Class GovernanceMetricsRESTServices


public class GovernanceMetricsRESTServices extends Object
GovernanceMetricsRESTServices is the server-side for managing governance metrics and their links to all types of governance definitions.
  • Constructor Details

    • GovernanceMetricsRESTServices

      public GovernanceMetricsRESTServices()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • createGovernanceMetric

      public GUIDResponse createGovernanceMetric(String serverName, String userId, ReferenceableRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new governance metric.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - properties of the metric
      unique identifier of the metric or InvalidParameterException typeName, documentIdentifier or userId is null; documentIdentifier is not unique; typeName is not valid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • updateGovernanceMetric

      public VoidResponse updateGovernanceMetric(String serverName, String userId, String metricGUID, boolean isMergeUpdate, ReferenceableRequestBody requestBody)
      Update an existing governance metric.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the metric to update
      isMergeUpdate - are unspecified properties unchanged (true) or replaced with null?
      requestBody - properties to update
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid or properties PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • deleteGovernanceMetric

      public VoidResponse deleteGovernanceMetric(String serverName, String userId, String metricGUID, ExternalSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Delete a specific governance metric.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the metric to remove
      requestBody - external source request body
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • setupGovernanceDefinitionMetric

      public VoidResponse setupGovernanceDefinitionMetric(String serverName, String userId, String metricGUID, String governanceDefinitionGUID, RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a link to show that a governance metric supports the requirements of one of the governance policies. If the link already exists the rationale is updated.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the governance metric
      governanceDefinitionGUID - unique identifier of the governance definition
      requestBody - description of how the metric supports the metric
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid parameter PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • clearGovernanceDefinitionMetric

      public VoidResponse clearGovernanceDefinitionMetric(String serverName, String userId, String metricGUID, String governanceDefinitionGUID, RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the link between a governance metric and a governance definition.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the governance metric
      governanceDefinitionGUID - unique identifier of the governance definition
      requestBody - relationship properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • setupGovernanceResults

      public VoidResponse setupGovernanceResults(String serverName, String userId, String metricGUID, String dataSetGUID, RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a link to show which data set holds the measurements for a data set.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the governance metric
      dataSetGUID - unique identifier of the governance definition
      requestBody - description of how the data set supports the metric
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • clearGovernanceResults

      public VoidResponse clearGovernanceResults(String serverName, String userId, String metricGUID, String dataSetGUID, RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the link between a governance metric and a data set.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the governance metric
      dataSetGUID - unique identifier of the data set
      requestBody - relationship properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • setGovernanceMeasurementsDataSet

      public VoidResponse setGovernanceMeasurementsDataSet(String serverName, String userId, String dataSetGUID, ClassificationRequestBody requestBody)
      Classify the data set to indicate that contains governance measurements.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      dataSetGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - properties of the data set's measurements
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • clearGovernanceMeasurementsDataSet

      public VoidResponse clearGovernanceMeasurementsDataSet(String serverName, String userId, String dataSetGUID, ExternalSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the governance data designation from the data set.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      dataSetGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - external source properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • setGovernanceExpectations

      public VoidResponse setGovernanceExpectations(String serverName, String userId, String elementGUID, ClassificationRequestBody requestBody)
      Classify the element to indicate the expected values of the governance measurements. Can be used to create or update the values.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      elementGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - expectation properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • clearGovernanceExpectations

      public VoidResponse clearGovernanceExpectations(String serverName, String userId, String elementGUID, ExternalSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the governance expectations classification from the element.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      elementGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - external source properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • setGovernanceMeasurements

      public VoidResponse setGovernanceMeasurements(String serverName, String userId, String elementGUID, ClassificationRequestBody requestBody)
      Classify the element with relevant governance measurements. Can be used to create or update the values.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      elementGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - measurements
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • clearGovernanceMeasurements

      public VoidResponse clearGovernanceMeasurements(String serverName, String userId, String elementGUID, ExternalSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the measurements from the element.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      elementGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - external source properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • getGovernanceMetricByGUID

      public GovernanceMetricResponse getGovernanceMetricByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String metricGUID)
      Return information about a specific governance metric.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier for the governance metric
      properties of the governance metric or InvalidParameterException typeName, documentIdentifier or userId is null; documentIdentifier is not unique; typeName is not valid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • findGovernanceMetrics

      public GovernanceMetricListResponse findGovernanceMetrics(String serverName, String userId, int startFrom, int pageSize, SearchStringRequestBody requestBody)
      Retrieve the list of governance metrics for this search string.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - the name of the calling user.
      requestBody - value to search for (supports wildcards).
      startFrom - index of the list to start from (0 for start)
      pageSize - maximum number of elements to return.
      list of metrics or InvalidParameterException typeName, documentIdentifier or userId is null; documentIdentifier is not unique; typeName is not valid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem