
  • Class
    BooleanRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passed a boolean flag.
    BooleanResponse is the response structure used on OMAG REST API calls that return a boolean response.
    ConnectionResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a Connection object as a response.
    ConnectorReportResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a ConnectorType object as a response.
    ConnectorTypeListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of connector types as a response.
    ConnectorTypeResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a ConnectorType object as a response.
    CountResponse defines the response structure for the OMAS REST API calls that returns a number as a response.
    DeleteRequestBody provides a structure for passing the qualified name of an object to be deleted.
    EffectiveTimeRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
    FFDCResponse is the top-level class for a response object used to return results on REST APIs.
    FFDCResponseBase provides the base class for REST API responses.
    RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
    RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
    FilterRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passed a string that is used to filter responses.
    If an OMAS uses Generic types to implement it's Java API, then the responses can implement this interface.
    GUIDListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of unique identifiers (guids) as a response.
    GUIDResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a unique identifier (guid) object as a response.
    NameListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of names as a response.
    NameRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
    NullRequestBody provides a empty request body object for POST requests that do not need to send additional parameters beyond the path variables.
    PropertiesResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a property map object as a response.
    RegisteredOMAGServicesResponse provides an object for returning information about a service that is registered with an OMAG Server Platform.
    RegisteredOMAGServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of services that are registered in an OMAG Server Platform.
    SearchStringRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a regular expression to use as a search string.
    StringMapResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a map of names to description as a response.
    StringRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passed a string.
    GUIDResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a unique identifier (guid) object as a response.
    VoidResponse defines the response structure for the OMAS REST API calls that returns a void as a response.