Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.governanceserver.client

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.governanceserver.client
This package contains the Java clients for the Governance Server OMAS. There are clients for configuring and managing Governance Servers, managing the governance actions, governance action processes and incident reports as well as supporting the metadata needs of the governance action services when they are running in the Engine Host OMAG Server.
  • Classes
    ConnectedAssetClient is used by applications and tools as a factory for Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors.
    GovernanceConfigurationClient supports the configuration of Governance Server and governance services.
    GovernanceContextClient sits in the governance context of a governance action service when it is running in the engine host OMAG server.
    GovernanceServerEventClient supports the configuration of Governance Server and governance services.
    OpenGovernanceClient provides an interface to the services that build, monitor and trigger governance actions.
    OpenIntegrationServiceClient provides an interface to the open integration service.
    OpenMetadataStoreClient provides an interface to the open metadata store.