Package org.odpi.openmetadata.samples.governanceactions.clinicaltrials
package org.odpi.openmetadata.samples.governanceactions.clinicaltrials
Coco Pharmaceuticals governance actions for clinical trials - they run in the ClinicalTrials@CocoPharmaceuticals
governance engine.
ClassDescriptionActionTarget provides some standard action type names to use in the implementation of governance services.Provides shared functions for the clinical trial services.Responsible for adding the certifying that a hospital has completed all the agreements to participate in a clinical trial.CocoClinicalTrialCertifyWeeklyMeasurementsService is a survey action service implementation for analysing CSV Files to columns and profile the data in them.The Guard enum describes some common guards that can be used when implementing governance services.Responsible for setting up the landing area and associated listeners for a new hospital joining a clinical trial.Responsible for adding the incomplete certification relationship to a hospital so that the hospital contacts that will complete the certification process can be identified.CocoClinicalTrialPlaceholderProperty provides some standard definitions for placeholder properties used to pass properties to services that use templates.CocoClinicalTrialQualityDimension describes the quality dimensions for the CocoClinicalTrialCertifyWeeklyMeasurements Survey Action Service.RequestParameter provides some standard definitions for request parameters used to pass properties to governance actions when they run.The CocoClinicalTrialsAnnotationType enum describes the annotation types used by the Certify Weekly Measurements survey action service.Responsible for setting up the mechanisms that support the smooth operation of a clinical trial.This governance action service sets up the processes for a new clinical trial.Responsible for setting up the processes that support the smooth operation of a clinical trial.