
These beans describe the core properties that are passed to the server to create and update metadata.
  • Class
    The ActorProfileProperties describes the common properties of a Personal Profile, IT Profile and Team Profile.
    AgreementProperties represents the properties of an agreement between two parties.
    AgreementRoleProperties describes a relationship between a role and an agreement.
    BusinessCapabilityProperties represents one of an organization's business capabilities.
    Many regulations and industry bodies define certifications that can confirm a level of support, capability or competence in an aspect of a digital organization's operation.
    ClassificationProperties provides the base class for classification items.
    CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.
    CollectionProperties describes the core properties of a collection.
    CollectionStatus specifies which subset of a collection should be returned.
    ContactMethodProperties describes a single mechanism that can be used to contact an individual.
    ContactMethodType specifies the contact mechanism to use to contact an individual.
    DigitalProductProperties describes the properties that describe a digital product.
    The InstanceStatus defines the status of an instance (classification, relationship or an entity) in the metadata collection.
    DigitalServiceDependencyProperties describes a dependency relationship between two digital services.
    DigitalServiceOperatorProperties describes the scope of responsibilities that an organization has in operating a digital service.
    DigitalServiceProperties is an object for tracking the lifecycle of one of an organization's digital services.
    DigitalServiceResponsibility documents whether the digital service is a data controller or a data processor.
    DigitalServiceStatus tracks the life cycle of a digital service.
    DigitalServiceVisibility documents who can make use of a digital service.
    DigitalSubscriptionProperties describes the agreement between a subscriber to one or more digital products.
    DigitalSupportProperties describes the properties between a digital service and a business capability.
    GovernanceDefinitionProperties provides the base class for many of the definitions that define the data strategy and governance program.
    LicenseProperties describe the details of a license that shows that an element is licensed with a particular license type.
    LicenseTypeProperties defines a license that the organization recognizes and has governance definitions to support it.
    OrganizationalCapabilityProperties describes the scope of responsibility that a team/organization has to a business capability.
    PersonalRoleProperties provides a structure for describe a role assigned to a person.
    PersonRoleProperties covers a role that has been defined in an organization.
    Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
    RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
    ResourceListProperties provides a details of why an element providing resources (such as a community) has been attached to an initiative such as a governance domain.
    SolutionComponentProperties represents a logical architectural component that is part of the digital landscape.
    The TeamProfileProperties describes an team of people.
    TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
    UserIdentityProperties describes an element that is linked to a single userId.