
  • Classes
    Link between glossary terms that have the opposite meaning.
    TermCategorizationRelationship is a relationship between a Category and an Term.
    CategoryAnchorRelationship is a relationship a Glossary and a Category.
    CategoryHierarchyLink is a parent child relationship between a Categories; it is used to create nested categories
    Defines the relationship between a spine object and a spine attribute.
    Link between a more general glossary term and a more specific definition.
    Defines an inheritance relationship between two spine objects.
    IsATypeOfDeprecated it is deprecated; move your instances to use IsATypeOf instead.
    Leadership is a relationship between an ActorProfile and another ActorProfile.
    LibraryCategoryReference is a relationship between a Category and an ExternalGlossaryLink.
    LibraryTermReference is a relationship between a Term and an ExternalGlossaryLink.
    MediaReference is a relationship between a Referenceable and a RelatedMedia.
    Link to an alternative term that the organization prefer is used.
    The Project Scope relationship links documentation, assets and definitions to the project.
    RelatedTerm is a relationship between a Term and another related Term.
    Link to a glossary term that is replacing an obsolete glossary term.
    Links a glossary term to another element such as an asset or schema element to define its meaning.
    Link between glossary terms that have the same meaning.
    TermAnchorRelationship is a relationship between a Glossary and a Term.
    Link between glossary terms that provide different natural language translation of the same concept.
    Defines the relationship between a spine attribute and its type.
    Link between glossary terms where on describes the context where the other one is valid to use.
    Link between glossary terms where one defines one of the data values for the another.