Class OpenMetadataValidValues


public class OpenMetadataValidValues extends Object
OpenMetadataValidValues provides the names used in constructing valid value sets for open metadata values.
  • Field Details


      public static final String CONNECTOR_FRAMEWORK_NAME_DEFAULT
      Open Connector Framework (OCF)
      See Also:

      public static final String CONNECTOR_INTERFACE_LANGUAGE_DEFAULT
      See Also:

      public static final String OPEN_METADATA_ECOSYSTEM_SCOPE
      This scope value means that the associated value is valid across the open metadata ecosystem - that is all tools, runtimes, repositories using open metadata standards.
      See Also:

      public static final String VALID_METADATA_VALUES_USAGE
      Egeria manages valid values for string metadata properties. This value means that a valid value definition is used with open metadata.
      See Also:

      public static final String VALID_METADATA_VALUES_SET_CATEGORY
      This is the name of the valid values set that contains all the valid values for open metadata
      See Also:

      This is the prefix used on valid value definitions for open metadata elements
      See Also:

      public static final String VALID_METADATA_VALUE_IS_TYPE_OF
      This is the inheritance association name use between open metadata valid values
      See Also:

      public static final String ASSET_SUB_TYPE_NAME
      The name of the additional properties entry in valid metadata values that represent the associated Asset subtype name.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenMetadataValidValues

      public OpenMetadataValidValues()
  • Method Details

    • constructValidValueQualifiedName

      public static String constructValidValueQualifiedName(String incomingTypeName, String incomingPropertyName, String incomingMapName, String incomingPreferredValue)
      Creates the qualifiedName of the element based on the properties supplied.
      • Egeria:ValidMetadataValue: - This is the name of the top level set.
      • Egeria:ValidMetadataValue:typeName: - This is the name of a set for a specific type.
      • Egeria:ValidMetadataValue:typeName:propertyName- - This is the name of the set for a property name for a specific type.
      • Egeria:ValidMetadataValue::propertyName- - This is the name of the set for a property name for all types where the property name appears.
      • Egeria:ValidMetadataValue:typeName:propertyName-(preferredValue) - This is one of the valid metadata values for the property name when used with a specific type.
      • Egeria:ValidMetadataValue::propertyName-(preferredValue) - This is one of the valid metadata values for the property name when used with any type.
      • Egeria:ValidMetadataValue:typeName:propertyName--mapName-- - This is a valid map name for a property name used within a specific type.
      • Egeria:ValidMetadataValue::propertyName--mapName-- This is a valid map name for a property name used with any type
      • Egeria:ValidMetadataValue:typeName:propertyName--mapName--(preferredValue) - This is a valid metadata map value for a property name used within a specific type.
      • Egeria:ValidMetadataValue::propertyName--mapName--(preferredValue) - This is a valid metadata map value for a property name used with any type.
      incomingTypeName - name of the type (can be null)
      incomingPropertyName - name of the property (can be null)
      incomingMapName - name of the mapName (can be null)
      incomingPreferredValue - name of the valid value (can be null)
      string (never null)
    • constructValidValueCategory

      public static String constructValidValueCategory(String incomingTypeName, String incomingPropertyName, String incomingMapName)
      Creates the category of the element based on the properties supplied.
      • Open Metadata Valid Values - This is the category for the top level set.
      • typeName - This is the name of a set for a specific type.
      • typeName:propertyName - This is the name of the set for a property name for a specific type.
      • typeName:propertyName--mapName - This is a valid map name for a property name used within a specific type.
      • typeName:--mapName This is a valid map name for a property name used with any type
      • propertyName - This is the name of the set for a property name for all types where the property name appears.
      • propertyName--mapName This is a valid map name for a property name used with any type
      incomingTypeName - name of the type (can be null)
      incomingPropertyName - name of the property (can be null)
      incomingMapName - name of the mapName (can be null)
      string (never null)