Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.digitalarchitecture.metadataelements

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.digitalarchitecture.metadataelements
The metadata elements describe the way that metadata is returned from the repository.
  • Class
    CollectionElement contains the properties and header for a collection retrieved from the metadata repository.
    CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
    ConnectionElement contains the properties and header for a connection retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ConnectorTypeElement contains the properties and header for a connector type retrieved from the metadata repository.
    The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
    EndpointElement contains the properties and header for an endpoint retrieved from the metadata repository.
    LocationElement contains the properties and header for a location definition retrieved from the metadata repository.
    MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
    ReferenceableElement contains the properties and header for a referenceable entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ReferenceDataAssetElement contains the properties and header for a reference data asset retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionElement describes a valid value that is being used as a tag/classifier for a referenceable.
    ReferenceValueAssignmentItemElement describes a Referenceable that is using a valid values set/definition as a tag/classifier.
    RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
    SubjectAreaElement is the bean used to return a subject area definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
    TemplateElement provides the base class for a template element.
    ValidValueAssignmentConsumerElement describes a Referenceable that is using a valid values set/definition to define the values that may/must be assigned to it.
    ValidValueAssignmentConsumerElement describes a a valid values set/definition that is defining the values that may/must be assigned to a referenceable.
    ValidValueElement contains the properties and header for a valid value definition or set entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ValidValueImplAssetElement contains the properties and header for a reference data set linked to a valid value retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ValidValueImplDefinitionElement describes a Valid Value that defines one if the values in a reference data asset.
    ValidValueMappingElement contains the properties and remote end of a valid value mapping as seen from a valid value.
    ValidValuesMappingElement contains the properties and ends of a valid value mapping relationship.