
@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/open-metadata/access-services/asset-lineage/users/{userId}/") public class AssetLineageResource extends Object
The AssetLineageResource class is a Spring REST controller that provides endpoints for querying and publishing asset lineage information. It is part of the Asset Lineage OMAS (Open Metadata Access Service) and allows users to interact with the asset lineage.
  • Constructor Details

    • AssetLineageResource

      public AssetLineageResource()
  • Method Details

    • publishEntities

      @GetMapping(path="/publish-entities/{entityType}") public GUIDListResponse publishEntities(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String entityType, @RequestParam(required=false) @DateTimeFormat(iso=DATE_TIME) Date updatedAfterDate, @RequestParam(required=false) List<String> entitySubtypeGUIDs, @RequestParam(required=false) List<InstanceStatus> limitResultsByStatus, @RequestParam(required=false) SearchClassifications searchClassifications, @RequestParam(required=false) String sequencingProperty, @RequestParam(required=false) SequencingOrder sequencingOrder)
      Scan the cohort based on the given entity type and publish the contexts for the found entities to the out topic.
      serverName - name of server instance to call
      userId - the name of the calling user
      entityType - the name of the relationship type
      updatedAfterDate - match entities updated starting from this date forward. The date must be provided in the ISO format
      entitySubtypeGUIDs - optional list of the unique identifiers (guids) for subtypes of the entityTypeGUID to include in the search results. Null means all subtypes.
      limitResultsByStatus - By default, entities in all statuses are returned. However, it is possible to specify a list of statuses (eg ACTIVE) to restrict the results to. Null means all status values.
      searchClassifications - Optional list of entity classifications to match.
      sequencingProperty - String name of the entity property that is to be used to sequence the results. Null means do not sequence on a property name (see SequencingOrder).
      sequencingOrder - Enum defining how the results should be ordered.
      a list of unique identifiers (guids) of the available entities with the given type provided as a response
    • publishEntity

      @GetMapping(path="/publish-entity/{entityType}/{guid}") public GUIDListResponse publishEntity(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid, @PathVariable String entityType)
      Find the entity by guid and publish the context for it
      serverName - name of server instance to call
      userId - the name of the calling user
      guid - the guid of the entity to build context
      entityType - the name of the relationship type
      a list of unique identifiers (guids) of the available entity with the given type provided as a response
    • publishAssetContext

      @GetMapping(path="/publish-context/{entityType}/{guid}") public GUIDListResponse publishAssetContext(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid, @PathVariable String entityType)
      Find the entity by guid and publish the asset context for it. It applies for data tables and files.
      serverName - name of server instance to call
      userId - the name of the calling user
      guid - the guid of the entity to build context
      entityType - the name of the relationship type
      a list of unique identifiers (guids) of the available entities that exist in the published context
    • getOutTopicConnection

      @GetMapping(path="/topics/out-topic-connection/{callerId}") public OCFConnectionResponse getOutTopicConnection(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String callerId)
      Return the connection object for the Asset Lineage's OMAS's out topic.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      userId - identifier of calling user
      callerId - unique identifier of the caller
      connection object for the out topic or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException problem retrieving the discovery engine definition.