This package defines the beans used to build the REST request and response payloads.
REST APIs can pass parameters in their URLs (called path variables) as well has having a RequestBody bean
for additional, more complex, or optional parameters. Responses are returned in response beans.
The response beans encode the return type of the method as well as any exceptions and associated messages.
ClassesClassDescriptionClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when attaching classification to elements.CommunityProfileOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Community Profile OMAS request bodies for its REST API.CommunityProfileOMASAPIResponse provides a common header for Community Profile OMAS managed rest to its REST API.ResultsRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.ReferenceableRequestBody describes the request body used when working with referenceables.RelationshipElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.RelationshipElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships or an exception if the request failed.RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.TemplateRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new asset using a template.UserIdentityListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of user identity elements.UserIdentityResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a UserIdentityElement object as a response.ValidValueListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of valid value objects.ValidValueResponse is a response object for passing back a single valid value object.