Open Metadata Integration Services (OMIS) has been updated to support a file system listener. This means that integration connectors can easily monitor changing files and directories. This can be useful for situations where new information is being exchanged with open metadata using files such as CSV files and spreadsheets.

New View Service: Governance Author OMVS

Governance Author OMVS is a new view service for managing the definitions of governance action types and and governance action processes.

New View Service: Automated Curation OMVS

Automated Curation OMVS is a new view service that enable the user to set up integration connectors in an integration daemon, run engine actions and governance action processes.

New View Service: Feedback Manager OMVS

Feedback Manager OMVS is a new view service that supports the management of feedback (comments, likes, informal tags, notelogs and reviews) from users. The feedback support in Glossary Browser OMVS has been removed.

Improved anchor support

Anchor classifications now include the type name of the anchor entity. This allows the Anchor classification to be used to search for string values in any element that is anchored to a particular type of element.

Consolidation of UI Backend Services

Today there are two approaches to providing the backend services for a UI:

  • The OMAG Server Platform provides a set of view services. These are used by the React UI.
  • There is also a set of services in the Egeria UI Application. These are used by the General User UI.

The issue with this approach is when the same service is needed for both UIs, it has to be implemented twice, one in each runtime.

There is now a common approach for backend services, centered around the view server. This can run in the OMAG Server Platform, or the new single server OMAG Server runtime. The Open Metadata View Services (OMVSs) running in the view server will provide all the services for the UIs. To make this possible, new services for token management have been added to the OMAG Server Platform and OMAG Server runtimes. There are also updates to the view services. The change is summarized in the diagram below:

UI API migration

More details of the changes are described below:

New View Service: Asset Catalog OMVS

Asset Catalog OMVS is a new view service that supports the /assets and /lineage services from Egeria UI Application. There are two versions of each call, one of which is deprecated. The deprecated version exactly matches the API supported by the Egeria UI application, however, it does not manage exceptions in the way expected by an Egeria API. It will remain in place until the existing UI components are updated to support Egeria's standard exception handling.

Updates to Glossary Browser OMVS

Glossary Browser OMVS has been extended to support the /glossary services from the Egeria UI application. They are deprecated because they do not support the standard exception handling, but are in place to support existing UI components. Once the UI components have been updated to support the main API then these new services will be removed.

Changes to view service REST API URLs

The following Open Metadata View Services (OMVSs) (and all future OMVSs) support the new URL pattern of {{baseURL}}/servers/{{server}}/api/open-metadata/{{serviceURLRoot}}/...

The following OMVSs will continue to support the original URL pattern of {{baseURL}}/servers/{{server}}/open-metadata/view-services/{{serviceURLRoot}}/... until the React UI components are updated to support the new style of URL.

Deprecation of Egeria UI Application

Due to the addition of the new View Services and support for tokens in the OMAG Server Platform and OMAG Server runtimes, the Egeria UI Application is now deprecated. New UI components should use the Open Metadata View Services (OMVS).

Asset Catalog OMAS and Glossary View OMAS

The Glossary View OMAS and Asset Catalog OMAS function has now moved to Glossary Browser OMVS and Asset Catalog OMVS respectively and so Glossary View OMAS and Asset Catalog OMAS are no longer needed. They will remain in the codebase to support the Egeria UI Application and will be removed at the same time as this runtime.

New file extensions to Egeria' standard files

Files produced by Egeria supplied connectors now have specific file extensions to help identify them in the file system. Previously they used the file extension for their format 9such as .json.

File Extension File Type Name
omarchive Open Metadata Archive File
config OMAG Server Configuration Document
cohortregistry OMAG Server Cohort Registry
omalrecord Open Metadata Audit Log Record File
auditlog Open Metadata Audit Log Folder
openlineageevent Open Lineage Event File
ConnectorTypes can now identify the deployed implementation type for their connector

The developer for a connector can provide information about their connector's implementation in a connector type object that can be retrieved from its connector provider. The Open Connector Framework (OCF) has been extended to allow the connector type to include the deployed implementation type in addition to the type name of the asset subtype that this connector represents. Assets of this type are linked to connection objects via the ConnectionToAsset relationship.

Integration Connector Providers can now list catalog target types

The developer of an integration connector can provide information about the third party technology it exchanges metadata with through catalog target types.

Overriding configuration properties and metadataSourceQualifiedName for each catalog target

An integration connector's behaviour is controlled through a map of configuration properties passed in the configurationProperties attribute of the integration connector's connection object. It is now possible to override the settings of these properties for each catalog target that the integration connector is processing. These overriding configuration properties are stored in the CatalogTarget relationship's properties. Similarly, the metadata collection that elements catalogued by an integration connector is controlled by the metadataSourceQualifiedName attribute of the RegisteredIntegrationConnector relationship. It is now possible to override the metadata source qualified name for each catalog target that the integration connector is processing. The overriding value is also stored in the CatalogTarget relationship's properties.

Governance Service Providers can now export their specification

The developer of a governance service can provide information about the request types, request parameters and action target types it consumes and produces making it easier for consumers creating governance engine definitions, governance action types and governance action processes to incorporate the governance service into their work.

Extension to the OpenConnectorArchive

The OpenMetadataArchive.omarchive (was OpenMetadataArchive.json) now contains reference data for many file types and deployed implementation types. The deployed implementation types include details of Egeria's runtimes and services and how they link together. The deployed implementation types are also linked to details of the connectors that work with the associated technology. This is to assist someone setting up new automated curation and governance activities in the open metadata ecosystem.

IntelliJ HTTP Client

The omag-server-platform assembly created during an egeria build now includes script files that exercise Egeria's REST API services using IntelliJ's HTTP Client. These mirror the Postman collections that are also found in the assembly.

Default Audit Log console output has changed

The default audit log output to the console for newly configured servers will no longer include the Event log entries and the Types log entries. Existing servers will continue to log as before. The audit log entries displayed on the console by a server can be changed using the Administration Services.

Management of open metadata type definitions

As the Egeria code base evolved, sets of definitions for the unique identifiers and type names of the open metadata types appeared in multiple modules. There was a set in the open metadata archive helper, the generic handlers, multiple OMASs and the Governance Action Framework. This was in addition to the original definitions in the open metadata type archive itself. In release 5.0, these copies of the open metadata type identifiers have been consolidated into one set found in the Governance Action Framework. There is still work to change the type definitions in the open metadata type archive to use the definitions from the GAF. This change removes the inconsistencies and gaps in the definitions. It also makes it easier to discover where a particular open metadata type is used.

Removal of the Anonymous Repository Services

The anonymous versions to the OMRS Metadata Collection REST APIs have been removed from Egeria's runtimes since they do not include caller information, and therefore provide opportunities for a denial of service attack. These services were deprecated in version 2 of Egeria.

  • getMetadataCollectionId
  • getEntity
  • getRelationship

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