
These beans describe the core properties that are passed to the server to create and update metadata.
  • Class
    The ActorProfileProperties describes the common properties of a Personal Profile, IT Profile and Team Profile.
    MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
    RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
    ContactMethodProperties describes a single mechanism that can be used to contact an individual.
    ContactMethodType specifies the contact mechanism to use to contact an individual.
    GovernanceDefinitionProperties provides the base class for many of the definitions that define the data strategy and governance program.
    GovernanceDefinitionStatus indicates whether the definition is complete and operational or in a state that means it is either under development or obsolete.
    PersonalRoleProperties provides a structure for describe a role assigned to a person.
    PersonRoleProperties covers a role that has been defined in an organization.
    ProfileIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.
    ProfileLocationProperties describes the properties for the ProfileLocation relationship between a profile and a location.
    Many open metadata entities are referenceable.
    RelationshipProperties provides the base class for relationships items.
    SecurityGroupProperties defines a security group technical control.
    SecurityManagerProperties describe the properties for a capability deployed to a software server.
    TemplateProperties defined the properties that can be overridden from the template object when creating an object from a template.
    UserIdentityProperties describes an element that is linked to a single userId.