Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.assetlineage.event

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.assetlineage.event
Definitions of the different types of events that the Asset Lineage OMAS can publish.
  • Class
    AssetLineageEventHeader provides a common base for all events from the Data Engine access service.
    AssetLineageEventInterface defines how a client gets access to the configuration events produced by the Asset Lineage OMAS.
    AssetLineageEventListener is the interface that a client implements to register to receive the events from the Asset Lineage's out topic.
    AssetLineageEventType describes the different types of events can be produced by the Asset Lineage OMAS.
    The lineage event contains new or updated lineage graph context from assets.
    The lineage relationship event contains lineage graph context from relationships.
    The lineage event contains new or updated lineage graph context from assets.
    LineageSyncEvent is used to notify external consumers about AssetLineage internal processing.