Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.communityprofile.metadataelements

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.communityprofile.metadataelements
The metadata elements describe the way that metadata is returned from the repository.
  • Class
    ActionTargetElement describes an element that a person owning a "To Do" action should process.
    The ActorProfileElement describes an individual, system, team or organization.
    CollectionElement contains the properties and header for a collection retrieved from the metadata repository.
    CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
    CommentElement contains the properties and header for a comment retrieved from the metadata repository.
    CommunityElement contains the properties and header for a community.
    CommunityMembershipElement describes an individual who is a member of a community.
    ContactMethodElement contains the properties and header for a contract method retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ContributionRecordElement contains the properties and header for a contribution record retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ExternalReferenceElement stores information about an link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.
    InformalTagElement contains the properties and header for an informal retrieved from the metadata repository.
    LikeElement contains the properties and header for a like entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
    LocationElement contains the properties and header for a location definition retrieved from the metadata repository.
    MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
    MetadataSourceElement contains the properties and header for a software server capability retrieved from the metadata repository.
    NoteLogEntryElement contains the properties and header for an entry in a note log such as a persona note log or a community forum.
    NoteLogHeaderElement contains the properties and header for the root of a note log such as a personal note log or a community forum.
    PersonalRoleElement contains the properties and header for a person role assigned to a profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
    PersonRoleAppointee describes an individual's appointment to a specific governance role.
    PersonalRoleElement contains the properties and header for a person role assigned to a profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ProfileIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ProfileLocationElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
    RatingElement contains the properties and header for a rating retrieved from the metadata repository.
    RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
    RelationshipElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ResourceElement contains the properties and header for a referenceable retrieved from the metadata repository.
    SecurityGroupElement is the superclass used to return the common properties of a governance definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
    TeamMembershipElement contains the properties and header for a role that shows a person is a leader or a member of a team as retrieved from the metadata repository.
    TeamProfileElement contains the properties and header for a team profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ToDoElement contains the properties and header for a "to do" (informal task) retrieved from the metadata repository.
    UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ValidValueElement contains the properties and header for a valid value definition or set entity retrieved from the metadata repository.