Class ITInfrastructureRESTServices


public class ITInfrastructureRESTServices extends Object
The ITInfrastructureRESTServices provides the server-side implementation of the IT Infrastructure Open Metadata Assess Service (OMAS). This interface provides support for defining infrastructure assets and their supporting elements.
  • Constructor Details

    • ITInfrastructureRESTServices

      public ITInfrastructureRESTServices()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • getOutTopicConnection

      public ConnectionResponse getOutTopicConnection(String serverName, String userId, String callerId)
      Return the client side connection object for the IT Infrastructure OMAS's out topic.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - identifier of calling user.
      callerId - unique identifier of the caller
      connection object for the out topic or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException problem retrieving the discovery engine definition.
    • createConnection

      public GUIDResponse createConnection(String serverName, String userId, ConnectionRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new metadata element to represent a connection.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - properties to store
      unique identifier of the new metadata element or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • createConnectionFromTemplate

      public GUIDResponse createConnectionFromTemplate(String serverName, String userId, String templateGUID, TemplateRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new metadata element to represent a connection using an existing metadata element as a template.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      templateGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to copy
      requestBody - properties that override the template
      unique identifier of the new metadata element or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • updateConnection

      public VoidResponse updateConnection(String serverName, String userId, String connectionGUID, boolean isMergeUpdate, ConnectionRequestBody requestBody)
      Update the metadata element representing a connection.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      connectionGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to update
      isMergeUpdate - should the new properties be merged with the existing properties of overlay them?
      requestBody - new properties for this element
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • setupConnectorType

      public VoidResponse setupConnectorType(String serverName, String userId, String connectionGUID, String connectorTypeGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a relationship between a connection and a connector type.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      connectionGUID - unique identifier of the connection in the external data manager
      connectorTypeGUID - unique identifier of the connector type in the external data manager
      requestBody - data manager identifiers
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearConnectorType

      public VoidResponse clearConnectorType(String serverName, String userId, String connectionGUID, String connectorTypeGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove a relationship between a connection and a connector type.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      connectionGUID - unique identifier of the connection in the external data manager
      connectorTypeGUID - unique identifier of the connector type in the external data manager
      requestBody - data manager identifiers
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • setupEndpoint

      public VoidResponse setupEndpoint(String serverName, String userId, String connectionGUID, String endpointGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a relationship between a connection and an endpoint.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      connectionGUID - unique identifier of the connection in the external data manager
      endpointGUID - unique identifier of the endpoint in the external data manager
      requestBody - data manager identifiers
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearEndpoint

      public VoidResponse clearEndpoint(String serverName, String userId, String connectionGUID, String endpointGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove a relationship between a connection and an endpoint.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      connectionGUID - unique identifier of the connection in the external data manager
      endpointGUID - unique identifier of the endpoint in the external data manager
      requestBody - data manager identifiers
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • setupEmbeddedConnection

      public VoidResponse setupEmbeddedConnection(String serverName, String userId, String connectionGUID, String embeddedConnectionGUID, EmbeddedConnectionRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a relationship between a virtual connection and an embedded connection.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      connectionGUID - unique identifier of the virtual connection in the external data manager
      embeddedConnectionGUID - unique identifier of the embedded connection in the external data manager
      requestBody - data manager identifiers and properties for the embedded connection
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearEmbeddedConnection

      public VoidResponse clearEmbeddedConnection(String serverName, String userId, String connectionGUID, String embeddedConnectionGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove a relationship between a virtual connection and an embedded connection.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      connectionGUID - unique identifier of the virtual connection in the external data manager
      embeddedConnectionGUID - unique identifier of the embedded connection in the external data manager
      requestBody - data manager identifiers
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • setupAssetConnection

      public VoidResponse setupAssetConnection(String serverName, String userId, String assetGUID, String connectionGUID, AssetConnectionRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a relationship between an asset and its connection.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      assetGUID - unique identifier of the asset
      connectionGUID - unique identifier of the connection
      requestBody - data manager identifiers and asset summary
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • clearAssetConnection

      public VoidResponse clearAssetConnection(String serverName, String userId, String assetGUID, String connectionGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove a relationship between an asset and its connection.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      assetGUID - unique identifier of the asset
      connectionGUID - unique identifier of the connection
      requestBody - data manager identifiers
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • removeConnection

      public VoidResponse removeConnection(String serverName, String userId, String connectionGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the metadata element representing a connection.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      connectionGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to remove
      requestBody - external source identifiers
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • findConnections

      public ConnectionsResponse findConnections(String serverName, String userId, SearchStringRequestBody requestBody, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Retrieve the list of connection metadata elements that contain the search string. The search string is treated as a regular expression.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - string to find in the properties
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      list of matching metadata elements or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getConnectionsByName

      public ConnectionsResponse getConnectionsByName(String serverName, String userId, NameRequestBody requestBody, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Retrieve the list of connection metadata elements with a matching qualified or display name. There are no wildcards supported on this request.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - name to search for
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      list of matching metadata elements or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getConnectionByGUID

      public ConnectionResponse getConnectionByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Retrieve the connection metadata element with the supplied unique identifier.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      guid - unique identifier of the requested metadata element
      matching metadata element or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • createConnectorType

      public GUIDResponse createConnectorType(String serverName, String userId, ConnectorTypeRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new metadata element to represent a connector type.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - properties about the endpoint
      unique identifier of the new endpoint or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • createConnectorTypeFromTemplate

      public GUIDResponse createConnectorTypeFromTemplate(String serverName, String userId, String templateGUID, TemplateRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new metadata element to represent a connector type using an existing metadata element as a template.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      templateGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to copy
      requestBody - properties that override the template
      unique identifier of the new endpoint or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • updateConnectorType

      public VoidResponse updateConnectorType(String serverName, String userId, String connectorTypeGUID, boolean isMergeUpdate, ConnectorTypeRequestBody requestBody)
      Update the metadata element representing a connector type.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      connectorTypeGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to update
      isMergeUpdate - are unspecified properties unchanged (true) or removed?
      requestBody - new properties for the metadata element
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • removeConnectorType

      public VoidResponse removeConnectorType(String serverName, String userId, String connectorTypeGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the metadata element representing a connector type.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      connectorTypeGUID - unique identifier of the element to remove
      requestBody - external source identifiers
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • findConnectorTypes

      public ConnectorTypesResponse findConnectorTypes(String serverName, String userId, SearchStringRequestBody requestBody, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Retrieve the list of connector type metadata elements that contain the search string. The search string is treated as a regular expression.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - string to find in the properties
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      list of matching metadata elements or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getConnectorTypesByName

      public ConnectorTypesResponse getConnectorTypesByName(String serverName, String userId, NameRequestBody requestBody, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Retrieve the list of connector type metadata elements with a matching qualified or display name. There are no wildcards supported on this request.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - name to search for
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      list of matching metadata elements or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getConnectorTypeByGUID

      public ConnectorTypeResponse getConnectorTypeByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Retrieve the connector type metadata element with the supplied unique identifier.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      guid - unique identifier of the requested metadata element
      requested metadata element or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • createEndpoint

      public GUIDResponse createEndpoint(String serverName, String userId, String infrastructureGUID, EndpointRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new metadata element to represent a endpoint.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      infrastructureGUID - unique identifier of the infrastructure to connect it to (optional)
      requestBody - properties about the endpoint
      unique identifier of the new endpoint or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • createEndpointFromTemplate

      public GUIDResponse createEndpointFromTemplate(String serverName, String userId, String infrastructureGUID, String networkAddress, String templateGUID, TemplateRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new metadata element to represent a endpoint using an existing metadata element as a template.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      infrastructureGUID - unique identifier of the infrastructure to connect it to (optional)
      networkAddress - location of the endpoint
      templateGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to copy
      requestBody - properties that override the template
      unique identifier of the new endpoint or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • updateEndpoint

      public VoidResponse updateEndpoint(String serverName, String userId, String endpointGUID, boolean isMergeUpdate, EndpointRequestBody requestBody)
      Update the metadata element representing a endpoint.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      endpointGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to update
      isMergeUpdate - are unspecified properties unchanged (true) or removed?
      requestBody - new properties for the metadata element
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • removeEndpoint

      public VoidResponse removeEndpoint(String serverName, String userId, String endpointGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the metadata element representing a endpoint.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      endpointGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to remove
      requestBody - external source identifiers
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • findEndpoints

      public EndpointsResponse findEndpoints(String serverName, String userId, SearchStringRequestBody requestBody, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Retrieve the list of endpoint metadata elements that contain the search string. The search string is treated as a regular expression.
      serverName - name of calling server
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - string to find in the properties
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      list of matching metadata elements or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to make this request or PropertyServerException the repository is not available or not working properly.
    • getEndpointsByName

      public EndpointsResponse getEndpointsByName(String serverName, String userId, NameRequestBody requestBody, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Retrieve the list of endpoint metadata elements with a matching qualified or display name. There are no wildcards supported on this request.
      serverName - name of calling server
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - name to search for
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      list of matching metadata elements or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to make this request or PropertyServerException the repository is not available or not working properly.
    • getEndpointsByNetworkAddress

      public EndpointsResponse getEndpointsByNetworkAddress(String serverName, String userId, NameRequestBody requestBody, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Retrieve the list of endpoint metadata elements with a matching network address.
      serverName - name of calling server
      userId - calling user
      requestBody - url to search for
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      list of matching metadata elements or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to make this request or PropertyServerException the repository is not available or not working properly.
    • getEndpointsForInfrastructure

      public EndpointsResponse getEndpointsForInfrastructure(String serverName, String userId, String infrastructureGUID, int startFrom, int pageSize)
      Retrieve the list of endpoint metadata elements that are attached to a specific infrastructure element.
      serverName - name of calling server
      userId - calling user
      infrastructureGUID - element to search for
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      list of matching metadata elements or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getEndpointByGUID

      public EndpointResponse getEndpointByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Retrieve the endpoint metadata element with the supplied unique identifier.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      guid - unique identifier of the requested metadata element
      requested metadata element or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid or UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request or PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • createSoftwareCapability

      public GUIDResponse createSoftwareCapability(String serverName, String userId, boolean infrastructureManagerIsHome, SoftwareCapabilityRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new metadata element to represent a software capability.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      infrastructureManagerIsHome - should the software capability be marked as owned by the infrastructure manager so others can not update?
      requestBody - properties to store
      unique identifier of the new metadata element or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • createSoftwareCapabilityFromTemplate

      public GUIDResponse createSoftwareCapabilityFromTemplate(String serverName, String userId, String templateGUID, boolean infrastructureManagerIsHome, TemplateRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new metadata element to represent a software capability using an existing metadata element as a template.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      infrastructureManagerIsHome - should the software capability be marked as owned by the infrastructure manager so others can not update?
      templateGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to copy
      requestBody - properties that override the template
      unique identifier of the new metadata element or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • updateSoftwareCapability

      public VoidResponse updateSoftwareCapability(String serverName, String userId, String capabilityGUID, boolean isMergeUpdate, SoftwareCapabilityRequestBody requestBody)
      Update the metadata element representing a software capability.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      capabilityGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to update
      isMergeUpdate - are unspecified properties unchanged (true) or removed?
      requestBody - new properties for this element
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • removeSoftwareCapability

      public VoidResponse removeSoftwareCapability(String serverName, String userId, String capabilityGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the metadata element representing a software capability.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      capabilityGUID - unique identifier of the metadata element to remove
      requestBody - unique identifier of software capability representing the caller
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • findSoftwareCapabilities

      public SoftwareCapabilityListResponse findSoftwareCapabilities(String serverName, String userId, int startFrom, int pageSize, SearchStringRequestBody requestBody)
      Retrieve the list of software capability metadata elements that contain the search string. The search string is treated as a regular expression.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      requestBody - string to find in the properties
      list of matching metadata elements or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getSoftwareCapabilitiesByName

      public SoftwareCapabilityListResponse getSoftwareCapabilitiesByName(String serverName, String userId, int startFrom, int pageSize, NameRequestBody requestBody)
      Retrieve the list of software capability metadata elements with a matching qualified or display name. There are no wildcards supported on this request.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      requestBody - values to search for
      list of matching metadata elements or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getSoftwareCapabilityByGUID

      public SoftwareCapabilityResponse getSoftwareCapabilityByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Retrieve the software capability metadata element with the supplied unique identifier.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      guid - unique identifier of the requested metadata element
      matching metadata element or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • createServerAssetUse

      public GUIDResponse createServerAssetUse(String serverName, String userId, String capabilityGUID, String assetGUID, boolean infrastructureManagerIsHome, ServerAssetUseRequestBody requestBody)
      Create a new metadata relationship to represent the use of an asset by a software capability.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      infrastructureManagerIsHome - should the software capability be marked as owned by the infrastructure manager so others can not update?
      capabilityGUID - unique identifier of a software capability
      assetGUID - unique identifier of an asset
      requestBody - properties about the ServerAssetUse relationship
      unique identifier of the new ServerAssetUse relationship or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • updateServerAssetUse

      public VoidResponse updateServerAssetUse(String serverName, String userId, String serverAssetUseGUID, boolean isMergeUpdate, ServerAssetUseRequestBody requestBody)
      Update the metadata relationship to represent the use of an asset by a software capability.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      serverAssetUseGUID - unique identifier of the relationship between a software capability and an asset
      isMergeUpdate - are unspecified properties unchanged (true) or removed?
      requestBody - new properties for the ServerAssetUse relationship
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • removeServerAssetUse

      public VoidResponse removeServerAssetUse(String serverName, String userId, String serverAssetUseGUID, MetadataSourceRequestBody requestBody)
      Remove the metadata relationship to represent the use of an asset by a software capability.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      serverAssetUseGUID - unique identifier of the relationship between a software capability and an asset
      requestBody - unique identifier of software capability representing the caller
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getServerAssetUsesForCapability

      public ServerAssetUseListResponse getServerAssetUsesForCapability(String serverName, String userId, String capabilityGUID, int startFrom, int pageSize, UseTypeRequestBody requestBody)
      Return the list of server asset use relationships associated with a software capability.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      capabilityGUID - unique identifier of the software capability to query
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      requestBody - values to search for.
      list of matching relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getCapabilityUsesForAsset

      public ServerAssetUseListResponse getCapabilityUsesForAsset(String serverName, String userId, String assetGUID, int startFrom, int pageSize, UseTypeRequestBody requestBody)
      Return the list of software capabilities that make use of a specific asset.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      assetGUID - unique identifier of the asset to query
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      requestBody - values to search for
      list of matching relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getServerAssetUsesForElements

      public ServerAssetUseListResponse getServerAssetUsesForElements(String serverName, String userId, String capabilityGUID, String assetGUID, int startFrom, int pageSize, EffectiveTimeRequestBody requestBody)
      Retrieve the list of relationships between a specific software capability and a specific asset.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      capabilityGUID - unique identifier of a software capability
      assetGUID - unique identifier of an asset
      startFrom - paging start point
      pageSize - maximum results that can be returned
      requestBody - effective time for the query
      list of matching relationships or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)
    • getServerAssetUseByGUID

      public ServerAssetUseResponse getServerAssetUseByGUID(String serverName, String userId, String guid)
      Retrieve the server asset use type relationship with the supplied unique identifier.
      serverName - name of the service to route the request to.
      userId - calling user
      guid - unique identifier of the requested metadata element
      requested relationship or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is invalid UserNotAuthorizedException the user is not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there is a problem reported in the open metadata server(s)