Interface DeploymentManagementInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:
CapabilityManagerClient, DataAssetManagerClient, HostManagerClient, ITInfrastructureClientBase, PlatformManagerClient, ProcessManagerClient, ServerManagerClient

public interface DeploymentManagementInterface
DeploymentManagementInterface describes the deployment of IT infrastructure assets. An IT infrastructure asset can be deployed to any type of asset.
  • Method Details

    • deployITAsset

      void deployITAsset(String userId, String infrastructureManagerGUID, String infrastructureManagerName, boolean infrastructureManagerIsHome, String itAssetGUID, String destinationGUID, DeploymentProperties deploymentProperties) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Create a relationship that represents the deployment of an IT infrastructure asset to a specific deployment destination (another asset).
      userId - calling user
      infrastructureManagerGUID - unique identifier of software server capability representing the infrastructure manager
      infrastructureManagerName - unique name of software server capability representing the infrastructure manager
      infrastructureManagerIsHome - should the relationship be marked as owned by the infrastructure manager so others can not update?
      itAssetGUID - unique identifier of the IT infrastructure asset
      destinationGUID - unique identifier of the destination where the asset is being deployed to
      deploymentProperties - relationship properties
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • updateITAssetDeployment

      void updateITAssetDeployment(String userId, String infrastructureManagerGUID, String infrastructureManagerName, String deploymentGUID, boolean isMergeUpdate, DeploymentProperties deploymentProperties) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Update a deployment relationship.
      userId - calling user
      infrastructureManagerGUID - unique identifier of software server capability representing the infrastructure manager
      infrastructureManagerName - unique name of software server capability representing the infrastructure manager
      deploymentGUID - unique identifier of the relationship
      isMergeUpdate - should the supplied properties be merged with existing properties (true) by replacing just the properties with matching names, or should the entire properties of the instance be replaced?
      deploymentProperties - properties for the relationship
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearDeployment

      void clearDeployment(String userId, String infrastructureManagerGUID, String infrastructureManagerName, String itAssetGUID, String destinationGUID, Date effectiveTime) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Remove a deployment relationship.
      userId - calling user
      infrastructureManagerGUID - unique identifier of software server capability representing the infrastructure manager
      infrastructureManagerName - unique name of software server capability representing the infrastructure manager
      itAssetGUID - unique identifier of the IT infrastructure asset
      destinationGUID - unique identifier of the destination where the asset is being deployed to
      effectiveTime - time when the deployment is effective
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getDeployedITAssets

      List<DeploymentElement> getDeployedITAssets(String userId, String destinationGUID, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Return the list of assets deployed on a particular destination.
      userId - calling user
      destinationGUID - unique identifier of the destination asset to query
      effectiveTime - effective time for the query
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      list of matching metadata elements
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getDeploymentDestinations

      List<DeploymentElement> getDeploymentDestinations(String userId, String itAssetGUID, Date effectiveTime, int startFrom, int pageSize) throws InvalidParameterException, UserNotAuthorizedException, PropertyServerException
      Return the list of destinations that a particular IT infrastructure asset is deployed to.
      userId - calling user
      itAssetGUID - unique identifier of the IT infrastructure asset to query
      effectiveTime - effective time for the query
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      list of matching metadata elements
      InvalidParameterException - one of the parameters is invalid
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to issue this request
      PropertyServerException - there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)