Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.securitymanager.connectors.outtopic
package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.securitymanager.connectors.outtopic
The Security Manager connectors are the interfaces of the
connectors supported by the Security Manager OMAS.
Currently there are two connectors, one for the client
and one for the server, that are used to exchange events
over the Security Manager OMAS's out topic.
There are two connectors because events should only flow one way
and so the client needs a different interface to the server.
Specifically the client interface is a listener interface
to allow the client to receive events from the server.
The server interface is an event sending interface.
If the Security Manager OMAS supported an in topic,
there would be two additional connectors: a listening type
interface for the server and a sending type
interface for the client.
ClassDescriptionSecurityManagerOutTopicClientConnector is the java base class implementation of the the client side connector that receives events from the Security Manager OMAS's OutTopic.The SecurityManagerOutTopicClientProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting SecurityManagerOutTopicClientConnector Connectors.SecurityManagerOutTopicServerConnector is the java implementation of the the server side connector that send events to the Security Manager OMAS's OutTopic.The SecurityManagerOutTopicServerProvider provides a base class for the connector provider supporting SecurityManagerOutTopicServerConnector Connectors.