Package org.odpi.openmetadata.frameworks.openmetadata.metadataelements
package org.odpi.openmetadata.frameworks.openmetadata.metadataelements
The metadata elements describe the way that metadata is returned from the repository.
ClassDescriptionThe ActorProfileElement describes an individual, system, team or organization.ActorRoleAppointee is the bean used to return a role and current appointee(s).PersonalRoleElement contains the properties and header for a person role assigned to a profile retrieved from the metadata repository.ActorRoleHistory is the bean used to return a role definition and its appointees over time.ActorRoleAppointee is the bean used to return a role and current appointee(s).APIElement contains the properties and header for a DeployedAPI entity retrieved from the metadata repository.APIOperationElement contains the properties and header for an APIOperation entity retrieved from the metadata repository.APIParameterElement contains the properties and header for a APIParameter entity retrieved from the metadata repository.APIParameterListElement contains the properties and header for an APIParameterList entity retrieved from the metadata repository.Appointee describes an individual's appointment to a specific role.AssetElement contains the properties and header for an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.AssetGraph is used to return an asset along with all of its anchored elements and the relationships that they have between one another and to other elements.AssetLineageGraph is used to return an asset along with all of its lineage relationships.AssetLineageGraphNode is used to return an asset that is part of a lineage graph and the relationships that are the evidence that this asset belongs in the graph.AssetLineageGraphRelationship describes the derived lineage graph relationship between two assets.AssetRelationshipElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the repository.AssetSearchMatches is used to return an asset whose has anchored elements returned from a search.BusinessCapabilityElement contains the properties and header for a business capability entity retrieved from the metadata repository.CertificationElement contains the properties and header for a certification for an element.CertificationTypeElement contains the properties and header for a certification type retrieved from the metadata repository.CollectionElement contains the properties and header for a collection retrieved from the metadata repository.CollectionMember describes a member of a collection.CommentElement contains the properties and header for a Comment entity retrieved from the metadata repository.CommunityElement contains the properties and header for a community.CommunityMembershipElement describes an individual who is a member of a community.ConnectionElement contains the properties and header for a connection retrieved from the metadata repository.ConnectorTypeElement contains the properties and header for a connector type retrieved from the metadata repository.ContactMethodElement contains the properties and header for a contract method retrieved from the metadata repository.ContributionRecordElement contains the properties and header for a contribution record retrieved from the metadata repository.ControlFlowElement contains the properties and header for a control flow relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.DataAssetElement contains the properties and header for an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.DatabaseColumnElement contains the properties and header for a database column entity retrieved from the metadata repository.DatabaseColumnTypeElement contains the properties and header for a database column type entity retrieved from the metadata repository.DatabaseElement contains the properties and header for a database entity retrieved from the metadata repository.DatabaseSchemaElement contains the properties and header for a deployed database schema asset entity retrieved from the metadata repository.DatabaseTableElement contains the properties and header for a database table entity retrieved from the metadata repository.DatabaseViewElement contains the properties and header for a database view entity retrieved from the metadata repository.DataContainerElement contains the properties and header for a data container entity retrieved from the metadata repository.DataFieldElement contains the properties and header for a data field entity retrieved from the metadata repository.DataFileElement contains the properties and header for a data file retrieved from the metadata repository.DataFlowElement contains the properties and header for a data flow relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.DeployedCapabilityElement contains the properties and header for a SupportedSoftwareCapability relationship retrieved from the repository.DeploymentElement contains the properties and header for a DeployedOn relationship retrieved from the repository.DigitalServiceElement contains the properties and header for a digital service entity retrieved from the metadata repository.DuplicateElement contains the header for PeerDuplicateLink relationship, its properties and the header of the peer element.The ElementClassification bean describes a single classification associated with an element.The ElementClassificationHeader bean describes the header for a classification associated with an element.The ElementControlHeader bean provides details of the origin and changes associated with the element.ElementHeader provides the common identifier and type information for all properties objects that link off of the asset and have a guid associated with them.The ElementType bean provides details of the type information associated with a metadata element.ElementStub is used to identify an element.The ElementType bean provides details of the type information associated with a metadata element.ElementVersions provides the version information for the element plus details of the creation time and last update time.The EmbeddedConnection is used within a VirtualConnection to link to the embedded connections.EndpointElement contains the properties and header for an endpoint retrieved from the metadata repository.EventTypeElement contains the properties and header for a EventType entity retrieved from the metadata repository.ExecutionPointElement is the bean used to return an execution point definition stored in the open metadata repositories.ExternalGlossaryElementLinkElement contains the properties and header for a link to a equivalent external glossary category retrieved from the metadata repository.ExternalGlossaryLinkElement contains the properties and header for a link to a equivalent external glossary retrieved from the metadata repository.ExternalReferenceElement stores information about a link to an external resource that is relevant to this element.FeedbackTargetElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.FileFolderElement contains the properties and header for a file folder entity retrieved from the metadata repository.FileSystemElement contains the properties and header for a file system retrieved from the metadata repository.FormElement contains the properties and header for a form entity retrieved from the metadata repository.GlossaryTermElement contains the properties and header for a glossary term entity retrieved from the metadata repository.GovernanceAppointee describes an individual's appointment as a governance officer or to a specific governance role.GovernanceDefinitionElement is the superclass used to return the common properties of a governance definition stored in the open metadata repositories.GovernanceDefinitionGraph documents the linked governance definitions of the governance program.GovernanceDelegation is used to show a relationship between different GovernanceDefinitions.GovernanceDomainElement is the bean used to return a governance domain definition stored in the open metadata repositories.GovernanceDomainSetElement is the bean used to return a governance domain set definition stored in the open metadata repositories.GovernanceLevelIdentifierElement is the bean used to return a governance level identifier definition stored in the open metadata repositories.GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetElement documents the level identifier values for a specific governance classification.GovernanceLink is used to show a relationship between different governance definitions of the same type.GovernanceMetricElement is the bean used to return a governance metric stored in the open metadata repositories.The GovernanceMetricImplementation defines the query and data set that supports the measurements for a GovernanceMetricProperties.GovernanceRoleAppointee is the bean used to return a governance role and current appointee(s).GovernanceRoleElement is the bean used to return a governance role description.GovernanceRoleHistory is the bean used to return a governance officer role definition and its appointees over time.GovernanceLevelIdentifierElement is the bean used to return a governance level identifier definition stored in the open metadata repositories.GovernanceLevelIdentifierSetElement documents the level identifier values for a specific governance classification.A governance zone defines a group of assets.GovernanceZoneElement is the bean used to return a governance zone definition stored in the open metadata repositories.HostElement contains the properties and header for a host retrieved from the metadata repository.ImplementedByRelationship contains the properties and header for an ImplementedBy relationship retrieved from the repository.InformalTagElement contains the properties and header for an informal retrieved from the metadata repository.Describe the associated information supply chains for a solution component/asset.InformationSupplyChainElement contains the properties and header for an information supply chain entity and its segment retrieved from the metadata repository.InformationSupplyChainLink contains the properties and header for a Information Supply Chain relationship retrieved from the repository.InformationSupplyChainSegmentElement contains the properties and header for an information supply chain segment entity retrieved from the metadata repository.The ITProfileElement describes a system, any contact methods and linked userIds.LicenseElement contains the properties and header for a license for an element.LicenseTypeElement contains the properties and header for a licence type retrieved from the metadata repository.LikeElement contains the properties and header for a like entity retrieved from the metadata repository.LineageMappingElement contains the properties and header for a lineage mapping relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.LocationElement contains the properties and header for a location definition retrieved from the metadata repository.MeaningElement contains the properties and header for a GlossaryTerm entity retrieved from the metadata repository.MetadataElement is the common interface for all metadata elements.Description of an open metadata element (entity instance) retrieved from the open metadata repositories.MetadataRelationship describes a relationship between two metadata elements.MetadataRelationship describes a relationship between two metadata elements.MetadataSourceElement contains the properties and header for a software server capability retrieved from the metadata repository.NoteElement contains the properties and header for a Note entity retrieved from the metadata repository.NoteLogElement contains the properties and header for a NoteLog entity retrieved from the metadata repository.NoteLogEntryElement contains the properties and header for an entry in a note log such as a persona note log or a community forum.NoteLogHeaderElement contains the properties and header for the root of a note log such as a personal note log or a community forum.The PersonalProfileElement describes an individual who has (or will be) appointed to one of the governance roles defined in the governance program.PersonalProfileUniverse contains the properties and header for a personal profile retrieved from the metadata repository along with details of the contribution record, user ids, contact methods, peers and roles that the profile is linked to.PersonalRoleElement contains the properties and header for a person role assigned to a profile retrieved from the metadata repository.PortElement contains the properties and header for a port entity retrieved from the metadata repository.ProcessCallElement contains the properties and header for a process call relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.ProcessElement contains the properties and header for a process entity retrieved from the metadata repository.ProfileElement contains the properties and header for a profile of a person, team, engine or organization retrieved from the metadata repository.ProfileIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.ProfileLocationElement contains the properties and header for a relationship between a profile and a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.ProjectElement contains the properties and header for a community.ProjectTeamMember describes a team member of a project.QueryElement contains the properties and header for a query entity retrieved from the metadata repository.RatingElement contains the properties and header for a rating retrieved from the metadata repository.ReferenceableElement contains the properties and header for a referenceable entity retrieved from the metadata repository.ReferenceValueAssignmentDefinitionElement describes a valid value that is being used as a tag/classifier for a referenceable.ReferenceValueAssignmentItemElement describes a Referenceable that is using a valid values set/definition as a tag/classifier.RelatedAssetElement contains the properties and header for a relationship to an asset retrieved from the metadata repository.RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.RelatedElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository along with the stub of the related element.RelationshipElement contains the properties and header for a relationship retrieved from the metadata repository.ReportElement contains the properties and header for a report entity retrieved from the metadata repository.SchemaAttributeElement contains the properties and header for a schema attribute retrieved from the metadata repository.SchemaTypeElement contains the properties and header for a reference data asset retrieved from the metadata repository.SecurityGroupElement is the superclass used to return the common properties of a governance definition stored in the open metadata repositories.SecurityManagerElement contains the properties and header for a software server capabilities entity retrieved from the metadata repository.ServerAssetUseElement contains the properties and header for a ServerAssetUse relationship retrieved from the repository.SoftwareCapabilityElement contains the properties and header for a software server capability retrieved from the metadata repository.SoftwareServerCapabilityElement is replaced by SoftwareCapabilityElement.SoftwareServerElement contains the properties and header for a software server retrieved from the metadata repository.SoftwareServerPlatformElement contains the properties and header for a software server platform retrieved from the metadata repository.SolutionBlueprintComponent contains the properties and header for a SolutionBlueprintComposition relationship plus linked solution component retrieved from the repository.SolutionBlueprintElement contains the properties and header for a solution blueprint and its components retrieved from the metadata repository.SolutionComponentActorRelationship contains the properties and header for an SolutionComponentActor relationship retrieved from the repository.SolutionComponentElement contains the properties and header for an solution component entity and its segment retrieved from the metadata repository.SolutionComponentPort contains the properties and header for a SolutionComponentPort relationship retrieved from the repository.SolutionLinkingWireRelationship contains the properties and header for a SolutionLinkingWireRelationship relationship retrieved from the repository.SolutionPortElement contains the properties and header for a SolutionPortElement entity retrieved from the repository.SolutionRoleElement contains the properties and header for an actor role assigned to a solution retrieved from the metadata repository.A subject area defines a group of definitions for governing assets related to a specific topic.SubjectAreaElement is the bean used to return a subject area definition stored in the open metadata repositories.TabularColumnElement contains the properties and header for a table column entity retrieved from the metadata repository.TeamMembershipElement contains the properties and header for a role that shows a person is a leader or a member of a team as retrieved from the metadata repository.TeamProfileElement contains the properties and header for a team profile retrieved from the metadata repository.ToDoActionTargetElement describes an element that a person owning a "To Do" action should process.ToDoElement contains the properties and header for a "to do" (informal task) retrieved from the metadata repository.TopicElement contains the properties and header for a topic entity retrieved from the metadata repository.TopicSchemaElement contains the properties and header for a schema element entity retrieved from the metadata repository.UserIdentityElement contains the properties and header for a user identity retrieved from the metadata repository.ValidValueAssignmentConsumerElement describes a Referenceable that is using a valid values set/definition to define the values that may/must be assigned to it.ValidValueAssignmentConsumerElement describes a a valid values set/definition that is defining the values that may/must be assigned to a referenceable.ValidValueElement contains the properties and header for a valid value definition or set entity retrieved from the metadata repository.ValidValueImplAssetElement contains the properties and header for a reference data set linked to a valid value retrieved from the metadata repository.ValidValueImplDefinitionElement describes a Valid Value that defines one if the values in a reference data asset.ValidValueMappingElement contains the properties and remote end of a valid value mapping as seen from a valid value.ValidValueElement contains the properties and header for a valid value set entity retrieved from the metadata repository.ValidValuesMappingElement contains the properties and ends of a valid value mapping relationship.SolutionLinkingWireRelationship contains the properties and header for a SolutionLinkingWireRelationship relationship retrieved from the repository.An iterator to walk through the list of assets assigned to a zone.