These are the beans that wrap request bodies and responses on the REST API.
ClassesClassDescriptionAccessServiceConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a AccessServiceConfig object as a response.AccessServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of services that are configured in an OMAG Server Platform.AdminServicesAPIResponse provides a common header for admin services managed response to its REST API.BasicServerPropertiesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a BasicServerProperties object as a response.CohortConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a CohortConfig object as a response.ConnectionListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of connections as a response.OCFConnectionResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Connection object as a response.DedicatedTopicListResponse returns the names of the topics used for the dedicated topic structure.EngineHostServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of engine services that are configured for an engine host OMAG Server.EngineServiceConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a EngineServiceConfig object as a response.EngineServiceRequestBody passes the minimum information to set up an engine service.EventBusConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a EventBusConfig object as a response.IntegrationDaemonServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of engine services that are configured for an integration daemon OMAG Server.IntegrationGroupsResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of integration groups that are configured in an OMAG Server Platform.IntegrationServiceConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a IntegrationServiceConfig object as a response.IntegrationServiceRequestBody passes the minimum information to set up an integration service.IntegrationServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of services that are configured in an OMAG Server Platform.LocalRepositoryConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a LocalRepositoryConfig object as a response.OMAGServerConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a OMAGServerConfig object as a response.OMAGServerConfigsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a set of OMAGServerConfig objects as a response.Deprecated.PlatformSecurityRequestBody passes information to set up a security connector to protect requests to the platform.ServerPropertiesRequestBody is the request body to add the basic server properties to an OMAG Server's configuration document.ServerClassificationResponse provides an object for returning information about a server type that is configured on an OMAG Server Platform.ServerTypeClassificationSummary provides an object for returning information about a server type that is configured on an OMAG Server Platform.ViewServiceConfigResponse is the response structure used on the OMAG REST API calls that returns a ViewServiceConfig object as a response.ViewServiceRequestBody passes the minimum information to set up a view server.ViewServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of services that are configured in an OMAG Server Platform.