Class GovernanceArchiveHelper
- Direct Known Subclasses:
GovernanceArchiveHelper creates elements for governance. This includes governance program definitions, governance engine definitions and
governance action process definitions.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.samples.archiveutilities.SimpleCatalogArchiveHelper
archiveBuilder, archiveHelper, archiveRootName, guidMapFileNamePostFix, idToGUIDMap, originatorName, versionName
Constructor Summary
(OpenMetadataArchiveBuilder archiveBuilder, String archiveGUID, String archiveName, String archiveRootName, String originatorName, Date creationDate, long versionNumber, String versionName) Typical constructor passes parameters used to build the open metadata archive's property header.GovernanceArchiveHelper
(OpenMetadataArchiveBuilder archiveBuilder, String archiveGUID, String archiveRootName, String originatorName, Date creationDate, long versionNumber, String versionName) Typical constructor passes parameters used to build the open metadata archive's property header.GovernanceArchiveHelper
(OpenMetadataArchiveBuilder archiveBuilder, String archiveGUID, String archiveRootName, String originatorName, Date creationDate, long versionNumber, String versionName, String guidMapFileName) Constructor passes parameters used to build the open metadata archive's property header. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String referenceableGUID, String dataProcessingPurposeGUID) Create the relationship between a referenceable and a data processing purpose.void
(String integrationConnectorGUID, String targetElementGUID, String catalogTargetName, String connectionName, Map<String, Object> configurationProperties, Map<String, String> templates, String metadataSourceQualifiedName) Create a catalog target relationship.void
(String governanceActionGUID, String requestType, Map<String, String> requestParameters, List<String> requestParameterFilter, Map<String, String> requestParameterMap, List<String> actionTargetFilter, Map<String, String> actionTargetMap, String governanceEngineGUID) Create the relationship between a governance action type/process step and the governance engine that supplies its implementation.addGovernanceActionProcess
(String typeName, String qualifiedName, String name, String versionIdentifier, String description, String formula, int domainIdentifier, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<Classification> classifications) Create a governance action process.void
(String governanceActionProcessGUID, String guard, Map<String, String> requestParameters, String governanceActionProcessStepGUID) Create the relationship between a governance action process and the first governance action type to execute.addGovernanceActionProcessStep
(String typeName, String anchorGUID, String anchorTypeName, String anchorDomainName, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, int domainIdentifier, List<RequestParameterType> supportedRequestParameters, List<ActionTargetType> supportedActionTargets, List<AnalysisStepType> supportedAnalysisSteps, List<AnnotationTypeType> supportedAnnotationTypes, List<RequestParameterType> producedRequestParameters, List<ActionTargetType> producedActionTargets, List<GuardType> producedGuards, int waitTime, boolean ignoreMultipleTriggers, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<Classification> classifications) Create a governance action process step.addGovernanceActionType
(String typeName, String anchorGUID, String anchorTypeName, String anchorDomainName, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, int domainIdentifier, List<RequestParameterType> supportedRequestParameters, List<ActionTargetType> supportedActionTargets, List<AnalysisStepType> supportedAnalysisSteps, List<AnnotationTypeType> supportedAnnotationTypes, List<RequestParameterType> producedRequestParameters, List<ActionTargetType> producedActionTargets, List<GuardType> producedGuards, int waitTime, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<Classification> classifications) Create a governance action type.addGovernanceEngine
(String typeName, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String capabilityType, String capabilityVersion, String patchLevel, String source, String userId, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties) Create a software capability entity for a governance engine.addGovernanceService
(String typeName, String deployedImplementationType, String connectorProviderName, Map<String, Object> configurationProperties, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, Map<String, String> additionalProperties) Create a governance service entity.addIntegrationConnector
(String connectorProviderName, Map<String, Object> configurationProperties, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String userId, String endpointAddress, Map<String, String> additionalProperties) Create an integration connector entity.addIntegrationGroup
(String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String capabilityVersion, String patchLevel, String source, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties) Create a software capability entity for an integration group.void
(String governanceActionProcessStepGUID, String guard, boolean mandatoryGuard, String nextGovernanceActionTypeGUID) Create the relationship between a governance action type and one of the next governance action type to execute in a process.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<PlaceholderPropertyType> placeholderPropertyTypes) Add reference data for catalog templates.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<ActionTargetType> actionTargetTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<AnnotationTypeType> annotationTypeTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<GuardType> guardTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<RequestParameterType> producedRequestParameters) Add reference data for governance services and actions.void
(String integrationGroupGUID, String connectorName, String connectorUserId, String metadataSourceQualifiedName, long refreshTimeInterval, boolean generateIntegrationReport, String integrationConnectorGUID) Create the relationship between a governance engine and one of its supported governance services.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<ReplacementAttributeType> replacementAttributeTypes) Add reference data for catalog templates.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<ActionTargetType> actionTargetTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<AnalysisStepType> analysisStepTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<ConfigurationPropertyType> configurationPropertyTypes) Add reference data for connectors.void
(String engineGUID, String requestType, String serviceRequestType, Map<String, String> requestParameters, String serviceGUID) Create the relationship between a governance engine and one of its supported governance services.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<RequestParameterType> supportedRequestParameters) Add reference data for governance services and actions.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<RequestTypeType> supportedRequestTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.void
(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<TemplateType> templateTypes) Add reference data for catalog templates.void
(String governanceActionProcessGUID, NewActionTarget actionTarget) Create the relationship between a governance action process and a pre-defined action target.void
(String governanceActionTypeGUID, NewActionTarget actionTarget) Create the relationship between a governance action type and a pre-defined action target.Methods inherited from class org.odpi.openmetadata.samples.archiveutilities.SimpleCatalogArchiveHelper
addActorRole, addAnchoredAsset, addAPIOperation, addAPIParameter, addAPIParameterList, addAsset, addAsset, addAsset, addAsset, addAsset, addAssetLocationRelationship, addAssetZoneMembershipClassification, addAssignmentScopeRelationship, addAttributeForSchemaType, addBusinessArea, addCatalogTemplateRelationship, addCategoryToCategory, addCertification, addCollection, addCommunity, addCommunityMembershipRelationship, addConceptBeadAttributeLink, addConceptBeadRelationshipEnd, addConnection, addConnection, addConnectionForAsset, addConnectorCategory, addConnectorType, addConnectorType, addConnectorType, addConnectorType, addConnectorType, addConnectorTypeDirectory, addConsistentValidValueRelationship, addContactDetails, addCyberLocation, addDataContentForDataSet, addDataContentForDataSet, addDeployedOnRelationship, addDesignModel, addDesignModelElement, addDesignModelGroupMembership, addEmbeddedConnection, addEndpoint, addEndpoint, addExternalReference, addExternalReferenceLink, addFixedLocation, addGlossary, addGlossary, addGlossaryCategory, addGlossaryCategory, addGlossaryCategory, addGovernanceDefinition, addGovernanceDefinitionDelegationRelationship, addGovernanceDefinitionPeerRelationship, addGovernanceDefinitionScopeRelationship, addGovernanceRole, addGovernanceZone, addGovernedByRelationship, addHasARelationship, addImplementedByRelationship, addInformationSupplyChain, addInformationSupplyChainComposition, addInformationSupplyChainLinkRelationship, addInformationSupplyChainSegment, addIsATypeOfRelationship, addITProfile, addLibraryCategoryReference, addLibraryTermReference, addLicense, addLineageRelationship, addLocation, addLocationHierarchy, addMediaReference, addMediaReferenceLink, addMemberToCollection, addMobileAssetClassification, addMoreInformationLink, addNestedSchemaAttribute, addOrganizationalCapabilityRelationship, addPeerLocations, addPeerRelationship, addPerson, addPersonRoleAppointmentRelationship, addProcess, addProcess, addProfileIdentity, addProfileLocationRelationship, addProject, addProjectDependencyRelationship, addProjectHierarchyRelationship, addProjectManagementRelationship, addProjectTeamRelationship, addPropertyFacet, addReferenceDataClassification, addReferenceValueAssignmentRelationship, addReferenceValueAssignmentRelationship, addRelatedTermRelationship, addResourceListRelationship, addResourceListRelationship, addResourceListRelationshipByGUID, addResourceListRelationshipByGUID, addSchemaAttribute, addSchemaType, addSchemaTypeOption, addSecureLocation, addSecurityTagsClassification, addSemanticAssignment, addServerEndpointRelationship, addServerPurposeClassification, addSoftwareCapability, addSoftwareCapability, addSolutionBlueprint, addSolutionBlueprintCompositionRelationship, addSolutionComponent, addSolutionComponentActorRelationship, addSolutionCompositionRelationship, addSolutionLinkingWireRelationship, addSourcedFromRelationship, addSpecificationPropertyAssignmentRelationship, addStakeHolderRelationship, addSubjectAreaClassification, addSubjectAreaDefinition, addSubjectAreaHierarchy, addSupportedSoftwareCapabilityRelationship, addTeam, addTeamLeadershipRelationship, addTeamMembershipRelationship, addTeamStructureRelationship, addTemplateClassification, addTerm, addTerm, addTermToCategory, addTermToCategory, addTermToContext, addTermToSynonym, addTopLevelSchemaType, addUserIdentity, addValidValue, addValidValue, addValidValueAssociationRelationship, addValidValueMembershipRelationship, addValidValueMembershipRelationshipByGUID, addValidValuesAssignmentRelationship, addValidValuesImplementationRelationship, addValidValuesMappingRelationship, addZoneHierarchy, getAssetOriginClassification, getAssetZoneMembershipClassification, getConfidentialityClassification, getDataAssetEncodingClassification, getEngineClassification, getFileSystemClassification, getGUID, getOwnershipClassification, getServerPurposeClassification, getTemplateClassification, getTemplateSubstituteClassification, linkApprovedPurpose, linkTermToReferenceable, queryGUID, saveGUIDs, saveUsedGUIDs, setGUID
Constructor Details
public GovernanceArchiveHelper(OpenMetadataArchiveBuilder archiveBuilder, String archiveGUID, String archiveRootName, String originatorName, Date creationDate, long versionNumber, String versionName) Typical constructor passes parameters used to build the open metadata archive's property header.- Parameters:
- builder where content is cachedarchiveGUID
- unique identifier for this open metadata archive.archiveRootName
- non-spaced root name of the open metadata GUID map.originatorName
- name of the originator (person or organization) of the archive.creationDate
- data that this archive was created.versionNumber
- version number of the archive.versionName
- version name for the archive.
public GovernanceArchiveHelper(OpenMetadataArchiveBuilder archiveBuilder, String archiveGUID, String archiveName, String archiveRootName, String originatorName, Date creationDate, long versionNumber, String versionName) Typical constructor passes parameters used to build the open metadata archive's property header.- Parameters:
- builder where content is cachedarchiveGUID
- unique identifier for this open metadata archive.archiveName
- name of the open metadata archive metadata collection.archiveRootName
- non-spaced root name of the open metadata GUID map.originatorName
- name of the originator (person or organization) of the archive.creationDate
- data that this archive was created.versionNumber
- version number of the archive.versionName
- version name for the archive.
public GovernanceArchiveHelper(OpenMetadataArchiveBuilder archiveBuilder, String archiveGUID, String archiveRootName, String originatorName, Date creationDate, long versionNumber, String versionName, String guidMapFileName) Constructor passes parameters used to build the open metadata archive's property header. This version is used for multiple dependant archives, and they need to share the guid map.- Parameters:
- builder where content is cachedarchiveGUID
- unique identifier for this open metadata archive.archiveRootName
- non-spaced root name of the open metadata archive elements.originatorName
- name of the originator (person or organization) of the archive.creationDate
- data that this archive was created.versionNumber
- version number of the archive.versionName
- version name for the archive.guidMapFileName
- name of the guid map file.
Method Details
public String addIntegrationConnector(String connectorProviderName, Map<String, Object> configurationProperties, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String userId, String endpointAddress, Map<String, String> additionalProperties) Create an integration connector entity.- Parameters:
- name of the connector provider for the integration connectorconfigurationProperties
- configuration properties for the integration connector (goes in the connection)qualifiedName
- unique name for the integration connectordisplayName
- display name for the integration connectordescription
- description about the integration connectoruserId
- userId to use when calling external servicesadditionalProperties
- any other properties- Returns:
- id for the integration connector
public void addCatalogTargetRelationship(String integrationConnectorGUID, String targetElementGUID, String catalogTargetName, String connectionName, Map<String, Object> configurationProperties, Map<String, String> templates, String metadataSourceQualifiedName) Create a catalog target relationship.- Parameters:
- the integration connectortargetElementGUID
- the target they should work withcatalogTargetName
- name for the targetconnectionName
- name for the connectionconfigurationProperties
- any configuration propertiestemplates
- specific templates to usemetadataSourceQualifiedName
- metadata source qualified name for the cataloguing
public String addIntegrationGroup(String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String capabilityVersion, String patchLevel, String source, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties) Create a software capability entity for an integration group.- Parameters:
- unique name for the groupdisplayName
- display name for the groupdescription
- description about the groupcapabilityVersion
- versionpatchLevel
- patch levelsource
- sourceadditionalProperties
- any other propertiesextendedProperties
- properties for subtype- Returns:
- id for the capability
public void addRegisteredIntegrationConnector(String integrationGroupGUID, String connectorName, String connectorUserId, String metadataSourceQualifiedName, long refreshTimeInterval, boolean generateIntegrationReport, String integrationConnectorGUID) Create the relationship between a governance engine and one of its supported governance services.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of the integration groupconnectorName
- name of the connector used in messages and REST callsconnectorUserId
- userId for the connector to use (overrides the server's userId)metadataSourceQualifiedName
- unique name of the metadata collection for anything catalogued by this connectorrefreshTimeInterval
- how long (in minutes) between each refresh of the connectorgenerateIntegrationReport
- should the integration connector produce integration reports when it refreshes?integrationConnectorGUID
- unique identifier of the integration connector
public String addGovernanceService(String typeName, String deployedImplementationType, String connectorProviderName, Map<String, Object> configurationProperties, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, Map<String, String> additionalProperties) Create a governance service entity.- Parameters:
- name of governance service subtype to use - default is GovernanceServicedeployedImplementationType
- deployed implementation typeconnectorProviderName
- name of the connector provider for the governance serviceconfigurationProperties
- configuration properties for the governance service (goes in the connection)qualifiedName
- unique name for the governance servicedisplayName
- display name for the governance servicedescription
- description about the governance serviceadditionalProperties
- any other properties- Returns:
- id for the governance service
public void addReplacementAttributes(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<ReplacementAttributeType> replacementAttributeTypes) Add reference data for catalog templates.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of templateparentTypeName
- type of templateparentDomainName
- domain of templatereplacementAttributeTypes
- list of reference values
public void addPlaceholderProperties(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<PlaceholderPropertyType> placeholderPropertyTypes) Add reference data for catalog templates.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of templateparentTypeName
- type of templateparentDomainName
- domain of templateplaceholderPropertyTypes
- list of reference values
public void addSupportedTemplateTypes(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<TemplateType> templateTypes) Add reference data for catalog templates.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of templateparentTypeName
- type of templateparentDomainName
- domain of templatetemplateTypes
- list of reference values
public void addSupportedConfigurationProperties(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<ConfigurationPropertyType> configurationPropertyTypes) Add reference data for connectors.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of governance service/actionparentTypeName
- type of parentparentDomainName
- domain of templateconfigurationPropertyTypes
- list of reference values
public void addSupportedRequestTypes(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<RequestTypeType> supportedRequestTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of governance service/actionparentTypeName
- type of parentparentDomainName
- domain of templatesupportedRequestTypes
- list of reference values
public void addSupportedRequestParameters(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<RequestParameterType> supportedRequestParameters) Add reference data for governance services and actions.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of governance service/actionparentTypeName
- type of parentparentDomainName
- domain of templatesupportedRequestParameters
- list of reference values
public void addSupportedActionTargets(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<ActionTargetType> actionTargetTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of governance service/actionparentTypeName
- type of parentparentDomainName
- domain of templateactionTargetTypes
- list of reference values
public void addSupportedAnalysisSteps(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<AnalysisStepType> analysisStepTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of governance service/actionparentTypeName
- type of parentparentDomainName
- domain of templateanalysisStepTypes
- list of reference values
public void addProducedAnnotationTypes(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<AnnotationTypeType> annotationTypeTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of governance service/actionparentTypeName
- type of parentparentDomainName
- domain of templateannotationTypeTypes
- list of reference values
public void addProducedRequestParameters(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<RequestParameterType> producedRequestParameters) Add reference data for governance services and actions.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of governance service/actionparentTypeName
- type of parentparentDomainName
- domain of templateproducedRequestParameters
- list of reference values
public void addProducedActionTargets(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<ActionTargetType> actionTargetTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of governance service/actionparentTypeName
- type of parentparentDomainName
- domain of templateactionTargetTypes
- list of reference values
public void addProducedGuards(String parentGUID, String parentTypeName, String parentDomainName, List<GuardType> guardTypes) Add reference data for governance services and actions.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of governance service/actionparentTypeName
- type of parentparentDomainName
- domain of templateguardTypes
- list of reference values
public String addGovernanceEngine(String typeName, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, String capabilityType, String capabilityVersion, String patchLevel, String source, String userId, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties) Create a software capability entity for a governance engine.- Parameters:
- name of software capability subtype to use - default is SoftwareCapabilityqualifiedName
- unique name for the capabilitydisplayName
- display name for the capabilitydescription
- description about the capabilitycapabilityType
- typecapabilityVersion
- versionpatchLevel
- patch levelsource
- sourceadditionalProperties
- any other propertiesextendedProperties
- properties for subtype- Returns:
- id for the capability
public void addSupportedGovernanceService(String engineGUID, String requestType, String serviceRequestType, Map<String, String> requestParameters, String serviceGUID) Create the relationship between a governance engine and one of its supported governance services.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of the assetrequestType
- governance request type to use when calling the governance engineserviceRequestType
- request type to use when calling the service (if null, governance request type is used)requestParameters
- default request parameters to pass to the service when called with this request typeserviceGUID
- unique identifier of the service
public String addGovernanceActionProcess(String typeName, String qualifiedName, String name, String versionIdentifier, String description, String formula, int domainIdentifier, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<Classification> classifications) Create a governance action process.- Parameters:
- name of process subtype to use - default is GovernanceActionProcessqualifiedName
- unique name for the capabilityname
- display name for the capabilityversionIdentifier
- identifier of the version for the process implementationdescription
- description about the capabilityformula
- logic for the processdomainIdentifier
- which governance domain - 0=alladditionalProperties
- any other propertiesextendedProperties
- properties for subtypeclassifications
- list of classifications (if any)- Returns:
- id for the new entity
public String addGovernanceActionType(String typeName, String anchorGUID, String anchorTypeName, String anchorDomainName, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, int domainIdentifier, List<RequestParameterType> supportedRequestParameters, List<ActionTargetType> supportedActionTargets, List<AnalysisStepType> supportedAnalysisSteps, List<AnnotationTypeType> supportedAnnotationTypes, List<RequestParameterType> producedRequestParameters, List<ActionTargetType> producedActionTargets, List<GuardType> producedGuards, int waitTime, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<Classification> classifications) Create a governance action type.- Parameters:
- name of subtype to use - default is GovernanceActionTypeanchorGUID
- unique identifier of the anchoranchorTypeName
- type name of the anchoranchorDomainName
- type name of the anchor's domainqualifiedName
- unique name for the capabilitydisplayName
- display name for the capabilitydescription
- description about the capabilitydomainIdentifier
- which governance domain - 0=allsupportedRequestParameters
- request parameters to use when triggering this governance actionsupportedActionTargets
- action targets to use when triggering this governance actionsupportedAnalysisSteps
- analysis steps supported by this governance action (survey action)supportedAnnotationTypes
- annotation types supported by this governance action (survey action)producedRequestParameters
- request parameters produced by this governance actionproducedActionTargets
- action targets produced by this governance actionproducedGuards
- guards expected from the implementationwaitTime
- minutes to wait before starting governance actionadditionalProperties
- any other propertiesextendedProperties
- properties for subtypeclassifications
- list of classifications (if any)- Returns:
- id for the new entity
public String addGovernanceActionProcessStep(String typeName, String anchorGUID, String anchorTypeName, String anchorDomainName, String qualifiedName, String displayName, String description, int domainIdentifier, List<RequestParameterType> supportedRequestParameters, List<ActionTargetType> supportedActionTargets, List<AnalysisStepType> supportedAnalysisSteps, List<AnnotationTypeType> supportedAnnotationTypes, List<RequestParameterType> producedRequestParameters, List<ActionTargetType> producedActionTargets, List<GuardType> producedGuards, int waitTime, boolean ignoreMultipleTriggers, Map<String, String> additionalProperties, Map<String, Object> extendedProperties, List<Classification> classifications) Create a governance action process step.- Parameters:
- name of subtype to use - default is GovernanceActionProcessStepanchorGUID
- unique identifier of the anchoranchorTypeName
- type name of the anchoranchorDomainName
- type name of the anchor's domainqualifiedName
- unique name for the capabilitydisplayName
- display name for the capabilitydescription
- description about the capabilitydomainIdentifier
- which governance domain - 0=allsupportedRequestParameters
- request parameters to use when triggering this governance actionsupportedActionTargets
- action targets to use when triggering this governance actionsupportedAnalysisSteps
- analysis steps supported by this governance action (survey action)supportedAnnotationTypes
- annotation types supported by this governance action (survey action)producedRequestParameters
- request parameters produced by this governance actionproducedActionTargets
- action targets produced by this governance actionproducedGuards
- guards expected from the implementationwaitTime
- minutes to wait before starting governance actionignoreMultipleTriggers
- only run this once even if the same guard occurs multiple times while it is waitingadditionalProperties
- any other propertiesextendedProperties
- properties for subtypeclassifications
- list of classifications (if any)- Returns:
- id for the new entity
public void addGovernanceActionProcessFlow(String governanceActionProcessGUID, String guard, Map<String, String> requestParameters, String governanceActionProcessStepGUID) Create the relationship between a governance action process and the first governance action type to execute.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of the governance action processguard
- initial guard for the first step in the processrequestParameters
- predefined request parametersgovernanceActionProcessStepGUID
- unique identifier of the implementing governance engine
public void addNextGovernanceActionProcessStep(String governanceActionProcessStepGUID, String guard, boolean mandatoryGuard, String nextGovernanceActionTypeGUID) Create the relationship between a governance action type and one of the next governance action type to execute in a process.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of the governance action typeguard
- guard required to run this next actionmandatoryGuard
- guard must occur before the next step can runnextGovernanceActionTypeGUID
- unique identifier of the implementing governance engine
public void addGovernanceActionExecutor(String governanceActionGUID, String requestType, Map<String, String> requestParameters, List<String> requestParameterFilter, Map<String, String> requestParameterMap, List<String> actionTargetFilter, Map<String, String> actionTargetMap, String governanceEngineGUID) Create the relationship between a governance action type/process step and the governance engine that supplies its implementation.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of the governance action type/process steprequestType
- governance request type to use when calling the enginerequestParameters
- default request parameters to pass to the service when called with this request typerequestParameterFilter
- list the names of the request parameters to remove from the supplied requestParametersrequestParameterMap
- provide a translation map between the supplied name of the requestParameters and the names supported by the implementation of the governance serviceactionTargetFilter
- list the names of the action targets to remove from the supplied action targetsactionTargetMap
- provide a translation map between the supplied name of an action target and the name supported by the implementation of the governance servicegovernanceEngineGUID
- unique identifier of the implementing governance engine
Create the relationship between a governance action type and a pre-defined action target.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of the governance action type/process stepactionTarget
- details of the action target
public void addTargetForActionProcess(String governanceActionProcessGUID, NewActionTarget actionTarget) Create the relationship between a governance action process and a pre-defined action target.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of the governance action type/process stepactionTarget
- details of the action target
Create the relationship between a referenceable and a data processing purpose.- Parameters:
- unique identifier of the element that is approveddataProcessingPurposeGUID
- unique identifier of the