Package org.odpi.openmetadata.archiveutilities.openconnectors
package org.odpi.openmetadata.archiveutilities.openconnectors
Archive builder describing the connectors supplied by the Egeria project.
ClassDescriptionIdentifies the content pack containing specific templates, integration connectors and governance services belong to.CocoArchivesWriter provides the main method to run the open metadata archive writers that create each of the open metadata archives used in the open metadata labs and other scenarios with Coco Pharmaceuticals.A description of the templates for technology specific data assets.A description of templates for simple data sets.A description of the default endpoint templates.Describes the standard governance engines shipped with EgeriaDefine the Governance Action Services configuration shipped with Egeria.Describes the standard integration connector configuration shipped with Egeria.Describes the integration groups in the core content packs.Defines the request types for the governance engines that identify which governance service to call for a specific request type.A description of the default software server templates.