Class MetadataHighwayServicesResource


@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/open-metadata/repository-services/users/{userId}/metadata-highway") public class MetadataHighwayServicesResource extends Object
MetadataHighwayServicesResource provides the server-side support for the OMRS Repository REST Services API that provide information about the local server's interaction with an open metadata repository cohort.
  • Constructor Details

    • MetadataHighwayServicesResource

      public MetadataHighwayServicesResource()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • getCohorts

      @GetMapping(path="/cohort-descriptions") public CohortListResponse getCohorts(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId)
      Return the details of the cohorts that this server is participating in.
      serverName - name of server
      userId - calling user
      variety of properties
    • getLocalRegistration

      @GetMapping(path="/local-registration") public CohortMembershipResponse getLocalRegistration(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId)
      Return the local registration information used by this server to register with open metadata repository cohorts. No registration time is provided. Use the cohort specific version to retrieve the registration time.
      serverName - server to query
      userId - calling user
      registration properties for server
    • getLocalRegistration

      @GetMapping(path="/cohorts/{cohortName}/local-registration") public CohortMembershipResponse getLocalRegistration(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String cohortName)
      Return the local registration information used by this server to register with the requested open metadata repository cohort.
      serverName - server to query
      userId - calling user
      cohortName - name of the specific cohort to query for the registration information
      local registration properties for server
    • connectToCohort

      @GetMapping(path="/cohorts/{cohortName}/connect") public BooleanResponse connectToCohort(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String cohortName)
      A new server needs to register the metadataCollectionId for its metadata repository with the other servers in the open metadata repository. It only needs to do this once and uses a timestamp to record that the registration event has been sent. If the server has already registered in the past, it sends a reregistration request.
      serverName - server to query
      userId - calling user
      cohortName - name of cohort
      boolean to indicate that the request has been issued. If false it is likely that the cohort name is not known
    • getRemoteRegistrations

      @GetMapping(path="/cohorts/{cohortName}/remote-members") public CohortMembershipListResponse getRemoteRegistrations(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String cohortName)
      Return the list of registrations received from remote members of the cohort.
      serverName - server to query
      userId - calling user
      cohortName - name of the specific cohort
      list of registration information for remote members
    • disconnectFromCohort

      @GetMapping(path="/cohorts/{cohortName}/disconnect") public BooleanResponse disconnectFromCohort(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String cohortName)
      Disconnect communications from a specific cohort.
      serverName - server to query
      userId - calling user
      cohortName - name of cohort
      boolean to indicate that the request has been issued. If false it is likely that the cohort name is not known
    • unregisterFromCohort

      @GetMapping(path="/cohorts/{cohortName}/unregister") public BooleanResponse unregisterFromCohort(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String userId, @PathVariable String cohortName)
      Unregister from a specific cohort and disconnect from cohort communications.
      serverName - server to query
      userId - calling user
      cohortName - name of cohort
      boolean to indicate that the request has been issued. If false it is likely that the cohort name is not known