Class OpenMetadataValidValues
OpenMetadataValidValues provides the names used in constructing valid value sets for open metadata values.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final String
The name of the additional properties entry in valid metadata values that represent the associated Asset subtype name.static final String
Open Connector Framework (OCF)static final String
Javastatic final String
This scope value means that the associated value is valid across the open metadata ecosystem - that is all tools, runtimes, repositories using open metadata standards.static final String
This is the inheritance association name use between open metadata valid valuesstatic final String
This is the prefix used on valid value definitions for open metadata elementsstatic final String
This is the name of the valid values set that contains all the valid values for open metadatastatic final String
Egeria manages valid values for string metadata properties. -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic String
(String incomingTypeName, String incomingPropertyName, String incomingMapName) Creates the category of the element based on the properties supplied.static String
(String incomingTypeName, String incomingPropertyName, String incomingMapName, String incomingPreferredValue) Creates the qualifiedName of the element based on the properties supplied.
Field Details
Open Connector Framework (OCF)- See Also:
Java- See Also:
This scope value means that the associated value is valid across the open metadata ecosystem - that is all tools, runtimes, repositories using open metadata standards.- See Also:
Egeria manages valid values for string metadata properties. This value means that a valid value definition is used with open metadata.- See Also:
This is the name of the valid values set that contains all the valid values for open metadata- See Also:
This is the prefix used on valid value definitions for open metadata elements- See Also:
This is the inheritance association name use between open metadata valid values- See Also:
The name of the additional properties entry in valid metadata values that represent the associated Asset subtype name.- See Also:
Constructor Details
public OpenMetadataValidValues()
Method Details
public static String constructValidValueQualifiedName(String incomingTypeName, String incomingPropertyName, String incomingMapName, String incomingPreferredValue) Creates the qualifiedName of the element based on the properties supplied.- Egeria:ValidMetadataValue: - This is the name of the top level set.
- Egeria:ValidMetadataValue:typeName: - This is the name of a set for a specific type.
- Egeria:ValidMetadataValue:typeName:propertyName- - This is the name of the set for a property name for a specific type.
- Egeria:ValidMetadataValue::propertyName- - This is the name of the set for a property name for all types where the property name appears.
- Egeria:ValidMetadataValue:typeName:propertyName-(preferredValue) - This is one of the valid metadata values for the property name when used with a specific type.
- Egeria:ValidMetadataValue::propertyName-(preferredValue) - This is one of the valid metadata values for the property name when used with any type.
- Egeria:ValidMetadataValue:typeName:propertyName--mapName-- - This is a valid map name for a property name used within a specific type.
- Egeria:ValidMetadataValue::propertyName--mapName-- This is a valid map name for a property name used with any type
- Egeria:ValidMetadataValue:typeName:propertyName--mapName--(preferredValue) - This is a valid metadata map value for a property name used within a specific type.
- Egeria:ValidMetadataValue::propertyName--mapName--(preferredValue) - This is a valid metadata map value for a property name used with any type.
- Parameters:
- name of the type (can be null)incomingPropertyName
- name of the property (can be null)incomingMapName
- name of the mapName (can be null)incomingPreferredValue
- name of the valid value (can be null)- Returns:
- string (never null)
public static String constructValidValueCategory(String incomingTypeName, String incomingPropertyName, String incomingMapName) Creates the category of the element based on the properties supplied.- Open Metadata Valid Values - This is the category for the top level set.
- typeName - This is the name of a set for a specific type.
- typeName:propertyName - This is the name of the set for a property name for a specific type.
- typeName:propertyName--mapName - This is a valid map name for a property name used within a specific type.
- typeName:--mapName This is a valid map name for a property name used with any type
- propertyName - This is the name of the set for a property name for all types where the property name appears.
- propertyName--mapName This is a valid map name for a property name used with any type
- Parameters:
- name of the type (can be null)incomingPropertyName
- name of the property (can be null)incomingMapName
- name of the mapName (can be null)- Returns:
- string (never null)