
These beans describe the core properties that are passed to the server to create and update metadata.
  • Class
    ClassificationProperties provides the base class for classification items.
    CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
    CollectionMemberStatus specifies the the status of the member in a collection.
    CollectionProperties describes the core properties of a collection.
    CollectionStatus specifies which subset of a collection should be returned.
    The connection is an object that contains the properties needed to create and initialise a connector to access a specific data assets.
    The ConnectorTypeProperties describe the implementation details of a particular type of connector.
    EndpointProperties describes the properties of a server endpoint.
    LocationProperties is a class for representing a generic location.
    Meaning is a cut-down summary of a glossary term to aid in understanding the content of an element.
    Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
    ReferenceDataAssetProperties is a java bean used to create assets associated with the digital architecture.
    ReferenceValueAssignmentProperties is a java bean used to create a link between a valid value and a referenceable item to enable the valid value to be used as a semiformal tag/classifier.
    RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
    A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.
    A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.
    TemplateClassificationProperties carries the parameters for classifying an element as suitable to use for a template.
    TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
    ValidValueAssignmentProperties describes the properties between a referenceable and its valid values.
    ValidValueMembershipProperties provides a flag to indicate if this value is the default value for the set.
    ValidValueProperties provides the common super class for ValidValueSet and ValidValueDefinition.
    ValidValuesImplProperties is a java bean used to associate a reference data asset with a valid value.
    ValidValuesMappingProperties is a java bean used to create a mapping between two valid values from different valid value sets.