This package defines the beans used to build the REST request and response payloads.
REST APIs can pass parameters in their URLs (called path variables) as well has having a RequestBody bean
for additional, more complex, or optional parameters. Responses are returned in response beans.
The response beans encode the return type of the method as well as any exceptions and associated messages.
ClassesClassDescriptionActionTargetStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties that sit in the ActionTarget relationship.AnyTimeRequestBody describes the start and stop time of the historical query.ArchiveRequestBody provides a structure for passing the archive information for a metadata element.AttributeTypeDefListResponse provides a simple bean for returning an array of AttributeTypeDefsAttributeTypeDefResponse provides a response structure for an OMRS REST API call that returns an AttributeTypeDef object.CatalogTargetResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a CatalogTarget element object as a response.CatalogTargetsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of CatalogTarget objects as a response.CompletionStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties to record that a governance service finished a governance action.ConsolidatedDuplicatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with consolidated duplicates.EffectiveTimeQueryRequestBody carries the date/time for a query.EngineActionElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a EngineAction element object as a response.EngineActionElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of EngineActionElement objects as a response.EngineActionStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing a new EngineActionStatus.FindRelationshipRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for the find relationships request.FindRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for the find request.FirstGovernanceActionProcessStepResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Action Framework (GAF) API calls that returns a FirstGovernanceActionProcessStep element object as a response.GovernanceActionProcessElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceActionProcess element object as a response.GovernanceActionProcessElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceActionProcessElement objects as a response.FirstGovernanceActionProcessStepResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Action Framework (GAF) API calls that returns a FirstGovernanceActionProcessStep element object as a response.GovernanceActionProcessStepElementResponse is the response structure used on the open metadata REST API calls that returns a GovernanceActionProcessStep element object as a response.GovernanceActionProcessStepsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceActionProcessStepElement objects as a response.Deprecated.GovernanceActionTypeElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceActionType element object as a response.GovernanceActionTypesResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceActionTypeElement objects as a response.GovernanceEngineElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceEngine element object as a response.GovernanceEngineElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceEngineElement objects as a response.GovernanceServiceElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a GovernanceService element object as a response.GovernanceServiceElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceServiceElement objects as a response.GovernanceServiceRegistrationRequestBody provides a structure for passing details of a governance service that is to be registered with a governance engine.HistoryRequestBody describes the start and stop time of the historical query.HistoryRequestBody describes the start and stop time of the historical query.IncidentReportRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new incident report.InformationSupplyChainResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a InformationSupplyChainElement element object as a response.InformationSupplyChainsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of InformationSupplyChainElement objects as a response.EngineActionRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new engine action.InitiateGovernanceActionProcessRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for initiating a new instance of a governance action process.GovernanceActionTypeRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for initiating a new instance of an engine action from a governance action type.IntegrationConnectorElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a IntegrationConnector element object as a response.IntegrationConnectorElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of IntegrationConnectorElement objects as a response.IntegrationGroupElementResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a IntegrationGroup element object as a response.IntegrationGroupElementsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of IntegrationGroupElement objects as a response.MetadataCorrelationHeadersResponse is a response object for passing back a a list of correlation headers or an exception if the request failed.MetadataSourceRequestBody carries the parameters for marking an element, classification or relationship as external.NewClassificationRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new classification for a metadata element.NewGovernanceActionProcessRequestBody describes the request body used to create governance action process properties.NewGovernanceEngineRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties of a new governance engine as a request body over a REST API.NewGovernanceServiceRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties of a new governance service as a request body over a REST API.NewOpenMetadataElementRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new metadata element.NewRelatedElementsRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new relationship between metadata elements.NextGovernanceActionProcessStepRequestBody contains the properties for a next action type relationship.NextGovernanceActionProcessStepsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of NextGovernanceActionProcessStepElement objects as a response.OMAGGAFAPIResponse provides a common header for Metadata Store Service managed rest to its REST API.OpenMetadataElementResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the GAF definition of the OpenMetadataElement.OpenMetadataElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of GAF OpenMetadataElements or an exception if the request failed.OpenMetadataGraphResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Action Framework REST API calls that returns an OpenMetadataElementGraph object as a response.OpenMetadataRelationshipListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of GAF OpenMetadataRelationship or an exception if the request failed.OpenMetadataRelationshipResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the GAF definition of the relationship (OpenMetadataRelationship).PeerDuplicatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with duplicates.RegisteredGovernanceServiceResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a RegisteredGovernanceServiceElement object as a response.RegisteredGovernanceServicesResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of RegisteredGovernanceServices objects as a response.RegisteredIntegrationConnectorResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a RegisteredIntegrationConnectorElement object as a response.RegisteredIntegrationConnectorsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of RegisteredIntegrationConnectors objects as a response.OpenMetadataRelationshipListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of GAF OpenMetadataRelationship or an exception if the request failed.RelatedMetadataElementsResponse is a response object for passing back a list of GAF RelatedMetadataElementSummary or an exception if the request failed.RequestTypeRequestBody provides a structure for passing a requestType and requestParameters as a request body over a REST API.SolutionBlueprintResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a SolutionBlueprintElement element object as a response.SolutionBlueprintsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of SolutionBlueprintElement objects as a response.SolutionComponentResponse is the response structure used on the Governance Engine OMAS REST API calls that returns a SolutionComponentElement element object as a response.SolutionComponentsResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of GovernanceActionProcessStepElement objects as a response.SolutionRoleResponse is the response structure used on the open metadata REST API calls that returns a SolutionRoleElement element object as a response.SolutionRolesResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that returns a list of SolutionRoleElement objects as a response.StatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing a new EngineActionStatus.StewardshipRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties associated with stewardship actions.TemplateRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new metadata element that is to be created via a template.ToDoRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for a new to do.TranslationDetailResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the GAF definition of the TranslationDetail.TranslationListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of TranslationDetail properties or an exception if the request failed.TypeDefGalleryResponse provides the response structure for an OMRS REST API call that returns a TypeDefGallery.TypeDefListResponse provides a simple bean for returning a list of TypeDefs (or information to create a valid OMRS exception).TypeDefResponse provides the response structure for an OMRS API call that returns a TypeDefTypeLimitedFindRequest extends the paged find request to allow the caller to request results from only one type of instance.TypeLimitedHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.UpdateEffectivityDatesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the effectivity dates for a metadata element, classification or relationship.UpdateGovernanceActionProcessRequestBody describes the request body used to update governance action process properties.UpdateGovernanceActionProcessStepRequestBody describes the request body used to update governance action process step properties.UpdateGovernanceActionTypeRequestBody describes the request body used to update governance action type properties.UpdateGovernanceEngineRequestBody provides a structure for passing the updated properties of a governance engine as a request body over a REST API.UpdateGovernanceServiceRequestBody provides a structure for passing the updated properties of a governance service as a request body over a REST API.UpdateRequestBody carries the correlation properties and effective time for a create, update or delete request.UpdatePropertiesRequestBody provides a structure for passing the properties for updating metadata elements, relationships or classifications.UpdateRequestBody provides a structure for passing the common request parameters for updating metadata elements, relationships or classifications.UpdateStatusRequestBody provides a structure for passing the updated status and effectivity dates for a metadata element.ValidMetadataValueDetailListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of ValidMetadataValue properties or an exception if the request failed.ValidMetadataValueListResponse is a response object for passing back a list of ValidMetadataValue properties or an exception if the request failed.ValidMetadataValueResponse is the response structure used on the OMAS REST API calls that return the GAF definition of the ValidMetadataValue.