Class SubjectAreaGraphRESTResource


@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/open-metadata/access-services/subject-area") public class SubjectAreaGraphRESTResource extends Object
The SubjectAreaRESTServicesInstance provides the server-side implementation of the SubjectArea Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS). This interface provides term authoring interfaces for subject area experts.
  • Constructor Details

    • SubjectAreaGraphRESTResource

      public SubjectAreaGraphRESTResource()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • getGraph

      @GetMapping(path="/users/{userId}/nodes/{guid}") public SubjectAreaOMASAPIResponse<Graph> getGraph(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid, @RequestParam(value="asOfTime",required=false) Date asOfTime, @RequestParam(value="nodeFilter",required=false) String nodeFilterStr, @RequestParam(value="relationshipFilter",required=false) String relationshipFilterStr, @RequestParam(value="statusFilter",required=false) StatusFilter statusFilter, @RequestParam(value="level",required=false) Integer level)
      Get the graph of nodes and relationships radiating out from a node. Return the nodes and relationships that radiate out from the supplied node (identified by a GUID). The results are scoped by types of relationships, types of nodes and classifications as well as level.
      serverName - serverName under which this request is performed, this is used in multi tenanting to identify the tenant
      userId - userId under which the request is performed
      guid - the starting point of the query.
      nodeFilterStr - Comma separated list of node names to include in the query results. Null means include all entities found, irrespective of their type.
      relationshipFilterStr - comma separated list of relationship names to include in the query results. Null means include all relationships found, irrespective of their type.
      asOfTime - Requests a historical query of the relationships for the entity. Null means return the present values.
      statusFilter - By default only active instances are returned. Specify ALL to see all instance in any status.
      level - the number of the relationships (relationships) out from the starting node that the query will traverse to gather results. If not specified then it defaults to 3.
      A graph of nodeTypes.
      • UnrecognizedGUIDException the supplied guid was not recognised
      • UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
      • MetadataServerUncontactableException not able to communicate with a Metadata respository service.
      • InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid.
      • FunctionNotSupportedException Function not supported this indicates that a find was issued but the repository does not implement find functionality in some way.