Package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.subjectarea.ffdc.exceptions

package org.odpi.openmetadata.accessservices.subjectarea.ffdc.exceptions
  • Exceptions
    The ClassificationException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when an error occurs during a classification value.
    The EntityNotDeletedException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when an entity is not deleted value.
    The FunctionNotSupportedException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when a function is not supported value.
    The GuidOrientatedException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when an error occurs that has an associated guid.
    The InvalidParameterException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when a parameter is null or an invalid value.
    The MetadataServerUncontactableException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when the OMAG server cannot be contacted value.
    The PropertyServerException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when there isa property server error value.
    The StatusNotSupportedException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when a status is not supported value.
    SubjectAreaCheckedException provides a checked exception for reporting errors found when using the Subject Area OMAS services.
    The UnrecognizedGUIDException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when the unique identifier (guid) used to request an object is either unrecognized, or is the identifier for a different type of object.
    The UserNotAuthorizedException is thrown by the Subject Area OMAS when a userId passed on a request is not authorized to perform the requested action.