ClassDescriptionActionTargetElement describes an element that a governance action service should process.The AttachedClassification bean describes a single classification associated with an element.CatalogTarget contains the properties for one of the integration connector's catalog targets.Properties for the CatalogTarget relationship.CompletionStatus defines the completion status of a governance action service.EngineActionElement contains the properties and header for a EngineAction entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents the execution of a call to a governance engine.ExternalIdentifierProperties describes the properties used to pass information about an external identifier.ExternalStandardTypeMapping defines a mapping of TypeDefs and TypeDefAttributes to an external standard.FirstGovernanceActionProcessStepElement contains the properties and header for a governance action process step entity plus the properties of a NextGovernanceActionProcessStep relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.GovernanceActionProcessElement contains the properties and header for a governance action process entity retrieved from the metadata repository.GovernanceActionProcessGraph contains the complete flow of a governance action process.GovernanceActionProcessProperties defines the properties of a governance action process.GovernanceActionProcessStepElement contains the properties and header for a governance action process step entity retrieved from the metadata repository.EngineActionElement contains the properties and header for a EngineAction entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents the execution of a call to a governance engine.GovernanceActionProcessStepElement contains the properties and header for a governance action process step entity retrieved from the metadata repository.GovernanceActionProcessStepProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a governance action process step.Deprecated.GovernanceActionTypeElement contains the properties and header for a governance action type entity retrieved from the metadata repository.GovernanceActionTypeProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a governance action type.GovernanceEngineElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents a governance engine.GovernanceEngineProperties describe the properties needed to describe a specific governance engine.GovernanceServiceElement contains the properties and header for an entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents a governance service.GovernanceServiceProperties contains the definition of a governance service.IncidentDependency describes a link to an IncidentReport previous raised that covers a similar or the same issue on these resources.IncidentImpactedElement describes the element that is impacted by the incident reported by the incident report.IntegrationConnectorElement contains the properties and header for an entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents an integration connector.IntegrationConnectorProperties contains the definition of an integration connector.IntegrationGroupElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository that represents an integration group.IntegrationGroupProperties describe the properties needed to describe a specific integration group.IntegrationReport contains the properties for one of the integration connector's integration report.IntegrationReportProperties contains the properties for an integration report.MetadataCorrelationHeader provides details of the external identifier(s) and other correlation properties to help the connector/client work out the correlation between the open metadata elements and the third party technology elements.MetadataCorrelationProperties describes the common properties used to pass the properties of metadata elements to the metadata repositories (aka properties server).NewActionTarget identifies an element that a governance action service should process.NextGovernanceActionProcessStepElement contains the properties and header for a governance action process step entity plus the properties of a NextGovernanceActionProcessStep relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.NextGovernanceActionProcessStepLink contains the properties and ends of a NextGovernanceActionProcessStep relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.OpenMetadataAttributeCardinality is used on an association from one OpenMetadataTypeDef to another.The OpenMetadataAttributeTypeDef class is used to identify the type of an attribute.The OpenMetadataAttributeTypeDefCategory defines the list of valid types of an attribute (property) for an open metadata instance.OpenMetadataClassificationDef stores the properties for the definition of a type of classification.OpenMetadataClassificationPropagationRule is part of a relationship definition (OpenMetadataRelationshipDef).OpenMetadataCollectionDef supports the definition of a collection type.This enum defines the list of open metadata collection types.OpenMetadataElement describes an entity in an open metadata repository.OpenMetadataElementGraph is used to return an open metadata element along with all of its anchored elements and the relationships that they have between one another and to other elements.OpenMetadataEntityDef describes a type of entity in the metadata collection.The OpenMetadataEnumDef describes an open metadata enumeration.OpenMetadataEnumElementDef describes a single valid value defined for an enum.OpenMetadataPrimitiveDef supports the definition of a primitive type.This enumeration defines the list of open metadata primitive types.Structure for returning a relationship between two metadata elements.OpenMetadataRelationshipDef describes the type of a relationship.RelationshipCardinality is used in a OpenMetadataRelationshipEndDef to indicate how many relationships of this type can be connected to an entity instance.: UNKNOWN: uninitialized cardinality.OpenMetadataRelationshipEndDef describes the type of the entity and the attribute information for one end of a OpenMetadataRelationshipDef.OpenMetadataRelationshipList is for passing back a list of GAF OpenMetadataRelationship or an exception if the request failed.The OpenMetadataTypeDef is the base class for objects that store the properties of an open metadata type definition (call ed a OpenMetadataTypeDef).OpenMetadataTypeDefAttribute stores the properties used to describe a attribute within a Classification, Entity or Relationship.OpenMetadataTypeDefAttributeStatus is an enum that describes the status of a specific typeDef attribute.The OpenMetadataTypeDefCategory defines the list of valid types of OpenMetadataTypeDef for open metadata instances.OpenMetadataTypeDefElementHeader provides a common base for all typedef information.TypeDefGalleryResponse contains details of the AttributeTypeDefs and full TypeDefs supported by a repThe OpenMetadataTypeDefLink holds basic identifying information used to link one OpenMetadataTypeDef to another.The OpenMetadataTypeDefProperties class provides support for arbitrary properties that belong to a OpenMetadataTypeDef object.OpenMetadataTypeDefStatus is an enum that describes the status of a specific typeDef.The OpenMetadataTypeDefSummary holds basic identifying information for a specific OpenMetadataTypeDef.RegisteredGovernanceService describes a governance action service that has been registered with a governance engine.RegisteredGovernanceServiceElement contains the properties and header for a governance service entity retrieved from the metadata repository plus its supported request types.RegisteredGovernanceServiceProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a SupportedGovernanceService relationship.RegisteredIntegrationConnectorElement contains the properties and header for a integration connector entity retrieved from the metadata repository plus its supported request types.RegisteredIntegrationConnectorProperties provides a structure for carrying the properties for a SupportedIntegrationConnector relationship.RelatedEngineActionElement contains the properties for a NextEngineAction relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.This property header implements any common mechanisms that all property objects need.OpenMetadataRelationshipList is a response object for passing back a list of GAF OpenMetadataRelationship or an exception if the request failed.RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.RequestSourceElement describes the element that triggered the request to the governance action service.TranslationDetail provides translated strings for an open metadata element for a specific language/locale.ValidMetadataValue provides the properties for a valid metadata value.ValidMetadataValueDetail retrieves a single valid value for a property.