Class CatalogTargetProcessorBase

Direct Known Subclasses:
AuditLogDestinationCatalogTargetProcessor, HarvestOpenMetadataCatalogTargetProcessor, HarvestSurveysCatalogTargetProcessor, KafkaTopicSourceCatalogTargetProcessor, OpenLineageEventReceiverCatalogTargetProcessor

public abstract class CatalogTargetProcessorBase extends RequestedCatalogTarget
Provides the base class for connector code that processes a single catalog target. When converting an integration connector implementation that does not support catalog targets to one that does, move the core working code into a subclass of this class and implement CatalogTargetIntegrator (and optionally CatalogTargetChangeListener if you need notifications. Ensure you override the getNewRequestedCatalogTargetSkeleton method in CatalogTargetIntegrator to return a new instance of your CatalogTargetProcessorBase class.
  • Field Details

    • connectorName

      protected final String connectorName
    • auditLog

      protected final AuditLog auditLog
    • propertyHelper

      protected final PropertyHelper propertyHelper
  • Constructor Details

    • CatalogTargetProcessorBase

      public CatalogTargetProcessorBase(CatalogTarget template, Connector connectorToTarget, String connectorName, AuditLog auditLog)
      Copy/clone constructor
      template - object to copy
      connectorToTarget - connector to access the target resource
      connectorName - name of this integration connector
      auditLog - logging destination
  • Method Details

    • refresh

      public abstract void refresh() throws ConnectorCheckedException
      Requests that the connector does a comparison of the metadata in the third party technology and open metadata repositories. Refresh is called when the integration connector first starts and then at intervals defined in the connector's configuration as well as any external REST API calls to explicitly refresh the connector.
      ConnectorCheckedException - there is a problem with the connector. It is not able to refresh the metadata.