Class OMAGServerOperationalServices


public class OMAGServerOperationalServices extends Object
OMAGServerOperationalServices will provide support to start, manage and stop services in the OMAG Server.
  • Constructor Details

    • OMAGServerOperationalServices

      public OMAGServerOperationalServices()
  • Method Details

    • activateServerListWithStoredConfig

      public SuccessMessageResponse activateServerListWithStoredConfig(String userId, List<String> serverNames)
      Activate the list of open metadata and governance servers using the stored configuration information. The code works through the list, starting each server in turn. It stops if one of the servers fails to start and returns the error. Otherwise, it continues through the list, returning the successful start-up messages.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverNames - list of server names
      success message or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException the server name is invalid or OMAGConfigurationErrorException there is a problem using the supplied configuration.
    • activateWithStoredConfig

      public SuccessMessageResponse activateWithStoredConfig(String userId, String serverName)
      Activate the open metadata and governance services using the stored configuration information.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      success message response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException the server name is invalid or OMAGConfigurationErrorException there is a problem using the supplied configuration.
    • activateWithSuppliedConfig

      public SuccessMessageResponse activateWithSuppliedConfig(String userId, String serverName, OMAGServerConfig configuration)
      Activate the open metadata and governance services using the supplied configuration document. Inside the configuration document are sections that each relate to an open metadata and governance subsystem. This method reads the configuration document, starting up each requested subsystem. If any subsystem throws an exception, the whole start up process is halted and the exception is returned to the caller.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      configuration - properties used to initialize the services
      serverName - local server name
      success message response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException the server name is invalid or OMAGConfigurationErrorException there is a problem using the supplied configuration.
    • deactivateRunningServiceInstances

      public void deactivateRunningServiceInstances(String userId, String serverName, String methodName, OMAGOperationalServicesInstance instance, boolean permanentDeactivation) throws InvalidParameterException, PropertyServerException
      Shutdown any running services for a specific server instance.
      userId - calling user
      serverName - name of this server
      methodName - calling method
      instance - a list of the running services
      permanentDeactivation - should the server be permanently disconnected
      InvalidParameterException - one of the services detected an invalid parameter
      PropertyServerException - one of the services had problems shutting down
    • deactivateTemporarilyServerList

      public void deactivateTemporarilyServerList(String userId, List<String> serverNames)
      Temporarily deactivate the open metadata and governance servers in th supplied list.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverNames - list of server names
    • shutdownServer

      public VoidResponse shutdownServer(String userId, String serverName)
      Temporarily deactivate any open metadata and governance services for the requested server.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException the serverName is invalid.
    • shutdownAndUnregisterServer

      public VoidResponse shutdownAndUnregisterServer(String userId, String serverName)
      Terminate any running open metadata and governance services, remove the server from any open metadata cohorts.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException the serverName is invalid.
    • getActiveConfiguration

      public OMAGServerConfigResponse getActiveConfiguration(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the complete set of configuration properties in use by the server.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      OMAGServerConfig properties or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter or the server is not running.
    • getActiveServerStatus

      public OMAGServerStatusResponse getActiveServerStatus(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the status of the server along with it services within.
      userId - user that is issuing the request
      serverName - local server name
      OMAGServerConfig properties or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName parameter or the server is not running.
    • getActiveServices

      public ServerServicesListResponse getActiveServices(String userId, String serverName)
      Return the list of services that are active on a specific OMAG Server that is active on this OMAG Server Platform.
      userId - name of the user making the request
      serverName - name of the server of interest
      List of service names
    • addOpenMetadataArchiveFile

      public VoidResponse addOpenMetadataArchiveFile(String userId, String serverName, String fileName)
      Add a new open metadata archive to running repository.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      fileName - name of the open metadata archive file.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or fileName parameter.
    • addOpenMetadataArchive

      public VoidResponse addOpenMetadataArchive(String userId, String serverName, Connection connection)
      Add a new open metadata archive to running repository.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      connection - connection to access the open metadata archive file.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or connection parameter.
    • addOpenMetadataArchive

      public VoidResponse addOpenMetadataArchive(String userId, String serverName, OpenMetadataArchive openMetadataArchive)
      Add a new open metadata archive to running repository.
      userId - user that is issuing the request.
      serverName - local server name.
      openMetadataArchive - contents of the open metadata archive file.
      void response or OMAGNotAuthorizedException the supplied userId is not authorized to issue this command or OMAGInvalidParameterException invalid serverName or openMetadataArchive parameter.