Class CorePackArchiveWriter

public class CorePackArchiveWriter extends ContentPackBaseArchiveWriter
CorePackArchiveWriter creates an open metadata archive that includes the connector type information for the default open connectors supplied by the egeria project.
  • Constructor Details

    • CorePackArchiveWriter

      public CorePackArchiveWriter()
      Default constructor initializes the archive.
  • Method Details

    • getArchiveContent

      public void getArchiveContent()
      Implemented by subclass to add the content.
      Specified by:
      getArchiveContent in class EgeriaBaseArchiveWriter
    • createEgeriaSoftwareServerCatalogTemplate

      protected void createEgeriaSoftwareServerCatalogTemplate(String guid, String templateName, String templateDescription, String templateVersion, DeployedImplementationTypeDefinition deployedImplementationType, DeployedImplementationTypeDefinition softwareCapabilityType, String softwareCapabilityName, String serverName, String serverId, String description, String userId, String connectorTypeGUID, String networkAddress, Map<String,Object> configurationProperties, String secretsStorePurpose, String secretsStoreConnectorTypeGUID, String secretsStoreFileName, List<ReplacementAttributeType> replacementAttributeTypes, List<PlaceholderPropertyType> placeholderPropertyTypes)
      Create a template for a software server and link it to the associated deployed implementation type. The template consists of a SoftwareServer asset linked to a software capability, plus a connection, linked to the supplied connector type and an endpoint,
      guid - fixed unique identifier
      templateName - name of template in Template classification
      templateDescription - description of the template in the Template classification
      templateVersion - version of the template in the Template classification
      deployedImplementationType - deployed implementation type for the technology
      softwareCapabilityType - type of the associated capability
      softwareCapabilityName - name for the associated capability
      serverName - name for the server
      description - description for the server
      userId - userId for the connection
      connectorTypeGUID - connector type to link to the connection
      networkAddress - network address for the endpoint
      configurationProperties - additional properties for the connection
      secretsStorePurpose - purpose for the secrets store
      secretsStoreConnectorTypeGUID - optional name for the secrets store connector provider to include in the template
      secretsStoreFileName - location of the secrets store
      replacementAttributeTypes - attributes that should have a replacement value to successfully use the template
      placeholderPropertyTypes - placeholder variables used in the supplied parameters
    • addOpenMetadataEnumValidNames

      protected void addOpenMetadataEnumValidNames(String enumConsumingTypeName, String enumConsumingProperty, String enumTypeName, List<OpenMetadataEnum> openMetadataEnums)
      Set up a valid value list for an enum based on its names.
      enumConsumingTypeName - entity type name
      enumConsumingProperty - attribute name
      enumTypeName - type name for enum
      openMetadataEnums - list of valid values
    • addOpenMetadataEnumValidIdentifiers

      protected void addOpenMetadataEnumValidIdentifiers(String enumConsumingTypeName, String enumConsumingProperty, List<OpenMetadataEnum> openMetadataEnums)
      Set up a valid value list for an enum based on its ordinals.
      enumConsumingTypeName - entity type name
      enumConsumingProperty - attribute name
      openMetadataEnums - list of valid values
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Main program to initiate the archive writer for the connector types for data store connectors supported by the Egeria project.
      args - ignored