Package org.odpi.openmetadata.samples.archiveutilities.governanceprogram

package org.odpi.openmetadata.samples.archiveutilities.governanceprogram
Utility to build an open metadata archive containing governance program definitions for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
  • Class
    The CertificationTypeDefinition is used to feed the definition of the Certification Types for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
    CocoGovernanceProgramArchiveWriter creates a physical open metadata archive file containing the core definition of Coco Pharmaceuticals' governance program.
    The CocoGovernanceZoneDefinition is used to feed the definition of the governance zones for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
    The CocoSubjectAreaDefinition is used to feed the definition of the subject areas for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
    The CommunityDefinition is used to feed the definition of the projects for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
    The DataProcessingPurposeDefinition is used to feed the definition of the data processing purposes for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
    The GovernanceDomainDefinition is used to feed the definition of the governance domains for Coco Pharmaceuticals.
    The SustainabilityRoleDefinition is used to feed the definition of the governance roles for Coco Pharmaceuticals' sustainability program.
    The LicenseTypeDefinition is used to feed the definition of the LicenseTypes for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
    The ProjectDefinition is used to feed the definition of the projects for Coco Pharmaceuticals scenarios.
    The ProjectStatusDefinition is used to feed the definition of the ProjectStatus valid value set for Coco Pharmaceuticals' projects.