Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.dataengine.model

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.dataengine.model
These beans describe the core properties that are passed to the server to up metadata.
  • Class
    Asset is a java bean used to create assets associated with the external data engine.
    Attribute is a java bean used to create schema attributes associated with the external data engine.
    Collection is a java bean used to create collections associated with the external data engine.
    Connection is a java bean used to create connections associated with the external data engine.
    ConnectorType is a java bean used to create connector types associated with the external data engine.
    CSVFile is a java bean used to create CSVFiles associated with the external data engine.
    Database is a java bean used to create Databases associated with the external data engine.
    DatabaseSchema is a java bean used to create DatabaseSchemas associated with the external data engine.
    DataFile is a java bean used to create DataFiles associated with the external data engine.
    DataFlow is a java bean used to create data flow relationships.
    DataItemSortOrder is used for schema attributes that may have multiple instances.
    DataStore is a java bean used to create DataStore associated with the external data engine.
    DeleteSemantic defines the different types of delete for an entity HARD - Hard-delete strategy.
    The Endpoint describes the network information necessary for a connector to connect to the server where the Asset is accessible from.
    Engine is a java bean used to create the external data engine.
    The EventType type
    FileFolder is a java bean used to create FileFolders associated with the external data engine.
    AssetOwnerType defines the identifier used in an Asset's owner property.
    DataFlow is a java bean used to create process hierarchies relationships.
    The type Port.
    PortImplementation is a java bean used to create PortImplementations associated with the external data engine.
    PortType defines the different port types used for open metadata.
    Process is a java bean used to create Processes associated with the external data engine.
    ProcessContainmentType describes the type of containment that exists between two processes.
    ProcessHierarchy is a java bean used to create ProcessHierarchy relationships.
    The ProcessingState classification
    Process is a base java bean used to create Referenceables associated with the external data engine.
    RelationalColumn is a java bean used to create RelationalColumn associated with the external data engine.
    RelationalTable is a java bean used to create RelationalTable associated with the external data engine.
    SchemaType is a java bean used to create SchemaTypes associated with the external data engine.
    Topic is a java bean used to create Topics associated with the external data engine.
    UpdateSemantic defines the different types of update for a process REPLACE - entities found is in the process payload will be updated or added, existing entities not included will be removed APPEND - entities found is in the process payload will be updated or added, existing entities not included will be ignored