Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.datamanager.client

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.datamanager.client
These are the Java clients for the Data Manager OMAS.
  • MetadataSourceClient enables the caller to create the Software Server Capability that represents the source, or owner, of the metadata. These sources are database manager, file managers and file owning applications.
  • DatabaseManagerClient enables the caller to describe databases, database schemas, database tables and database columns.
  • FilesAndFoldersClient enables the caller to describe files and the organizing folder structure around it.
  • EventBrokerClient enables the caller to define topics and event types from an event broker.
  • APIManagerClient enables the caller to define APIs that are supported by a server or API gateway.
  • ConnectionManagerClient enables the caller maintain connection information.
  • DataManagerEventClient enables the client to send and receive events from the Data Manager OMAS.
  • Classes
    APIManagerClient is the client for managing APIs from an API Manager.
    ConnectedAssetClient manages the retrieval of connections, and the creation of resource connectors used to access the content of data sources and services.
    ConnectionManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain connections and their related objects.
    DatabaseManagerClient is the client for managing resources from a relational database server.
    DataManagerBaseClient supports the common properties and functions for the Data Manager OMAS.
    DataManagerEventClient provides the implementation to manage the interaction with the server to set up a listener to support the receipt of inbound events from the Data Manager OMAS Out Topic.
    DisplayApplicationClient is the client for managing reports from an Application that displays data to users.
    EventBrokerClient is the client for managing topics from an Event Manager.
    ExternalReferenceManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain links to external documentation and other resources.
    FilesAndFoldersClient is the client for managing the creation of files and folder assets.
    GovernanceConfigurationClient supports the configuration of Governance Server and governance services.
    MetadataSourceClient is the client for setting up the SoftwareServerCapabilities that represent metadata sources.
    OpenGovernanceClientBase provides common governance services that originate in the Governance Action Framework (GAF).
    OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
    OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.
    SchemaManagerClient defines the common methods for managing SchemaTypes and SchemaAttributes.
    ValidValueManagerClient supports the APIs to maintain valid values and their related objects.