Package org.odpi.openmetadata.userauthn.auth

package org.odpi.openmetadata.userauthn.auth
  • Class
    Handles AuthenticationException for different instances of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter used for different authentication mechanism used
    This component is responsible to provide the configuration properties used by UI to show/hide components.
    LoggingRequestFilter is setting up additional diagnostics using the Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) service.
    Login request is a record to provide the user's userId and password in the request body of a token request.
    Properties used to configure the demo users authentication service.
    PlatformUserDetails is a wrapper for OpenMetadataSecurityUserDetails which is supported by the open metadata security module.
    PlatformUserDetails details service for the platform user repository.
    Sets up user roles.
    Configuration of HttpSecurity for Spring security.
    TokenClient defines the interface for a stateful web token by using persistence and expiration validation.
    TokenLogoutSuccessHandler handles successful logout.