
@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/open-metadata/access-services/governance-program/users/{userId}") public class GovernanceMetricsResource extends Object
GovernanceMetricsResource sets up the governance metrics that are part of an organization governance.
  • Constructor Details

    • GovernanceMetricsResource

      public GovernanceMetricsResource()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • createGovernanceMetric

      @PostMapping(path="/governance-metrics") public GUIDResponse createGovernanceMetric(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @RequestBody ReferenceableRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new governance metric.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - properties of the metric
      unique identifier of the metric or InvalidParameterException typeName, documentIdentifier or userId is null; documentIdentifier is not unique; typeName is not valid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • updateGovernanceMetric

      @PostMapping(path="/governance-metrics/{metricGUID}/update") public VoidResponse updateGovernanceMetric(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String metricGUID, @RequestParam boolean isMergeUpdate, @RequestBody ReferenceableRequestBody requestBody)
      Update an existing governance metric.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the metric to update
      isMergeUpdate - are unspecified properties unchanged (true) or replaced with null?
      requestBody - properties to update
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid or properties PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • deleteGovernanceMetric

      @PostMapping(path="/governance-metrics/{metricGUID}/delete") public VoidResponse deleteGovernanceMetric(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String metricGUID, @RequestBody ExternalSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Delete a specific governance metric.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the metric to remove
      requestBody - external source request body
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • setupGovernanceDefinitionMetric

      @PostMapping(path="/governance-metrics/{metricGUID}/governance-definitions/{governanceDefinitionGUID}/link") public VoidResponse setupGovernanceDefinitionMetric(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String metricGUID, @PathVariable String governanceDefinitionGUID, @RequestBody RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a link to show that a governance metric supports the requirements of one of the governance policies. If the link already exists the rationale is updated.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the governance metric
      governanceDefinitionGUID - unique identifier of the governance definition
      requestBody - description of how the metric supports the metric
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid parameter PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • clearGovernanceDefinitionMetric

      @PostMapping(path="/governance-metrics/{metricGUID}/governance-definitions/{governanceDefinitionGUID}/unlink") public VoidResponse clearGovernanceDefinitionMetric(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String metricGUID, @PathVariable String governanceDefinitionGUID, @RequestBody RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the link between a governance metric and a governance definition.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the governance metric
      governanceDefinitionGUID - unique identifier of the governance definition
      requestBody - relationship properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • setupGovernanceResults

      @PostMapping(path="/governance-metrics/{metricGUID}/governance-results/{dataSetGUID}/link") public VoidResponse setupGovernanceResults(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String metricGUID, @PathVariable String dataSetGUID, @RequestBody RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a link to show which data set holds the measurements for a data set.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the governance metric
      dataSetGUID - unique identifier of the governance definition
      requestBody - description of how the data set supports the metric
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • clearGovernanceResults

      @PostMapping(path="/governance-metrics/{metricGUID}/governance-results/{dataSetGUID}/unlink") public VoidResponse clearGovernanceResults(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String metricGUID, @PathVariable String dataSetGUID, @RequestBody RelationshipRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the link between a governance metric and a data set.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier of the governance metric
      dataSetGUID - unique identifier of the data set
      requestBody - relationship properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • setGovernanceMeasurementsDataSet

      @PostMapping(path="/data-sets/{dataSetGUID}/classify-as-governance-measurements-set") public VoidResponse setGovernanceMeasurementsDataSet(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String dataSetGUID, @RequestBody ClassificationRequestBody requestBody)
      Classify the data set to indicate that contains governance measurements.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      dataSetGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - properties of the data set's measurements
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • clearGovernanceMeasurementsDataSet

      @PostMapping(path="/data-sets/{dataSetGUID}/classify-as-governance-measurements-set/delete") public VoidResponse clearGovernanceMeasurementsDataSet(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String dataSetGUID, @RequestBody ExternalSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the governance data designation from the data set.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      dataSetGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - external source properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • setGovernanceExpectations

      @PostMapping(path="/elements/{elementGUID}/classify-with-governance-expectations") public VoidResponse setGovernanceExpectations(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String elementGUID, @RequestBody ClassificationRequestBody requestBody)
      Classify the element to indicate the expected values of the governance measurements. Can be used to create or update the values.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      elementGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - expectation properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • clearGovernanceExpectations

      @PostMapping(path="/elements/{elementGUID}/classify-with-governance-expectations/delete") public VoidResponse clearGovernanceExpectations(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String elementGUID, @RequestBody ExternalSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the governance expectations classification from the element.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      elementGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - external source properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • setGovernanceMeasurements

      @PostMapping(path="/elements/{elementGUID}/classify-with-governance-measurements") public VoidResponse setGovernanceMeasurements(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String elementGUID, @RequestBody ClassificationRequestBody requestBody)
      Classify the element with relevant governance measurements. Can be used to create or update the values.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      elementGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - measurements
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • clearGovernanceMeasurements

      @PostMapping(path="/elements/{elementGUID}/classify-with-governance-measurements/delete") public VoidResponse clearGovernanceMeasurements(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String elementGUID, @RequestBody ExternalSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the measurements from the element.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      elementGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to classify
      requestBody - external source properties
      void or InvalidParameterException invalid guid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • getGovernanceMetricByGUID

      @GetMapping(path="/governance-metrics/{metricGUID}") public GovernanceMetricResponse getGovernanceMetricByGUID(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String metricGUID)
      Return information about a specific governance metric.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - calling user
      metricGUID - unique identifier for the governance metric
      properties of the governance metric or InvalidParameterException typeName, documentIdentifier or userId is null; documentIdentifier is not unique; typeName is not valid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • findGovernanceMetrics

      @PostMapping(path="/governance-metrics/by-search-string") public GovernanceMetricListResponse findGovernanceMetrics(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @RequestParam int startFrom, @RequestParam int pageSize, @RequestBody SearchStringRequestBody requestBody)
      Retrieve the list of governance metrics for this search string.
      serverName - name of the server instance to connect to
      userId - the name of the calling user.
      requestBody - value to search for (supports wildcards).
      startFrom - index of the list to start from (0 for start)
      pageSize - maximum number of elements to return.
      list of metrics or InvalidParameterException typeName, documentIdentifier or userId is null; documentIdentifier is not unique; typeName is not valid PropertyServerException problem accessing property server UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem