
public class MemberElement extends Object
MemberElement describes a single element in a metadata collection. It is also able to determine the action to take in the synchronization process provided targetPermittedSynchronization is set up to be To/From/Both and the third party technology supports creation/last update dates (because if these dates are null, the classifier assumes the element does not exist in the third party.
  • Method Details

    • getElement

      public OpenMetadataElement getElement()
      Return the element.
      open metadata element
    • getRootSchemaType

      public RelatedMetadataElement getRootSchemaType()
      Return the related schema type element that is the root of the element's schema. This is only present on assets - and not all assets have a schema.
      related metadata element
    • getExternalIdentifiers

      public List<MetadataCorrelationHeader> getExternalIdentifiers()
      The list of identifiers from the third party system. Typically, there is only one. More occur when a single open metadata element is used to represent multiple objects from the third party system.
      list of external identifiers
    • getVendorProperties

      public Map<String,String> getVendorProperties(String vendorIdentifier)
      Return any additional properties that are specific to the deployment.
      string map
    • getMemberAction

      public MemberAction getMemberAction(Date thirdPartyElementCreationTime, Date thirdPartyElementLastUpdateTime)
      Return the action that needs to be taken based on the information both in the open metadata ecosystem and the third party system.
      thirdPartyElementCreationTime - the time that the element was created in the third party - if this value is null then it is assumed that the element does not exist in the third party system
      thirdPartyElementLastUpdateTime - the time that the element was last updated in the third party
      the action to take
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Print out useful info.
      toString in class Object