Interface OpenMetadataServiceSecurity

All Known Implementing Classes:
OpenMetadataAccessSecurityConnector, OpenMetadataServerSecurityVerifier

public interface OpenMetadataServiceSecurity
OpenMetadataServiceSecurity provides the interface for a plugin connector that validates whether a calling user can access a specific metadata service. It is called within the context of a specific OMAG Server. Each OMAG Server can define its own plugin connector implementation and will have its own instance of the connector. However the server name is supplied so a single connector can use it for logging error messages and locating the valid user list for the server.
  • Method Details

    • validateUserForService

      void validateUserForService(String userId, String serviceName) throws UserNotAuthorizedException
      Check that the calling user is authorized to issue this request.
      userId - calling user
      serviceName - name of called service
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to access this service
    • validateUserForServiceOperation

      void validateUserForServiceOperation(String userId, String serviceName, String operationName) throws UserNotAuthorizedException
      Check that the calling user is authorized to issue this specific request.
      userId - calling user
      serviceName - name of called service
      operationName - name of called operation
      UserNotAuthorizedException - the user is not authorized to access this service