Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.securitymanager.metadataelements

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.securitymanager.metadataelements
The metadata elements describe the way that metadata is returned from the repository.
  • Class
    The ActorProfileElement describes an individual, system, team or organization.
    ContactMethodElement contains the properties and header for a contract method retrieved from the metadata repository.
    MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.
    PersonRoleAppointee describes an individual's appointment to a specific governance role.
    PersonalRoleElement contains the properties and header for a person role assigned to a profile retrieved from the metadata repository.
    UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ProfileLocationElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
    RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.
    SecurityGroupElement is the superclass used to return the common properties of a governance definition stored in the open metadata repositories.
    SecurityManagerElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository.
    UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.