
@RestController @RequestMapping("/servers/{serverName}/api/open-metadata/asset-catalog") public class AssetCatalogResource extends Object
The AssetCatalogResource provides the Spring API endpoints of the Asset Catalog Open Metadata View Service (OMVS). This interface provides the interfaces for Egeria UIs. The set with "old" in their URL are from the Egeria UI Application. They are deprecated because they do not conform the Egeria's error handling standards.
  • Constructor Details

    • AssetCatalogResource

      public AssetCatalogResource()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • searchAssets

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/search") public AssetListResponse searchAssets(@PathVariable String serverName, @RequestParam("q") String searchCriteria, @RequestParam("types") List<String> types, @RequestParam(name="sequencingProperty",defaultValue="displayName") String sequencingProperty, @RequestParam(name="sequencingOrder",defaultValue="PROPERTY_ASCENDING") SequencingOrder sequencingOrder, @RequestParam(defaultValue="false") boolean caseSensitive, @RequestParam(defaultValue="false") boolean exactMatch, @RequestParam(name="sequencingProperty",defaultValue="0") Integer startFrom, @RequestParam(defaultValue="10") Integer pageSize)
      Return a list of assets matching the search criteria without the full context
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      searchCriteria - the query parameter with the search phrase
      types - OM types list to search for
      sequencingProperty - name of the property based on which to sort the result
      caseSensitive - set case sensitive flag
      exactMatch - set exact match flag
      startFrom - the offset for the results
      pageSize - the number of results per page
      list of assets or PropertyServerException if a configuration on the backend UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem InvalidParameterException if parameter validation fails
    • searchAssetsByTypeName

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/search-by-type-name/{typeName}") public AssetListResponse searchAssetsByTypeName(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable("typeName") String typeName)
      Return a list of assets matching the type name without the full context The list includes also subtypes
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      typeName - the assets type name to search for
      list of assets by type name or PropertyServerException if a configuration on the backend UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem InvalidParameterException if parameter validation fails
    • searchAssetsByTypeGUID

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/search-by-type-guid/{typeGUID}") public AssetListResponse searchAssetsByTypeGUID(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable("typeGUID") String typeGUID)
      Return a list of assets matching the type GUID without the full context. The list includes also subtypes
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      typeGUID - the assets type GUID to search for
      list of assets by type GUID or PropertyServerException if a configuration on the backend UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem InvalidParameterException if parameter validation fails
    • getSupportedTypes

      @GetMapping(path="/assets/types") public AssetCatalogSupportedTypes getSupportedTypes(@PathVariable String serverName)
      Returns the list with supported types for search, including the subtypes supported
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      the supported types from Asset Consumer OMAS or PropertyServerException if a configuration on the backend InvalidParameterException if parameter validation fails UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem
    • getAsset

      @GetMapping("/assets/{guid}") public AssetCatalogResponse getAsset(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable("guid") String guid)
      Fetch asset's header, classification and properties.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      guid - of the Entity to be retrieved
      the asset details or PropertyServerException if a configuration on the backend UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem InvalidParameterException if parameter validation fails
    • getAssetContext

      @GetMapping("/assets/{guid}/context") public AssetResponse getAssetContext(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable String guid)
      Return the full context of an asset/glossary term based on its identifier. The response contains the list of the connections assigned to the asset.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      guid - of the Entity to be retrieved
      the entity context or PropertyServerException if a configuration on the backend UserNotAuthorizedException security access problem InvalidParameterException if parameter validation fails
    • getUltimateSource

      @GetMapping("/lineage/entities/{guid}/ultimate-source") public LineageResponse getUltimateSource(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable("guid") String guid, @RequestParam boolean includeProcesses)
      Return the nodes and relationships that describe the know ultimate sources of the starting element.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      guid - unique identifier of the starting element
      includeProcesses - if true Process nodes will be included
      graph of nodes and edges describing the ultimate sources of the asset or InvalidParameterException from the underlying service, PropertyServerException from the underlying service or UserNotAuthorizedException from the underlying service
    • getEndToEndLineage

      @GetMapping("/lineage/entities/{guid}/end-to-end") public LineageResponse getEndToEndLineage(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable("guid") String guid, @RequestParam boolean includeProcesses)
      Return the graph of nodes that describe the end-to-end lineage for the starting element.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      guid - unique identifier of the starting element
      includeProcesses - if true Process nodes will be included
      graph of nodes and edges describing the end to end flow or InvalidParameterException from the underlying service, PropertyServerException from the underlying service or UserNotAuthorizedException from the underlying service
    • getUltimateDestination

      @GetMapping("/lineage/entities/{guid}/ultimate-destination") public LineageResponse getUltimateDestination(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable("guid") String guid, @RequestParam boolean includeProcesses)
      Return the nodes and relationships that describe the know ultimate destinations of the starting element.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      guid - unique identifier of the starting element
      includeProcesses - if true Process nodes will be included
      graph of nodes and edges describing the ultimate destination of the asset or InvalidParameterException from the underlying service, PropertyServerException from the underlying service or UserNotAuthorizedException from the underlying service
    • getSemanticLineage

      @GetMapping("/lineage/entities/{guid}/semantic-lineage") public LineageResponse getSemanticLineage(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable("guid") String guid, @RequestParam boolean includeProcesses)
      Retrieve details of the asset related elements linked to a glossary term via the semantic assignment relationship.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      guid - unique identifier of the starting glossary term element
      includeProcesses - if true Process nodes will be included
      graph of nodes and edges describing the assets linked to the glossary term or InvalidParameterException from the underlying service, PropertyServerException from the underlying service or UserNotAuthorizedException from the underlying service
    • getLineageVertex

      @GetMapping("/lineage/entities/{guid}/details") public LineageVertexResponse getLineageVertex(@PathVariable String serverName, @PathVariable("guid") String guid)
      Retrieves the details of a specific node in the lineage graph.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      guid - of the Entity to be retrieved
      the entity details or InvalidParameterException from the underlying service, PropertyServerException from the underlying service or UserNotAuthorizedException from the underlying service
    • getTypes

      @GetMapping("/lineage/types") public LineageTypesResponse getTypes(@PathVariable String serverName)
      Gets available entities types from lineage repository.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      the available entities types or InvalidParameterException from the underlying service, PropertyServerException from the underlying service or UserNotAuthorizedException from the underlying service
    • getNodes

      @GetMapping("/lineage/nodes") public LineageNodeNamesResponse getNodes(@PathVariable String serverName, @RequestParam("type") String type, @RequestParam("name") String searchValue, @RequestParam("limit") int limit)
      Gets nodes names of certain type with display name containing a certain value.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      type - the type of the nodes name to search for
      searchValue - the string to be contained in the qualified name of the node - case-insensitive
      limit - the maximum number of node names to retrieve
      the list of node names or InvalidParameterException from the underlying service, PropertyServerException from the underlying service or UserNotAuthorizedException from the underlying service
    • searchForVertices

      @PostMapping("/lineage/nodes/search") public LineageSearchResponse searchForVertices(@PathVariable String serverName, @RequestBody LineageSearchRequest searchRequest)
      Returns the list of vertices that the user will initially see when querying lineage. In the future, this method will be extended to condense large paths to prevent cluttering of the users screen. The user will be able to extend the condensed path by querying a different method.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      searchRequest - filtering details for the search
      list of graph nodes or InvalidParameterException from the underlying service, PropertyServerException from the underlying service or UserNotAuthorizedException from the underlying service
    • elementHierarchy

      @PostMapping("/lineage/elements/hierarchy") public LineageResponse elementHierarchy(@PathVariable String serverName, @RequestBody ElementHierarchyRequest elementHierarchyRequest)
      Returns a subgraph representing the hierarchy of a certain node, based on the request.
      serverName - name of the server to route the request to
      elementHierarchyRequest - contains the guid of the queried node and the hierarchyType of the display name of the nodes
      a subgraph containing all relevant paths or InvalidParameterException from the underlying service, PropertyServerException from the underlying service or UserNotAuthorizedException from the underlying service