Class DataDesignerInstance

public class DataDesignerInstance extends OMVSServiceInstance
DataDesignerInstance caches references to the objects it needs for a specific server. It is also responsible for registering itself in the instance map.
  • Constructor Details

    • DataDesignerInstance

      public DataDesignerInstance(String serverName, AuditLog auditLog, String localServerUserId, int maxPageSize, String remoteServerName, String remoteServerURL) throws InvalidParameterException
      Set up the Data Designer OMVS instance
      serverName - name of this server
      auditLog - logging destination
      localServerUserId - userId used for server initiated actions
      maxPageSize - maximum page size
      remoteServerName - remote server name
      remoteServerURL - remote server URL
      InvalidParameterException - problem with server name or platform URL