Class CertificationRESTServices


public class CertificationRESTServices extends Object
CertificationRESTServices is the java client for managing certification types and the certification of elements.
  • Constructor Details

    • CertificationRESTServices

      public CertificationRESTServices()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • createCertificationType

      public GUIDResponse createCertificationType(String serverName, String userId, GovernanceDefinitionRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a description of the certification type.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - certification properties and initial status
      unique identifier of new definition or InvalidParameterException documentIdentifier or userId is null; documentIdentifier is not unique PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • updateCertificationType

      public VoidResponse updateCertificationType(String serverName, String userId, String certificationTypeGUID, boolean isMergeUpdate, GovernanceDefinitionRequestBody requestBody)
      Update the properties of the certification type.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      certificationTypeGUID - identifier of the governance definition to change
      isMergeUpdate - are unspecified properties unchanged (true) or replaced with null?
      requestBody - certification properties
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the properties is invalid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • deleteCertificationType

      public VoidResponse deleteCertificationType(String serverName, String userId, String certificationTypeGUID, ExternalSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Delete the properties of the certification type.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      certificationTypeGUID - identifier of the governance definition to delete
      requestBody - external source request body
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the properties is invalid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • getCertificationTypeByGUID

      public CertificationTypeResponse getCertificationTypeByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String certificationTypeGUID)
      Retrieve the certification type by the unique identifier assigned by this service when it was created.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      certificationTypeGUID - identifier of the governance definition to retrieve
      properties of the certification type or InvalidParameterException guid or userId is null; guid is not recognized PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • getCertificationTypeByDocId

      public CertificationTypeResponse getCertificationTypeByDocId(String serverName, String userId, String documentIdentifier)
      Retrieve the certification type by its assigned unique document identifier.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      documentIdentifier - identifier to search for
      properties of the matching certification type or InvalidParameterException documentIdentifier or userId is null; documentIdentifier is not recognized PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • getCertificationTypesByTitle

      public CertificationTypesResponse getCertificationTypesByTitle(String serverName, String userId, int startFrom, int pageSize, SearchStringRequestBody requestBody)
      Retrieve all the certification types for a particular title. The title can include regEx wildcards.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - short description of the certification
      startFrom - where to start from in the list of definitions
      pageSize - max number of results to return in one call
      list of matching certification types (null if no matching elements) or InvalidParameterException title or userId is null PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • getCertificationTypeByDomainId

      public CertificationTypesResponse getCertificationTypeByDomainId(String serverName, String userId, int domainIdentifier, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Retrieve all the certification type definitions for a specific governance domain.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      domainIdentifier - identifier to search for
      startFrom - where to start from in the list of definitions
      pageSize - max number of results to return in one call
      properties of the matching certification type definitions or InvalidParameterException domainIdentifier or userId is null; domainIdentifier is not recognized PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • certifyElement

      public GUIDResponse certifyElement(String serverName, String userId, String elementGUID, String certificationTypeGUID, RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Link an element to a certification type and include details of the certification in the relationship properties.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      elementGUID - unique identifier of the element being certified
      certificationTypeGUID - unique identifier for the certification type
      requestBody - the properties of the certification
      guid or InvalidParameterException one of the properties is invalid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • updateCertification

      public VoidResponse updateCertification(String serverName, String userId, String certificationGUID, boolean isMergeUpdate, RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Update the properties of a certification. Remember to include the certificationId in the properties if the element has multiple certifications for the same certification type.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      certificationGUID - unique identifier for the certification type
      isMergeUpdate - should the supplied properties overlay the existing properties or replace them
      requestBody - the properties of the certification
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the properties is invalid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • decertifyElement

      public VoidResponse decertifyElement(String serverName, String userId, String certificationGUID, RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the certification for an element.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      certificationGUID - unique identifier for the certification type
      requestBody - external source information.
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the properties is invalid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • getCertifiedElements

      public RelatedElementsResponse getCertifiedElements(String serverName, String userId, String certificationTypeGUID, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Return information about the elements linked to a certification.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      certificationTypeGUID - unique identifier for the certification
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      properties of the certification or InvalidParameterException qualifiedName or userId is null PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • getCertifications

      public RelatedElementsResponse getCertifications(String serverName, String userId, String elementGUID, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Return information about the certifications linked to an element.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      elementGUID - unique identifier for the certification
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      properties of the certification or InvalidParameterException qualifiedName or userId is null PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem