
@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/open-metadata/framework-services/{serviceURLName}/connected-asset/users/{userId}") public class ConnectedAssetResource extends Object
The ConnectedAssetResource is the server-side implementation of the REST services needed to populate the Open Connector Framework (OCF) Connected Asset Properties.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConnectedAssetResource

      public ConnectedAssetResource()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • logAssetAuditMessage

      @PostMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/log-records/{governanceService}") public VoidResponse logAssetAuditMessage(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @PathVariable String governanceService, @RequestBody String message)
      Log an audit message about an asset.
      serverName - name of server instance to route request to
      userId - userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - unique identifier for asset.
      governanceService - unique name for governance service.
      message - message to log
      void or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid. UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request. PropertyServerException there was a problem that occurred within the property server.
    • getConnectionByGUID

      @GetMapping(path="/connections/{guid}") public ConnectionResponse getConnectionByGUID(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid)
      Returns the connection object corresponding to the supplied connection GUID.
      serverName - name of the server instances for this request.
      serviceURLName - name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - userId of user making request.
      guid - the unique id for the connection within the property server.
      connection object or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UnrecognizedConnectionGUIDException the supplied GUID is not recognized by the metadata repository or PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property (metadata) server or UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getConnectionByName

      @GetMapping(path="/connections/by-name/{name}") public ConnectionResponse getConnectionByName(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String name)
      Returns the connection object corresponding to the supplied connection GUID.
      serverName - name of the server instances for this request.
      serviceURLName - name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - userId of user making request.
      name - the unique name for the connection within the property server.
      connection object or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UnrecognizedConnectionGUIDException the supplied GUID is not recognized by the metadata repository or PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property (metadata) server or UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • saveConnectionForAsset

      @PostMapping(path="/connections") public GUIDResponse saveConnectionForAsset(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @RequestParam(required=false) String assetGUID, @RequestBody Connection connection)
      Save the connection optionally linked to the supplied asset GUID.
      serverName - name of the server instances for this request
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - the unique id for the asset within the metadata repository. This optional. However, if specified then the new connection is attached to the asset
      connection - connection to save
      connection object or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UnrecognizedConnectionNameException there is no connection defined for this name or PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property (metadata) server or UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getConnectionForAsset

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/connection") public ConnectionResponse getConnectionForAsset(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID)
      Returns the connection corresponding to the supplied asset GUID.
      serverName - name of the server instances for this request
      serviceURLName - name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - the unique id for the asset within the metadata repository.
      connection object or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or UnrecognizedConnectionNameException there is no connection defined for this name or PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving information from the property (metadata) server or UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getAssetForConnectionGUID

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/by-connection/{connectionGUID}") public GUIDResponse getAssetForConnectionGUID(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String connectionGUID)
      Returns the unique identifier for the asset connected to the connection identified by the supplied guid.
      serverName - String name of the server instances for this request.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String the userId of the requesting user.
      connectionGUID - uniqueId for the connection.
      unique identifier of asset or InvalidParameterException one of the parameters is null or invalid or PropertyServerException there is a problem retrieving the connected asset properties from the property server or UnrecognizedConnectionGUIDException the supplied GUID is not recognized by the property server or NoConnectedAssetException there is no asset associated with this connection or UserNotAuthorizedException the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getConnectedAssetSummary

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/via-connection/{connectionGUID}") public AssetResponse getConnectedAssetSummary(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @PathVariable String connectionGUID)
      Returns the basic information about the asset. The connection guid allows the short description for the asset to be filled out.
      serverName - String name of the server.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      connectionGUID - unique id for connection used to access asset.
      a bean with the basic properties about the asset or InvalidParameterException - the asset GUID is null or invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the asset GUID is not recognized by the property server or UnrecognizedConnectionGUIDException - the connection GUID is not recognized by the property server or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getAnchorAssetFromGUID

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/from-anchor/{guid}") public AssetResponse getAnchorAssetFromGUID(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String guid)
      Returns the anchor asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      guid - String unique id for the metadata element.
      a bean with the basic properties about the anchor asset or InvalidParameterException - the userId is null or invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getAssetSummary

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}") public AssetResponse getAssetSummary(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID)
      Returns the basic information about the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      a bean with the basic properties about the asset or InvalidParameterException - the userId is null or invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getCertifications

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/certifications") public CertificationsResponse getCertifications(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of certifications for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of certifications or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getAssetComments

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/comments") public CommentsResponse getAssetComments(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of comments for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of comments or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getAssetCommentReplies

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/comments/{commentGUID}/replies") public CommentsResponse getAssetCommentReplies(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @PathVariable String commentGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of comments for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique identifier for the linked asset.
      commentGUID - String unique id for the root comment.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of comments or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getConnections

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/connections") public ConnectionsResponse getConnections(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of connections for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of connections or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getExternalIdentifiers

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/external-identifiers") public ExternalIdentifiersResponse getExternalIdentifiers(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of external identifiers for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of external identifiers or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getExternalReferences

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/external-references") public ExternalReferencesResponse getExternalReferences(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of external references for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of external references or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getInformalTags

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/informal-tags") public InformalTagsResponse getInformalTags(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of informal tags for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of informal tags or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getLicenses

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/licenses") public LicensesResponse getLicenses(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of licenses for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of informal tags or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getLikes

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/likes") public LikesResponse getLikes(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of likes for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of likes or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getKnownLocations

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/known-locations") public LocationsResponse getKnownLocations(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of known locations for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of locations or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getNoteLogs

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/note-logs") public NoteLogsResponse getNoteLogs(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of note logs for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of note logs or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getNotes

      @GetMapping(path="/note-logs/{noteLogGUID}/notes") public NotesResponse getNotes(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String noteLogGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of notes for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      noteLogGUID - String unique id for note log.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of notes or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getRatings

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/ratings") public RatingsResponse getRatings(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of ratings for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of ratings or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getRelatedAssets

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/related-assets") public RelatedAssetsResponse getRelatedAssets(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of related assets for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of related assets or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getMoreInformation

      @GetMapping(path="/referenceables/{elementGUID}/more-information") public MoreInformationResponse getMoreInformation(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String elementGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of related Referenceables that provide more information for this asset, schema, ...
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      elementGUID - String unique id for the element.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of related assets or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getRelatedMediaReferences

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/{assetGUID}/related-media-references") public RelatedMediaReferencesResponse getRelatedMediaReferences(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String assetGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns the list of related media references for the asset.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      assetGUID - String unique id for asset.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a list of related media references or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedAssetGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getSchemaAttributes

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/schemas/{parentSchemaGUID}/schema-attributes") public SchemaAttributesResponse getSchemaAttributes(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String parentSchemaGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns a list of schema attributes for a schema type.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      parentSchemaGUID - String unique id for containing schema type.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a schema attributes response or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.
    • getAPIOperations

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/schemas/apis/{parentSchemaTypeGUID}/api-operations") public APIOperationsResponse getAPIOperations(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String serviceURLName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String parentSchemaTypeGUID, @RequestParam int elementStart, @RequestParam int maxElements)
      Returns a list of api operations for a schema type.
      serverName - String name of server instance to call.
      serviceURLName - String name of the service that created the connector that issued this request.
      userId - String userId of user making request.
      parentSchemaTypeGUID - String unique id for containing schema element.
      elementStart - int starting position for fist returned element.
      maxElements - int maximum number of elements to return on the call.
      a schema attributes response or InvalidParameterException - the GUID is not recognized or the paging values are invalid or UnrecognizedGUIDException - the GUID is null or invalid or PropertyServerException - there is a problem retrieving the asset properties from the property server or UserNotAuthorizedException - the requesting user is not authorized to issue this request.