
This package defines the beans used to build the REST request and response payloads.

REST APIs can pass parameters in their URLs (called path variables) as well has having a RequestBody bean for additional, more complex, or optional parameters. Responses are returned in response beans.

The response beans encode the return type of the method as well as any exceptions and associated messages.

  • Classes
    DatabaseRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update databases.
    DatabaseSchemaRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update database schemas.
    DataEngineOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Data Engine OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
    DataEngineRegistrationRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update engines.
    DataFileRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update data files.
    DataFlowsRequestBody describes the request body used to create data flow relationships
    DeleteRequestBody describes the request body used to delete an entity.
    EventTypeRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update event types.
    FindRequestBody describes the request body used to search for an entity
    PortImplementationRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update port implementations
    ProcessHierarchyRequestBody describes the request body used to create process hierarchy relationships
    ProcessingStateRequestBody describes the request body used to create processing state classifications
    ProcessRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update processes
    RelationalTableRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update relational tables
    SchemaTypeRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update schema types
    TopicRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update topics