Class TopicIntegratorResource


@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/open-metadata/integration-services/topic-integrator/users/{userId}") public class TopicIntegratorResource extends Object
TopicIntegratorResource provides the server-side catcher for REST calls using Spring.
  • Constructor Details

    • TopicIntegratorResource

      public TopicIntegratorResource()
  • Method Details

    • validateConnector

      @GetMapping(path="/validate-connector/{connectorProviderClassName}") public ConnectorReportResponse validateConnector(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String connectorProviderClassName)
      Validate the connector and return its connector type. The integration service does not need to be running in the integration daemon in order for this call to be successful. It only needs to be registered with the integration daemon.
      serverName - integration daemon server name
      userId - calling user
      connectorProviderClassName - name of a specific connector or null for all connectors
      connector type or InvalidParameterException the connector provider class name is not a valid connector fo this service UserNotAuthorizedException user not authorized to issue this request PropertyServerException there was a problem detected by the integration service