
This package defines the beans used to build the REST request and response payloads. REST APIs can pass parameters in their URLs (called path variables) as well has having a RequestBody bean for additional, more complex, or optional parameters. Responses are returned in response beans. The response beans encode the return type of the method as well as any exceptions and associated messages.
  • Class
    ActorProfileRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on ActorProfile entities.
    ActorProfileResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ActorProfileElement object as a response.
    ActorProfilesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of profile elements.
    AnnotationResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a Annotation object as a response.
    AnnotationsResponse is the response structure used on OMAS REST API calls that return a list of Annotations objects as a response.
    AnnotationStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the annotation status of an Annotation.
    APIManagerRequestBody describes the basic properties of an API manager's software server capability.
    APIOperationRequestBody describes the properties of the API operation plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    APIOperationResponse is a response object for passing back a single APIOperation element or an exception if the request failed.
    APIOperationsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of APIOperations or an exception if the request failed.
    APIParameterListRequestBody describes the properties of the API parameter list plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    APIParameterListResponse is a response object for passing back a single APIParameterList element or an exception if the request failed.
    APIParameterListsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of APIParameterLists or an exception if the request failed.
    APIParameterResponse is a response object for passing back a single APIParameter element or an exception if the request failed.
    APIParametersResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of APIParameters or an exception if the request failed.
    APIRequestBody describes the properties of the API plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    APIResponse is a response object for passing back a single API element or an exception if the request failed.
    APIsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of APIs or an exception if the request failed.
    ApplicationRequestBody describes the basic properties of an application's software server capability.
    PersonRolesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of person role elements.
    AppointmentRequestBody provides the request body payload for linking roles to people.
    ArchiveRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset as archived (or deleted).
    AssetConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new relationship between an asset and a connection.
    AssetElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a AssetElement bean object as a response.
    AssetElementsResponse returns a list of assets from the server.
    AssetExtensionsRequestBody provides the request body payload for relationships between assets.
    AssetGraphResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns an AssetGraph object as a response.
    AssetLineageGraphRequestBody provides the request body payload for an asset lineage graph.
    AssetLineageGraphResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns an AssetLineageGraph object as a response.
    AssetRelationshipsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships between assets or an exception if the request failed.
    AssetRequestBody describes the properties of the asset for creation and update.
    AssetSearchMatchesListResponse returns the list of results from an asset domain search.
    BooleanRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passed a boolean flag.
    BooleanResponse is the response structure used on OMAG REST API calls that return a boolean response.
    CalculatedValueClassificationRequestBody is used to identify the schema elements that are calculated (derived) rather than stored.
    CertificateIdRequestBody provides a structure for the unique certificate identifier.
    CertificationTypesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of certifications as a response.
    CertificationTypeRequestBody provides a structure used when creating certification types.
    CertificationTypeResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a certification type object as a response.
    CertificationTypesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of certification types as a response.
    ClassificationRequestBody describes the request body used when attaching classification to elements.
    CollectionMemberResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a CollectionMember object as a response.
    CollectionMembersResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of collection membership elements.
    CollectionResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a CollectionElement object as a response.
    CollectionsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of collection elements.
    CombinedSchemaRequestBody carries the parameters for created a new schema to attach to an asset.
    The CommentRequestBody bean stores information about a comment connected to an asset.
    CommentTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
    CommunitiesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of community elements.
    CommunityResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a CommunityElement object as a response.
    ConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for describing a connection.
    OCFConnectionResponse is a response object for passing back a single connection object.
    ConnectionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connection objects.
    ConnectorReportResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a ConnectorType object as a response.
    ConnectorTypeRequestBody carries the parameters for describing a connector type.
    ConnectorReportResponse is a response object for passing back a single connector type object.
    ConnectorTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of connector type objects.
    ContactMethodRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on ContactMethod entities.
    ControlFlowElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
    ControlFlowElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of control flow relationships or an exception if the request failed.
    ControlFlowRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements within processes.
    CountResponse defines the response structure for the OMAS REST API calls that returns a number as a response.
    DatabaseColumnResponse is a response object for passing back a single database column element or an exception if the request failed.
    DatabaseColumnsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database columns or an exception if the request failed.
    DatabaseManagerRequestBody describes the basic properties of a database manager's software server capability.
    DatabaseResponse is a response object for passing back a single database element or an exception if the request failed.
    DatabaseSchemaResponse is a response object for passing back a single database schema element or an exception if the request failed.
    DatabaseSchemasResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database schemas or an exception if the request failed.
    DatabasesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of databases or an exception if the request failed.
    DatabaseTableResponse is a response object for passing back a single database table element or an exception if the request failed.
    DatabaseTablesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database tables or an exception if the request failed.
    DatabaseViewResponse is a response object for passing back a single database view element or an exception if the request failed.
    DatabaseViewsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database views or an exception if the request failed.
    DataContainerRequestBody describes the properties of the data container plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    DataContainerResponse is a response object for passing back a single data container element or an exception if the request failed.
    DataContainersResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of data containers or an exception if the request failed.
    DataFieldRequestBody describes the properties of the data field plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    DataFieldResponse is a response object for passing back a single data field element or an exception if the request failed.
    DataFieldsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of data fields or an exception if the request failed.
    DataFileRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new file asset.
    DataFileResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a file.
    DataFilesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database views or an exception if the request failed.
    DataFlowElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
    DataFlowElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of data flow relationships or an exception if the request failed.
    DataFlowRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements within processes.
    DataFileRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new file asset.
    DataManagerOMASAPIRequestBody provides a common header for Data Manager OMAS request bodies for its REST API.
    FFDCResponseBase provides a common header for Data Manager OMAS managed rest to its REST API.
    DataProcessingEngineRequestBody describes the basic properties of a data processing engine's software server capability.
    DeleteRequestBody provides a structure for passing the qualified name of an object to be deleted.
    DeploymentRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with the relationships between software server platforms and hosts.
    DerivedSchemaTypeQueryTargetRequestBody describes the properties of a query target plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    DigitalLocationRequestBody carries the parameters for marking a location as a digital (cyber) location.
    DigitalServiceResponse is a response object for passing back a single digital service object.
    DigitalServicesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of digital service elements.
    DuplicatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with duplicates.
    DuplicatesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of duplicates.
    ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
    EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
    EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.
    ElementHeaderResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the header for a element.
    ElementHeadersResponse is a response object for passing back a list of element headers or an exception if the request failed.
    ElementStatusRequestBody describes the status of an asset.
    ElementStubResponse is a response object for passing back the header of a Referenceable element or an exception if the request failed.
    ElementStubsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element identifiers as a response.
    The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.
    EndpointRequestBody carries the parameters for describing an endpoint.
    EndpointResponse is a response object for passing back a single endpoint object.
    EndpointsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of endpoint objects.
    EnumSchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    EventBrokerRequestBody describes the basic properties of a event broker's software server capability.
    EventTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the event type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    EventTypeResponse is a response object for passing back a single EventType element or an exception if the request failed.
    EventTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of EventTypes or an exception if the request failed.
    ExternalReferenceIdRequestBody provides a structure for the unique external reference identifier.
    ExternalReferenceRequestBody describes the properties of the external reference plus the optional identifiers for an owning element.
    ExternalReferenceRequestBody provides a structure for a new ExternalReference.
    ExternalReferenceResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a external reference object as a response.
    ExternalReferencesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of external references as a response.
    ExternalSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
    FeedbackRequestBody provides a base class for passing feedback objects as a request body over a REST API.
    FFDCResponse is the top-level class for a response object used to return results on REST APIs.
    FFDCResponseBase provides the base class for REST API responses.
    RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
    RESTClient is responsible for issuing calls to the OMAS REST APIs.
    FileFolderResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a folder.
    FileFoldersResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of database views or an exception if the request failed.
    FileManagerProperties describes the root node of a file system.
    FileSystemProperties describes the root node of a file system.
    FileSystemResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a file system.
    FilterRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passed a string that is used to filter responses.
    FixedLocationRequestBody carries the parameters for marking a location as a fixed physical location.
    FormRequestBody describes the properties of the form plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    FormResponse is a response object for passing back a single form element or an exception if the request failed.
    FormsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of forms or an exception if the request failed.
    FormulaRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new CalculatedValue classification.
    GlossaryTermElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
    GovernanceDefinitionGraphResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance definition graph object as a response.
    GovernanceDefinitionRequestBody provides a structure used when creating governance definitions.
    GovernanceDefinitionResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance definition object as a response.
    GovernanceDefinitionsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance definitions as a response.
    GovernanceDomainResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance domain definition object as a response.
    GovernanceDomainResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance domain definition object as a response.
    GovernanceDomainSetsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance domain definition sets as a response.
    GovernanceDomainsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance domain definitions as a response.
    GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance classification level identifier object as a response.
    GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance classification level identifier set object as a response.
    GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance classification level identifier sets as a response.
    GovernanceLevelIdentifiersResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance classification level identifiers as a response.
    GovernanceMetricsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance metrics along with details of the data sets where measurements are kept as a response.
    GovernanceMetricResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance metric object as a response.
    GovernanceMetricsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance metric as a response.
    GovernanceRoleAppointeesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance roles and their appointees as a response.
    GovernanceRoleHistoryResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a governance role object with details of who is and has been appointed to the role as a response.
    GovernanceDefinitionRequestBody provides a structure used when creating governance definitions.
    GovernanceRoleResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance role object as a response.
    GovernanceRolesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance roles as a response.
    GovernanceStatusIdentifierSetResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance classification level identifier object as a response.
    GovernanceStatusIdentifierSetResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a governance classification level identifier set object as a response.
    GovernanceStatusIdentifierSetsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance classification level identifier sets as a response.
    GovernanceDefinitionRequestBody provides a structure used when creating governance definitions.
    GovernanceZoneDefinitionResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a governance zone with the linked governance definitions.
    GovernanceZoneResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a governance zone.
    GovernanceZonesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of governance zones.
    GUIDListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of unique identifiers (guids) as a response.
    GUIDResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a unique identifier (guid) object as a response.
    HostRequestBody describes the properties of the software server for creation and update.
    HostResponse is a response object for passing back a single host element or an exception if the request failed.
    HostsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of hosts or an exception if the request failed.
    InformalTagResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Tag object as a response.
    InformalTagsResponse returns a list of tags from the server.
    InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
    ITProfileRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on ActorProfile entities.
    ITProfileResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ActorProfileElement object as a response.
    ITProfilesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of profile elements.
    LicenseIdRequestBody provides a structure for the unique certificate identifier.
    LicensesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of licenses as a response.
    LicenseTypeRequestBody provides a structure used when creating license types.
    LicenseTypeResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a license type object as a response.
    LicenseTypesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of license types as a response.
    LineageMappingElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.
    LineageMappingElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of lineage mapping relationships or an exception if the request failed.
    LineageMappingRequestBody describes the request body used when adding a lineage mapping.
    LiteralSchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    LocationResponse is a response object for passing back a single location object.
    LocationsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of location objects.
    LogRecordRequestBody provides a structure for passing a log record as a request body over a REST API.
    MapSchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    MeaningResponse is the response structure used on the Asset Consumer OMAS REST API calls that returns a Glossary Term object as a response.
    MeaningsResponse returns a list of meanings from the server.
    MetadataElementSummariesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element identifiers as a response.
    MetadataElementSummaryResponse is a response object for passing back a single element or an exception if the request failed.
    MetadataRelationshipSummariesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of relationships identifiers as a response.
    MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an asset or schema as external.
    MetadataSourceResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a MetadataSourceElement object as a response.
    MyProfileRequestBody provides a structure for passing personal details over a REST API.
    NameListResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of names as a response.
    NameRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a name that is used to retrieve an element by name.
    NewCollectionRequestBody describes the properties to create a new collection.
    NewCSVFileAssetRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new CSV file asset.
    NewDigitalProductRequestBody describes the properties to create a new collection with a digital product classification.
    NewElementRequestBody provides a structure for the common properties when creating an element.
    NewFileAssetRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new file asset.
    NewFileSystemProperties describes the root node of a file system.
    NewMetadataElementRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new metadata element.
    NewProjectRequestBody describes the properties to create a new project.
    NullRequestBody provides a empty request body object for POST requests that do not need to send additional parameters beyond the path variables.
    OCFConnectionRequestBody carries the parameters for created a new asset.
    OCFConnectionResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a Connection object as a response.
    OCFConnectorTypeResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a ConnectorType object as a response.
    OCFConnectorTypesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of connector types as a response.
    OriginRequestBody provides a structure for passing information about an asset's origin as a request body over a REST API.
    OwnerRequestBody provides a structure for passing information about an asset owner as a request body over a REST API.
    PathNameRequestBody carries the parameters for creating a new FileFolderProperties asset.
    PersonalDetailsRequestBody provides a structure for passing personal details over a REST API.
    PersonalProfileResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a PersonalProfileUniverse object as a response.
    PersonalProfilesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of personal profile objects.
    PersonalDetailsRequestBody provides a structure for passing personal details over a REST API.
    PersonRolesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of person role elements.
    PersonRoleRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on PersonRole entities.
    PersonRoleResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ActorRoleElement object as a response.
    PersonRolesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of person role elements.
    PortElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
    PortElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
    PortRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update port properties.
    PrimaryKeyClassificationRequestBody is used to classify a schema attribute as a primary key.
    PrimitiveSchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    ProcessCallElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
    ProcessCallElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of process call relationships or an exception if the request failed.
    ProcessCallRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements within processes.
    ProcessContainmentTypeRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a ProcessContainmentType enum.
    ProcessElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a element.
    ProcessElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of glossaries or an exception if the request failed.
    ProcessRequestBody describes the request body used to create/update process properties.
    ProcessStatusRequestBody describes the request body used to update a process's status.
    ProfileIdentityRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with ProfileIdentity relationships.
    ProjectResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ProjectElement object as a response.
    ProjectMemberResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ProjectTeamMember object as a response.
    ProjectMembersResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of project membership elements.
    ProjectResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a ProjectElement object as a response.
    ProjectsResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of project elements.
    PropertiesResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a property map object as a response.
    QueriesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of queries or an exception if the request failed.
    QueryRequestBody describes the properties of the query plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    QueryResponse is a response object for passing back a single query element or an exception if the request failed.
    RatingRequestBody stores information about a rating connected to an asset.
    ReferenceableRequestBody provides a structure for passing a referenceables' properties as a request body over a REST API.
    ReferenceableUpdateRequestBody carries the correlation properties, readVersionIdentifier and effective time for a create (with parent), update or delete requests.
    ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements.
    ReferenceValueAssignmentItemsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements.
    RegisteredOMAGServicesResponse provides an object for returning information about a service that is registered with an OMAG Server Platform.
    RegisteredOMAGServicesResponse provides a response object for returning information about a list of services that are registered in an OMAG Server Platform.
    RelatedAssetsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of related assets with te properties from the relationship or an exception if the request failed.
    RelatedElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relatedElement objects.
    RelatedMetadataElementSummariesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of element summaries as a response.
    RelationshipElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a relationship.
    RelationshipElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of relationships or an exception if the request failed.
    RelationshipRequestBody describes the request body used when linking elements together.
    ReportRequestBody describes the properties of the report plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    ReportResponse is a response object for passing back a single report element or an exception if the request failed.
    ReportsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of reports or an exception if the request failed.
    ResultsRequestBody carries the date/time for a query along with other common search parameters.
    SchemaAttributeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema attribute plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    SchemaAttributeResponse is a response object for passing back a single schema attribute element or an exception if the request failed.
    SchemaAttributesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of schema attributes or an exception if the request failed.
    SchemaTypeChoiceRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability and the list of guids for the schema types that represent the choices.
    SchemaTypeElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for an element.
    SchemaTypeElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements or an exception if the request failed.
    SchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    SchemaTypeResponse is a response object for passing back a single topic element or an exception if the request failed.
    SchemaTypesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of schema types or an exception if the request failed.
    SearchStringRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passes a regular expression to use as a search string.
    SecureLocationRequestBody carries the parameters for marking a location as secure.
    SecurityGroupResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a security group.
    SecurityGroupsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of security groups or an exception if the request failed.
    SecurityManagerProperties describes the properties of a security manager.
    SecurityTagsRequestBody provides a structure for passing information about the security tags that should be attached to an asset or one of its fields.
    ServerAssetUseRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with the relationships between software server capabilities and assets.
    ServerAssetUseResponse is a response object for passing back a single relationship between a software server capability and an asset (or an exception if the request failed).
    ServerAssetUsesResponse returns a list of serverAssetUse relationships from the server.
    SoftwareCapabilitiesResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of software server capabilities or an exception if the request failed.
    SoftwareCapabilityRequestBody describes the properties of the software server capability for creation and update.
    SoftwareCapabilityResponse is a response object for passing back a single software server capability element or an exception if the request failed.
    SoftwareServerPlatformRequestBody describes the properties of the software server platform for creation and update.
    SoftwareServerPlatformResponse is a response object for passing back a single software server platform element or an exception if the request failed.
    SoftwareServerPlatformsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of software server platforms or an exception if the request failed.
    SoftwareServerRequestBody describes the properties of the software server for creation and update.
    SoftwareServerResponse is a response object for passing back a single software server element or an exception if the request failed.
    SoftwareServersResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of software servers or an exception if the request failed.
    StringMapResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a map of names to description as a response.
    StringRequestBody is the request body structure used on OMAG REST API calls that passed a string.
    GUIDResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a unique identifier (guid) object as a response.
    StructSchemaTypeRequestBody describes the properties of the schema type plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    SubjectAreaDefinitionResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a subject area with the linked governance definitions.
    SubjectAreaResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the properties for a subject area.
    SubjectAreasResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of subject area descriptions.
    SupportedCapabilitiesResponse returns a list of SoftwareServerSupportedCapability relationships from the server.
    SupportedCapabilityRequestBody provides the request body payload for working with the relationships between software servers and software server capabilities.
    SurveyReportsResponse is the response structure used on OMAS REST API calls that return a list of SurveyReport properties objects as a response.
    InformalTagProperties stores information about a tag connected to an asset.
    TeamPlayerRequestBody provides the request body payload for linking roles to teams.
    TemplateClassificationRequestBody carries the parameters for classifying an element as suitable to use for a template.
    TemplateRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new metadata element that is to be created via a template.
    TermAssignmentStatusesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of enum values or an exception if the request failed.
    ToDoRequestBody provides a structure for passing to do details over a REST API.
    ToDoResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that returns a "to do" object as a response.
    ToDosResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a list of to do objects.
    ToDoStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the status.
    TopicRequestBody describes the properties of the topic plus the optional identifiers for an owning software server capability.
    TopicResponse is a response object for passing back a single topic element or an exception if the request failed.
    TopicsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of topics or an exception if the request failed.
    UpdateRequestBody carries the correlation properties and effective time for a create, update or delete request.
    UserIdentitiesResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a a list of user identity elements.
    UserIdentityRequestBody provides the request body payload for working on UserIdentity entities and their link to profiles.
    UserIdentityResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return a UserIdentityElement object as a response.
    UseTypeRequestBody for passing the use type and effective time.
    ValidValueAssignmentConsumersResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements.
    ValidValueAssignmentDefinitionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements.
    ValidValueMappingsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of valid value mappings.
    ValidValueResponse is a response object for passing back a single valid value object.
    ValidValueSetsResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of valid value sets or an exception if the request failed.
    ValidValuesImplAssetsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of assets (reference data sets) that use the valid value in their implementation.
    ValidValuesImplDefinitionsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of elements.
    ValidValuesMappingsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of valid value mappings.
    ValidValuesRequestBody carries the parameters for created a new valid values element.
    ValidValuesResponse is a response object for passing back a list of valid value objects.
    VoidResponse defines the response structure for the OMAS REST API calls that returns a void as a response.