ClassesClassDescriptionAttributeTypeDefListResponse provides a simple bean for returning an array of AttributeTypeDefsAttributeTypeDefResponse provides a response structure for an OMRS REST API call that returns an AttributeTypeDef object.AuditLogReportResponse describes the response structure for an OMRS REST API that returns an AuditLogReport object.AuditLogSeveritiesResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of Audit log severity definition objects.BooleanResponse is the response structure used on the OMRS REST API calls that return a boolean response.ClassificationListResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of Classification objects.ClassificationProxyRequest is used when working with classifications using an entity proxy.ClassificationRequest carries the properties needed to create a classification.ClassificationResponse describes the response structure for an OMRS REST API that returns a Classification object.ClassificationWithEntityRequest carries a classification that has changed along with its entity.CohortListResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of cohort description objects.CohortMembershipListResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of cohort member registration objects.CohortListResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of cohort description objects.ConnectionResponse is the response structure used on REST API calls that return a Connection object as a response.EntityCreateRequest carries the properties needed to create a new entity.EntityDetailResponse describes the response structure for an OMRS REST API that returns an EntityDetail object.EntityFindRequest restricts a find request to entities with specific classifications.EntityHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.EntityListResponse support an OMRS REST API response that returns a list of EntityDetail objects.EntityNeighborhoodFindRequest adds the ability to restrict a neighborhood find request to only traversing specific relationship types.TypeLimitedHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.EntityPropertyFindRequests restricts a find request to entities with specific classifications.EntityPropertyHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.EntitySummaryResponse describes the response structure for an OMRS REST API that returns an EntitySummary object.HistoryRequest carries the date/time for a historical query.HistoryRequest carries the date/time for a historical query.InstanceFindRequest adds match properties to a find request.InstanceGraphRequest is the request structure for an OMRS REST API call that sends an instance graph object.InstanceGraphResponse is the response structure for an OMRS REST API call that returns an instance graph object.InstanceHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.InstancePropertiesRequest carries the properties needed to update an entity, relationship or classification.MetadataCollectionIdRequest is the request structure used on the OMRS REST API calls that use the home metadata collection id as a validator/originator for the request.MetadataCollectionIdResponse is the response structure used on the OMRS REST API calls that return a String response.OMRSAPISearchRequest provides a common header for OMRS managed rest to the OMRS REST API.OMRSAPIHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.OMRSAPIPagedFindRequest provides support for the paging parameters of a find request.OMRSRESTAPIPagedResponse provides the base definition for a paged response.OMRSAPIRequest provides a common header for complex OMRS request to the OMRS REST API.OMRSAPIResponse provides a common header for OMRS managed rest to the OMRS REST API.PropertyMatchFindRequest adds match properties and the match criteria to a find request.PropertyMatchHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.ProxyClassificationRequest is used when working with classifications using an entity proxy.RelatedEntitiesHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.RelationshipCreateRequest provides the bean to hold all the properties needed to create a new relationship.RelationshipListResponse holds the response information for an OMRS REST API call that returns a list of relationship objects or an exception.RelationshipResponse describes the response to an OMRS REST API request that returns a relationship object.SubtypeLimitedFindRequest extends the type limited find request to allow the caller to request that only a restricted list of subtypes of the overall type are included in the results.TypeDefChangeRequest carries details of the old and new TypeDef used to re-type an instance.TypeDefDeleteRequest carries the TypeDef properties for deleting a TypeDef.TypeDefGalleryResponse provides the response structure for an OMRS REST API call that returns a TypeDefGallery.TypeDefListResponse provides a simple bean for returning a list of TypeDefs (or information to create a valid OMRS exception).TypeDefReIdentifyRequest carries the TypeDef properties for changing the identity of a TypeDef.TypeDefResponse provides the response structure for an OMRS API call that returns a TypeDefTypeDefValidationForRequest carries the TypeDef validation properties for destructive requests (such as delete).TypeLimitedFindRequest extends the paged find request to allow the caller to request results from only one type of instance.TypeLimitedHistoricalFindRequest provides an extension to the search parameters to include the point in time that the request should be based on.VoidResponse defines the response structure for an OMRS REST API call that has a void return with checked exceptions