Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.assetconsumer.api

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.assetconsumer.api
The API package defines the Java interfaces supported by the Asset Consumer OMAS. These Java interfaces wrap the REST API calls to the server and the asynchronous event passing through Asset Consumer OMAS's Out Topic.
  • Class
    AssetConsumerAssetInterface supports queries to retrieve information about an asset.
    AssetConsumerEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the events produced by the Asset Consumer OMAS
    AssetConsumerEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Asset Consumer OMAS.
    AssetConsumerFeedbackInterface supports the ability to add and remove feedback for an asset.
    AssetConsumerGlossaryInterface supports the lookup of the meaning of a glossary term.
    AssetConsumerLoggingInterface supports the ability to add log messages to the local server's audit log about an asset.
    AssetConsumerTaggingInterface support the management and use of informal tags, whether public or private.