
This package provides the properties used to create different types of instances for an asset and its attachments. They are used as request body structures on the REST APIs and are also embedded in the element beans when the instances are retrieved from the repository
  • Class
    AssetProperties holds asset properties that are used for displaying details of an asset in summary lists or hover text.
    CertificationProperties describe the details of a certificate that shows that an element is certified with a particular certification type.
    Many regulations and industry bodies define certifications that can confirm a level of support, capability or competence in an aspect of a digital organization's operation.
    ClassificationProperties provides the base class for classifications items.
    CollectionFolderProperties defines the properties used to create a Folder classification for a collection.
    CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
    CollectionProperties describes the core properties of a collection.
    The CommentProperties bean stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
    The connection is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
    The ConnectorTypeProperties describe the implementation details of a particular type of connector.
    DataContentForDataSetProperties defines a query on an asset that returns all or part of the values for a dataset.
    DataFieldQueryProperties is used to provide the properties that can be used to extract an element by the data values classification.
    DataFieldValuesProperties is used to provide the characterizations of the data values stored in a data field described by the attached element.
    DataStoreProperties provides the JavaBean for describing a data store.
    DerivedSchemaTypeQueryTargetProperties defines a query on a schema element that returns all or part of the value for a derived schema type.
    DuplicatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with duplicates.
    EndpointProperties describes the properties of a server endpoint.
    ExternalReferenceLinkProperties provides a structure for the properties that link an external reference to an object.
    ExternalReferenceProperties stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
    FeedbackProperties provides a base class for passing feedback objects as a request body over a REST API.
    FileProperties describes the property of a single data file.
    FileSystemProperties describes the root node of a file system.
    AssetOriginProperties provides a structure for passing information about an asset's origin.
    FindNameProperties is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
    FindProperties provides the base class for find by property requests.
    FolderProperties defines an asset that is a folder.
    GlossaryTermProperties contains the semantic definition (meaning) of a word or phrase (term - collectively called terminology).
    The GlossaryTermStatus defines the status of a glossary term.
    GovernanceClassificationBase defines the common properties for the governance action classifications.
    GovernanceClassificationProperties defines the properties for a Confidentiality, Confidence, Criticality Governance Action Classifications.
    GovernanceDefinitionProperties provides the base class for many of the definitions that define the data strategy and governance program.
    GovernanceDefinitionStatus indicates whether the definition is complete and operational or in a state that means it is either under development or obsolete.
    LevelIdentifierProperties describes the properties for searching for a governance action classification by its level.
    LicenseProperties describe the details of a license that shows that an element is licensed with a particular license type.
    LicenseTypeProperties defines a license that the organization recognizes and has governance definitions to support it.
    MeaningProperties is a cut-down summary of a glossary term to aid the asset owner in understanding the content of an asset.
    NoteLogHeader manages a list of notes for an asset
    Note defines the properties of a single note in a note log.
    ReferenceableProperties provides a structure for passing a referenceable element's properties over the Java API.
    RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
    ResourceListProperties provides a details of why an element providing resources (such as a community) has been attached to an initiative such as a governance domain.
    RetentionClassificationProperties defines the retention requirements for related data items.
    SchemaAttributeProperties carries the common parameters for creating or updating schema attributes.
    SchemaAttributeRelationshipProperties defines a relationship between 2 SchemaAttributes.
    SchemaElementProperties carries the common parameters for creating or updating schema elements such as schema types and attributes.
    SchemaTypeProperties carries the common parameters for creating or updating schema types.
    SecurityTagsProperties holds the list of labels and properties used by a security enforcement engine to control access and visibility to the contents of the real-world object described by the Referenceable.
    SemanticAssignmentProperties links an element to a glossary term to indicate that the glossary term describes its meaning.
    SoftwareCapabilityProperties describe the properties needed to describe a specific software server's capability.
    StakeholderProperties provides a details of a stakeholder for an initiative.
    SupplementaryProperties describe additional information about a technical element (typically assets and schemas) that has been added as part of a governance process.
    TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
    ValidValueProperties provides the common super class for ValidValueSet and ValidValueDefinition.