Interface CorrelatedMetadataElement

All Known Implementing Classes:
AssetElement, CommentElement, ConnectionElement, ConnectorTypeElement, DataAssetElement, EndpointElement, ExternalReferenceElement, ExternalReferenceLinkElement, GlossaryCategoryElement, GlossaryElement, GlossaryTermElement, GovernanceDefinitionElement, InformalTagElement, LikeElement, NoteElement, NoteLogElement, PortElement, ProcessElement, RatingElement, ReferenceableElement, SchemaAttributeElement, SchemaTypeElement, SoftwareCapabilityElement, ValidValueElement

public interface CorrelatedMetadataElement
CorrelatedMetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements. It adds the header information that is stored with the properties. This includes detains of its unique identifier, type and origin.
  • Method Details

    • getElementHeader

      ElementHeader getElementHeader()
      Return the element header associated with the open metadata element.
      element header object
    • setElementHeader

      void setElementHeader(ElementHeader elementHeader)
      Set up the element header associated with the open metadata element.
      elementHeader - element header object
    • getCorrelationHeaders

      List<MetadataCorrelationHeader> getCorrelationHeaders()
      Return the details of the external identifier and other correlation properties about the metadata source. There is one entry in the list for each element in the third party technology that maps to the single open source element.
      list of correlation properties objects
    • setCorrelationHeaders

      void setCorrelationHeaders(List<MetadataCorrelationHeader> correlationHeaders)
      Set up the details of the external identifier and other correlation properties about the metadata source. There is one entry in the list for each element in the third party technology that maps to the single open source element.
      correlationHeaders - list of correlation properties objects