Class AccessServiceAdmin

Direct Known Subclasses:
AssetConsumerAdmin, AssetLineageAdmin, AssetManagerAdmin, AssetOwnerAdmin, CommunityProfileAdmin, DataManagerAdmin, DataScienceAdmin, DesignModelAdmin, DigitalArchitectureAdmin, DigitalServiceAdmin, GovernanceEngineAdmin, GovernanceProgramAdmin, GovernanceServerAdmin, ITInfrastructureAdmin, ProjectManagementAdmin, SecurityManagerAdmin, SoftwareDeveloperAdmin, StewardshipActionAdmin

public abstract class AccessServiceAdmin extends Object
AccessServiceAdmin is the interface that an access service implements to receive its configuration. The java class that implements this interface is created with a default constructor and then the initialize method is called. It is configured in the AccessServiceDescription enumeration.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AccessServiceAdmin

      public AccessServiceAdmin()
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      @Deprecated public void initialize(AccessServiceConfig accessServiceConfigurationProperties, OMRSTopicConnector enterpriseOMRSTopicConnector, OMRSRepositoryConnector enterpriseOMRSRepositoryConnector, OMRSAuditLog auditLog, String serverUserName) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Initialize the access service.
      accessServiceConfigurationProperties - specific configuration properties for this access service.
      enterpriseOMRSTopicConnector - connector for receiving OMRS Events from the cohorts
      enterpriseOMRSRepositoryConnector - connector for querying the cohort repositories
      auditLog - audit log component for logging messages.
      serverUserName - user id to use on OMRS calls where there is no end user.
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - invalid parameters in the configuration properties.
    • initialize

      public void initialize(AccessServiceConfig accessServiceConfigurationProperties, OMRSTopicConnector enterpriseOMRSTopicConnector, OMRSRepositoryConnector enterpriseOMRSRepositoryConnector, AuditLog auditLog, String serverUserName) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Initialize the access service.
      accessServiceConfigurationProperties - specific configuration properties for this access service.
      enterpriseOMRSTopicConnector - connector for receiving OMRS Events from the cohorts
      enterpriseOMRSRepositoryConnector - connector for querying the cohort repositories
      auditLog - audit log component for logging messages.
      serverUserName - user id to use on OMRS calls where there is no end user.
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - invalid parameters in the configuration properties.
    • getFullServiceName

      public String getFullServiceName()
      Return the cached service name.
      string name
    • setFullServiceName

      public void setFullServiceName(String fullServiceName)
      Set up the cached service name.
      fullServiceName - string name
    • shutdown

      public abstract void shutdown()
      Shutdown the access service.
    • extractSupportedZones

      protected List<String> extractSupportedZones(Map<String,Object> accessServiceOptions, String accessServiceFullName, AuditLog auditLog) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Extract the supported zones property from the access services option.
      accessServiceOptions - options passed to the access service.
      accessServiceFullName - name of calling service
      auditLog - audit log for error messages
      null or list of zone names
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - the supported zones property is not a list of zone names.
    • extractPublishZones

      protected List<String> extractPublishZones(Map<String,Object> accessServiceOptions, String accessServiceFullName, AuditLog auditLog) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Extract the publish zones property from the access services option.
      accessServiceOptions - options passed to the access service.
      accessServiceFullName - name of calling service
      auditLog - audit log for error messages
      null or list of zone names
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - the supported zones property is not a list of zone names.
    • extractDefaultZones

      protected List<String> extractDefaultZones(Map<String,Object> accessServiceOptions, String accessServiceFullName, AuditLog auditLog) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Extract the default zones property from the access services option.
      accessServiceOptions - options passed to the access service.
      accessServiceFullName - name of calling service
      auditLog - audit log for error messages
      null or list of zone names
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - the supported zones property is not a list of zone names.
    • extractKarmaPointIncrement

      protected int extractKarmaPointIncrement(Map<String,Object> accessServiceOptions, String accessServiceFullName, AuditLog auditLog) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Extract the karma point plateau property from the access services option.
      accessServiceOptions - options passed to the access service.
      accessServiceFullName - name of calling service
      auditLog - audit log for error messages
      null or list of zone names
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - the supported zones property is not a list of zone names.
    • getSupportedTypesForSearchOption

      protected List<String> getSupportedTypesForSearchOption(AccessServiceConfig accessServiceConfig)
      Retrieve the option from the configuration that overrides default list of assets that a caller can search for.
      accessServiceConfig - service configuration object
      the list of supported asset types for search or null
    • extractKarmaPointPlateau

      protected int extractKarmaPointPlateau(Map<String,Object> accessServiceOptions, String accessServiceFullName, AuditLog auditLog) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Extract the karma point plateau property from the access services option.
      accessServiceOptions - options passed to the access service.
      accessServiceFullName - name of calling service
      auditLog - audit log for error messages
      null or list of zone names
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - the supported zones property is not a list of zone names.
    • registerWithEnterpriseTopic

      protected void registerWithEnterpriseTopic(String accessServiceFullName, String serverName, OMRSTopicConnector omrsTopicConnector, OMRSTopicListener omrsTopicListener, AuditLog auditLog) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Register a listener with the enterprise topic connector.
      accessServiceFullName - name of calling access service
      serverName - name of OMAG Server instance
      omrsTopicConnector - topic connector to register with
      omrsTopicListener - listener to register
      auditLog - audit log to record messages
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - problem with topic connection
    • getTopicName

      protected String getTopicName(Connection connection)
      Return the name of the topic extracted from the endpoint of the topic's Connection.
      connection - connection object
      topic name
    • getInTopicEventBusConnector

      protected OpenMetadataTopicConnector getInTopicEventBusConnector(Connection inTopicConnection, String accessServiceFullName, AuditLog parentAuditLog) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Create the connector for this access services' In Topic.
      inTopicConnection - connection from the configuration properties
      accessServiceFullName - name of the calling access service
      parentAuditLog - audit log from the admin component
      connector to access the topic
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - problem creating connector
    • getOutTopicEventBusConnector

      protected OpenMetadataTopicConnector getOutTopicEventBusConnector(Connection outTopicEventBusConnection, String accessServiceName, AuditLog parentAuditLog) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Create the event bus connector for this access services' Out Topic.
      outTopicEventBusConnection - connection from the configuration properties - the event bus
      accessServiceName - name of the calling access service
      parentAuditLog - audit log from the admin component
      connector to access the topic
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - problem creating connector
    • getServerSideOutTopicConnection

      protected Connection getServerSideOutTopicConnection(Connection outTopicEventBusConnection, String accessServiceFullName, String accessServiceConnectorProviderClassName, AuditLog auditLog) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Create the connector for this access services' Out Topic.
      outTopicEventBusConnection - connection from the configuration properties - the event bus
      accessServiceFullName - name of the calling access service
      accessServiceConnectorProviderClassName - class name of connector provider
      auditLog - audit log from the admin component
      connector to access the topic
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - problem creating connector
    • throwUnexpectedInitializationException

      protected void throwUnexpectedInitializationException(String actionDescription, String fullAccessServiceName, Throwable error) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Log that an unexpected exception was received during start up.
      actionDescription - calling method
      fullAccessServiceName - name of the access service
      error - exception that was caught
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - wrapped exception
    • getTopicConnector

      public <T> T getTopicConnector(Connection topicConnection, Class<T> topicConnectorClass, AuditLog auditLog, String accessServiceFullName, String methodName) throws OMAGConfigurationErrorException
      Create an instance of an open metadata topic connector using the supplied connection.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type name
      topicConnection - connection needed to create the connector
      topicConnectorClass - class to cast to
      accessServiceFullName - name of the calling access service
      auditLog - audit log for this connector
      methodName - calling method
      connector to access the topic
      OMAGConfigurationErrorException - problem creating connector