Class AssetCatalogRESTService


public class AssetCatalogRESTService extends Object
The AssetCatalogService provides the server-side implementation of the Asset Catalog Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS). This service provide the functionality to fetch asset's header, classification and properties.
  • Constructor Details

    • AssetCatalogRESTService

      public AssetCatalogRESTService()
  • Method Details

    • getAssetDetailsByGUID

      public AssetCatalogResponse getAssetDetailsByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String assetGUID, String assetTypeName)
      Fetch asset's header, classification and properties
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - the unique identifier for the user
      assetGUID - the unique identifier for the asset
      assetTypeName - the type of the asset
      the asset with its header and the list of associated classifications and specific properties
    • getAssetUniverseByGUID

      public AssetCatalogResponse getAssetUniverseByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String assetGUID, String assetTypeName)
      Fetch asset's header, classification, properties and relationships
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - the unique identifier for the user
      assetGUID - the unique identifier for the asset
      assetTypeName - the asset type
      the asset with its header and the list of associated classifications and relationship
    • getClassificationByAssetGUID

      public ClassificationListResponse getClassificationByAssetGUID(String serverName, String userId, String assetGUID, String assetTypeName, String classificationName)
      Fetch the classification for a specific asset
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - the unique identifier for the user
      assetGUID - the unique identifier for the asset
      assetTypeName - the type of the asset
      classificationName - the name of the classification
      ClassificationsResponse the classification for the asset
    • getAssetRelationships

      public RelationshipListResponse getAssetRelationships(String serverName, String userId, String assetGUID, String assetTypeName, String relationshipTypeName, Integer startFrom, Integer limit)
      Returns the asset relationships.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server
      userId - the unique identifier for the user
      assetGUID - the asset GUID
      assetTypeName - the asset type name
      relationshipTypeName - the relationship type name
      startFrom - the offset
      limit - page size to limit the number of the assets returned
      the asset relationships
    • searchByType

      public AssetListResponse searchByType(String serverName, String userId, String searchCriteria, SearchParameters searchParameters)
      Return a list of assets/glossary terms/schema elements matching the search criteria without the full context. If the searchParameters have an empty list of entity types, the response contains Glossary Terms, Schema Elements, Assets
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server
      userId - the unique identifier for the user
      searchCriteria - a string expression of the characteristics of the required assets
      searchParameters - constraints to make the assets' search results more precise
      list of properties used to narrow the search
    • searchByTypeName

      public AssetListResponse searchByTypeName(String serverName, String userId, String typeName)
      Return a list of assets/glossary terms/schema elements matching the type name without the full context. If the typeName is null or doesn't exist, the response contains an empty list. The list includes also subtypes.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server
      userId - the unique identifier for the user
      typeName - the assets type name to search for
      list of assets by type name or GUID
    • searchByTypeGUID

      public AssetListResponse searchByTypeGUID(String serverName, String userId, String typeGUID)
      Return a list of assets/glossary terms/schema elements matching the type GUID without the full context. If the typeGUID is null or doesn't exist, the response contains an empty list. The list includes also subtypes.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server
      userId - the unique identifier for the user
      typeGUID - the assets type GUID to search for
      list of assets by type name or GUID
    • buildContext

      public AssetResponse buildContext(String serverName, String userId, String assetGUID, String assetType)
      Return the full context of an asset/glossary term based on its identifier. The response contains the list of the connections assigned to the asset.
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - the unique identifier for the user
      assetGUID - the global unique identifier of the asset
      assetType - the type of the asset
      the context of the given asset/glossary term/schema element
    • getSupportedTypes

      public AssetCatalogSupportedTypes getSupportedTypes(String serverName, String userId, String type)
      Returns supported types for search with all sub-types. If type name is provided, it returns the type itself and the list of sub-types for it
      serverName - unique identifier for requested server.
      userId - user identifier that issues the call
      type - optional type name
      supported types
    • getOutTopicConnection

      public ConnectionResponse getOutTopicConnection(String serverName, String userId, String callerId)
      Return the connection object for the Asset Catalog OMAS's out topic.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - identifier of calling user.
      callerId - unique identifier of the caller
      connection object for the out topic or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException problem retrieving the discovery engine definition.